Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

第449章 15人,1年制甲15副?(第1更)

Chapter 449 500 people, 150 sets of armor a year? (first update)
Chapter 448

"Old general, this is not forged by manpower, but forged by hydraulic machinery. It takes only one day to complete the forging of a whole suit of armor." Wang Yang saw the surprised look of the old guy. With crooked eyes and a slanted mouth, he couldn't help explaining with a smile.

Soon, the half-forged piece of armor was passed to the hands of those ministers. Soon, the expressions of those ministers who had doubted Wang Yang at the moment were very ugly.

Yes, I was still chattering here before, complaining about that boy Wang Yang, what happened?Now I was directly slapped in the face by this guy with dry goods.

Nima, a large number of important ministers of the Song Dynasty must feel that their old faces are hot.

Mr. Lu, the military supervisor, held a half-forged steel plate firmly, and stood in front of Wang Yang, as if he wanted to break the casserole and ask the bottom line. "My lord, you have accompanied His Majesty to our Armory Supervisory Board before, and you must know that ordinary iron armor pieces are easily damaged by forging. Why are these armor pieces of yours so big, but you are not afraid of forging?" ? Or are there only these two finished products, and there are even some damaged by forging?"

"Master Lu is wrong. What we are using is not iron at all. Now we can directly smelt soft steel, so the armor plates and decks of these armors are directly forged from soft steel..." Zhao Ji said The light words once again made everyone take a breath of cold air.

Can you be any more arrogant?Even Xixia warts, I heard that they are made of good wrought iron slowly with a hammer, but you are better off, directly use mild steel, and the quality of this mild steel is excellent, so to speak, Mr. Lu's old experience can't see any impurities and flaws on the surface of these mild steels.

At this time, Ma Shang returned to the hall again with two forbidden soldiers carrying a large box.And inside the heavy box were three pairs of Xixia Huozi armor collected by the emperor.

Finally, the Empress Dowager spoke eloquently and decided to go outside the Yuehua Gate to test the armor. After all, you can't test it in a serious place like the court. If the bow and arrow miss the mark and hit one or two unlucky people, then But it's not good.

Once again, nearly a hundred civil and military officials came to the Yuehua Gate, and in a place outside the Yuehua Gate, some cement that had not been completely cleaned up could still be seen...

Everyone's memories immediately returned to that time, well, especially those imperial troops who were ordered to come again, which happened to be the same imperial army from last time, and when they heard that the talented Wang was coming to test the new equipment, the entire city All the imperial guards felt that one of their heads had become three bigger.

However, in front of Shengming, they could not tolerate their chattering, so they could only line up outside the Yuehua Gate with a dejected face. At this moment, more than a dozen soldiers were putting armor on the scarecrow. Vice, Da Song Yuan Youjia one.

And when the two scarecrows were all dressed up, everyone's eyes were more focused on the Song Yuanyou Armor that looked extraordinarily dazzling under the sun.

The Song and Yuan Youjia is indeed eye-catching with its round appearance and smooth and shiny surface.In comparison, although those Western Xia armors also look very sophisticated, in terms of coquettishness, they are not comparable to the Song and Yuan You armors whose reflections from the entire armor can almost blind people.

"Commanders, please start from fifty paces, shoot every five paces, until you reach five paces close to you, and see how the defensive power of the two armors is?"

The Empress Dowager Gao Taotao helped the glasses on the bridge of her nose, turned her head, and waved to Wang Yang. "Xiao Wangqing's family, you are so confident, can this armor really be stronger than that Western Xia wart armor?..."

"Mother, I never fight uncertain battles, so you can watch with peace of mind..." Wang Yang showed a sunny smile and pointed to the front. The soldiers have already started to nock their arrows and draw their bows.

Fifty steps, shot at the Great Song Yuanyou Jia, there was only a crisp sound of ding, and the arrow was directly bounced away, and the same Xixia wart armor also bounced the arrow away.

Soon, following the order of the commander of the imperial army, one after another arrows were shot towards the two armors, but almost all the arrows were bounced off, which made everyone couldn't help but stare. Bright.

No matter at fifty steps, or at a place only five steps away, no matter whether it is a conventional bow and arrow of one and a half to two stones, or even the crossbow, there is no way to completely penetrate the two pieces in front of you. armor.

In the end, at a distance of twenty steps, only the crossbow pierced through the armor plate of the Xixia wart armor, and the arc-shaped Song Yuanyou armor made of soft steel and then quenched and tempered again was At ten steps, the kicking crossbow just shot in.

Now, everyone was silent, and those old generals were in tears.Mumbling, I don't know what he is muttering in a low voice, or he is mourning his comrades who died on the battlefield.

And then, they began to use those swords, guns, swords and hammers, and ravaged the two armors crazily. The officials of the military inspection were hurt, but they also knew whether a pair of armor was good or not. It is indeed necessary to pass such a cruel test.

And especially every time the one-handed pumpkin hammer was hammered, although the Xixia wart armor was not broken, everyone could see that the armor was dented, and grass chips began to fly.

On the other side, although the big Song Yuanyou armor was dented by the golden armor hammer, the degree of depression was like small pits the size of half a fist, and the entire breastplate still seemed unshakable.

"Although the defensive power of the whole suit of armor seems to be slightly better than that of the Western Xia Wart Armor, it is not too much..." Even if it is clearly known that the defensive power of the Great Song Yuanyou Armor is slightly better than that of the Western Xia Wart Armor A, but Ning Shangshu doesn't want to see Wang Yang being too complacent.

"Ning Qing family, Ai family heard you say that the forging process of this kind of Western Xia wart armor seems to be more complicated than the forging of my stepman armor in the Song Dynasty, right? I don't know how long it will take for such a pair of Xixia wart armor Only then can it be forged." After hearing Shangshu Ning's words, Gao Taotao smiled faintly, pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and asked softly.

"This... Your Majesty, think about it, it shouldn't be much different from the foot armor forged by me in the Song Dynasty..." Ning Shangshu couldn't help but blush when he heard this, but he still could only force himself. He replied with his scalp.

"That is to say, if 500 people make armor for a year, they can get 150 pieces of Dasong Buren armor, right?"

"What the lady said is very true."

"Xiao Wangqing's family, how much manpower did you use to make these two pairs of Song and Yuan Youjia, and how long did it take?" Gao Taotao turned his face and said kindly to Wang Yang.

"My lady, if you include the craftsmen who smelt mild steel, there are a total of 46 craftsmen. From the smelting of mild steel to the beginning of forging, it took a total of ten days, and I got two sets." Wang Yang replied respectfully. .

(End of this chapter)

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