Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 452 Is this a chapter to get promoted and get rich? (Part 2)

Chapter 452 Is this the rhythm of getting promoted and getting rich? (Second more)

Chapter 451

Master Lu, the Minister of Military Supervision, spoke with a high voice and a red face.When I think that in the future, the Song and Yuan Youjia will be no less inferior to the Xixia Haozijia, the frontier soldiers who are newly equipped with this Song and Yuan Youjia will definitely be very happy, and the skilled craftsmen of the weapons, including themselves, will also be happy. I would be less likely to be greeted by those border soldiers greeting my parents and ancestors.

After Gao Taotao pondered for a while, he agreed to the request of the military supervisory secretary, and asked the Ministry of Industry to fully cooperate, and the Ministry of Households to guarantee the armor-making expenses of the military supervisory department.

And Wang Yang, the biggest hero, was encouraged by the Empress Dowager and rewarded [-] yuan, Duan Wang Zhao Ji also got [-] yuan, and the other two military supervisory officials also got [-] yuan each.

Then he gave Wang Yang and the other four two days of leave. After Wang Yang and the others left, Gao Taotao began to think about using Wang Yang.

"It would be too wasteful for someone as talented as Xiao Wangqing's family to be kept in the school office on the right..." Gao Taotao said slowly after clearing his throat.

Hearing this, all the ministers looked left and right and whispered. Soon, there was a backbone of the old party, who was definitely a fighter in the old party. A salute in the direction of the torrent. "Your Majesty, I have something to say..."

"Although Mr. Xiao Wang has made outstanding achievements, he has been in the job for less than a year, and his qualifications are too short. If he is promoted too soon, it will violate the system of official transfer in the Great Song Dynasty. I hope your mother will check it out."

"Then Liu Qing's family, you mean that meritorious service should not be rewarded?" Zhao Xu's face darkened when he heard this, and his voice was full of anger.

Liu Anshi didn't care about Zhao Xu's anger at all, and said calmly and calmly. "Otherwise, meritorious deeds will naturally be rewarded, so Erchen thinks that it is better to reward Mr. Xiaowang's wealth, even the mansion. However, in terms of official positions, whether it is the military supervisor or other yamen, each official performs his own duties and No vacancies."

Zhao Xu sneered. "Then according to your Liu Qing's family, Wang Wushan is so hardworking for the country, he is only suitable to be a rich man?"

Liu Anshi was slightly taken aback by these words. He never thought that Zhao Xu would say such a thing. It's just that Wang Yang is still so young, and he has already made so many meritorious deeds that make one's scalp tingle after only one year of employment. In terms of rewards, not to mention rising from the eighth rank to the seventh rank, which is the same as his Jilu official, even if he is promoted to the third rank, it is nothing.

But the problem is that that kid is not a member of the old party at all, and now he has seen that this person has a lot of trust in front of the emperor and the empress dowager.This has already made many people, especially those old party stalwarts who had good friends with Zhao Tingzhi, feel that this kid is too dangerous.

In any case, he cannot be allowed to continue climbing. This is the conclusion they reached after many discussions in Zhao Tingzhi's residence.

Liu Anshi replied calmly. "Of course not. However, I feel that Mr. Xiao Wang is too young after all. He should train more before he can become a worthy minister of the country in the future."

"As for giving more money and silk, it is naturally to let Lord Xiao Wang know that the increase in official position must not lead to corruption. After all, he is still a young man, and the minister is also worried that he will make mistakes."

"Speaking of which, Wang Wushan will have to thank you for all your hard work?" Zhao Xu felt like a dog in his heart, but now he also knew very well that getting angry and avoiding others would only make the situation worse. worse.

Finally at this time, the Empress Dowager Gao Taotao spoke. "Okay, the Ai family understands what you mean by Liu Qing's family. However, since Wang Wushan is a talented person in the country, he should shoulder more burdens. As for the reward..."

"Think about the time before the Han Dynasty, Cai Hou was just an eunuch, and he was granted the title of Marquis because of his papermaking skills, and the various technologies presented by Wang Wushan were of great benefit to the country and the people..."

Hearing this, all the officials couldn't hold back, shit, empress dowager, are you trying to kill people?Don't you want Wang Yang, that stupid guy who can't deal with the whole old party, to be promoted to Marquis all at once?

You know, the Marquis is from the third-rank title, that is to say, even if Wang Yang is now just a small eight-rank right school office order, but because of his title, he is also qualified to squat in the court. superior.

At the thought of staying with Wang Yang, that stupid bastard who wanted to piss people off at the slightest disagreement, the mood of the old party members was as if they had been killed by a group of dogs, which was not beautiful.

They jumped out one after another, and two of them bluntly said that Wang Yang's meritorious service was not enough. Well, those military officials who had been watching it as a bustling scene suddenly became furious. In fact, it doesn't mean that these generals are not to be ignored.

It's just that these military officials also know that talking about lip service or the ability to manage government affairs is indeed not their forte, so they stay in the court all the time, more like clay sculptures and wooden bodies.

But no one dared to bluntly look down on these military officials who had been loyal to the country for decades.However, those guys said that Wang Yang's meritorious service is insufficient, what do they mean?
It means that Wang Yang's meritorious service in developing a solid armor that can save the lives of millions of tigers and cardinals in the Song Dynasty is so insignificant in the eyes of these civil servants?

As a result, a group of military officials headed by Boss Huyan jumped out one after another, arguing directly, and the two idiots who said that Wang Yang's meritorious service was not enough were also despised by their colleagues.

Finally, under Gao Taotao's pressure, this rare civil and military dispute was calmed down.Of course, the two officials who said the wrong thing were directly ordered by Gao Taotao to leave the court and stay at home to reflect.

"The soldiers of my Great Song Dynasty have sacrificed their lives for the country innumerably. Their contributions are always remembered by the Ai family. Don't be angry, old generals. The Ai family has their own opinions on this matter." Gao Taotao blew his beard at those people again. After the staring old generals appeased, they let out a sigh of relief.

I never expected that Wang Yang was no longer here, but there would still be quarrels over his affairs. What does this mean?Gao Taotao shook his head in confusion.

"Xiao Wangqing's family's meritorious service is very important, and the Ai family is also very clear. However, he is indeed very young, and he suddenly rose too high at a young age. He is really suspected of being killed by a stick. What do you think?"

After hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and the officials of the old party almost wanted to celebrate. The military officials also understood what the Empress Dowager meant, and nodded in agreement.

And Zhao Xu also felt that it made sense, perhaps because during this period of time, although he and the emperor's grandmother still didn't have much in common on other issues, when it came to Wang Yang's issue, the two had very consistent wishes.

"However, not rewarding great achievements will chill the hearts of countless talented people in the Song Dynasty. However, considering that Xiao Wangqing is too young, how about Jin Qijue as the founding viscount and Jilu official? He is the sixth grade Chaofeng Lang."

(End of this chapter)

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