Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 426 Come on, let's have fun together (Part 1)

Chapter 426 Come on, let's have fun together (first update)
Chapter 425

In particular, Chen Wenyong's psychological shadow has not dissipated until now, for fear that after he jumps out to take credit for it, he will end up being put together by Wang Yang, a sinister villain.

What happened last time had already made him very embarrassed. Not only did he offend Zhu Guangting, the backbone and big brother of the old party, but he also offended Xu Degong, the chief eunuch, because of his full of complaints.

As for the other general master craftsman, seeing Chen Wenyong's end, he naturally knew how to protect himself, so he simply kept silent.

Someone from the left school office, Zhao, who had just been dealt with by Wang Yang before, was reduced to the position of the eighth-rank doctor, who had just been dealt with by Wang Yang. To help this despicable villain Wang Yang, in that case, I'm afraid it can only be described as life is worse than death.

And Chen Andao's eyes swept over the officials who were in charge of the prison, and saw the faces that were eager to try, but with strange expressions, and finally their eyes fell on Wang Yang.

And Wang Yang also looked at him with burning eyes, with an expression of picking me, come pick me.

"Wang Wushan, if this matter is entrusted to you, how will you deal with it?" Chen Andao simply called the names. "You did a great job in the toilet renovation project in the Imperial Palace before, so I would like to hear your opinion."

"If the lower officials are asked to do it, the lower officials are prepared to do it in a way of division of labor, division of sections, and subcontracting. For example, our left, middle, and right school offices each take charge of a section. In addition, we don't need to waste Dali's Manpower and material resources are required to prepare flat stone slabs that require a large number of craftsmen to cut, and there is no need to bake a large amount of masonry.

We just need gravel.Then use cement mortar to solidify. In this way, the ground is as strong as a huge stone slab. More importantly, it saves time and effort. It can be completed before the end of autumn, and it is even possible to complete the task ahead of time... ..." Wang Yang threw out his thoughts without hesitation.

Such a method really caught Chen Andao's eyes.Yes, cement was used to harden the outside of the toilets and the surrounding ground that Wang Yang remodeled in the palace.

As for the firmness of those grounds, Chen Andao has seen it before. If this Royal Street, which is twelve miles long and nearly two hundred steps wide, can become so clean and tidy, it will definitely be a great contribution.

"This is a way, but can you guarantee the supply of raw materials?" Another young craftsman also went to the palace to see the hardened cement, and even saw the cement standing outside the Yuehua Gate. Remnant wall.

Yes, so much time has passed, but the cement there has still not been completely cleaned, so that while the forbidden soldiers were happy, they were also very resentful.

Because that thing is like a fucking rock, very strong, and even has bamboo as tendons inside, making it even more difficult to push down.

Finally, on the third day, the imperial guard who was sent over used steel drills and sledgehammers to knock down most of the cement wall, and the rest of it took less than half a month to complete. Clean up completely.

As a result, it left a very serious psychological shadow on the Forbidden Army in that capital (military unit).However, this also makes the military bosses very happy. This thing is so strong. In the future, the city defenses of the Song Dynasty will be so strong. If those Xixia barbarians and Northern Liao barbarians want to attack the city, a small It takes ten days and half a month to build the fort.

In the Northern Borderlands of the Great Song Dynasty, there were seven or eighty forts everywhere, and when they took them all, they would have already missed the opportunity to fight.

"Don't worry, sir. I have a sense of propriety, and I will not delay the important matters of the court."

Master Zhao, the commander of the Zuo School Office, asked Chen Andao to resign because the Zuo School Office wanted to repair the mausoleum. "In addition, Mr. Chen, the right school office is in charge of board building, plastering, toilets and other matters. I think this matter can be shouldered by Mr. Wang with his ability."

"That's right, the matter of the toilet and ditches is originally the responsibility of the right school office. My school office needs to handle the supply of boats and miscellaneous utensils. It's really too busy..."

Seeing this group of subordinates making excuses one by one, Chen Andao felt a little toothache, why don't you give me face like this?

Wang Yang glanced over some of his colleagues, and one or two of them gave him fake smiles, as if they were a bunch of busy old cowboys.

Wang Yang smacked his mouth and spoke to Chen Andao. "Since all the lords think highly of Wang so much, Mr. Chen, Mr. Wang is willing to shoulder the burden, but do those craftsmen you promised before, my lord, still count?"

"Of course it counts. Since they all have official duties to attend to, then... I will entrust this matter to you. If you have any difficulties, just come and ask me." Chen Andao glanced at the subordinates again, He said to Wang Yang rather annoyed.

"Young Scholar, do you really dare to continue?" Tu Shan, who was next to him, waited for Wang Yang to sit back beside him, he couldn't help sighing, and complained in a low voice.

"Then what should I do? Do I still want to live with them?" Wang Yang chuckled, not understanding what those guys were thinking.

The way everyone feels about themselves now is that of envy, jealousy, and hatred.Envy and Jealousy worked hard to gain reputation in front of His Majesty and the Empress, and frequently achieved results.

And they, like themselves, will be supervisory officials, but they don't even have the chance to show their faces. Now, the renovation of the Royal Street is carried on by Chen Andao, the general supervisor. If the task that was taken down was successful, it would be due to everyone in the prison.

And if something goes wrong, uh...Wang Yang is not willing to shoulder it all, so let him do it.What's more, these people are afraid that Wang Yang will screw things up even more, and they are even more happy to watch jokes.

Tu Shan's old face couldn't help but feel a little worried, that's true, besides, the Zhuangyuan Gong has never been the kind of person who retreats despite difficulties.However, such a large project can really be carried out with the small yamen of the right school office and the craftsmen below it, which has less than a hundred people.

"If you can do it, you have to do it, if you can't do it, you have to do it." Wang Yang said fiercely.Afraid of wool, spring breeze blowing, war drums beating, who is afraid of others in this world, isn't it just doing things, don't you think you can't do it?

"But, although we seem to have a lot of workers, none of them have ever done such a job. Is it okay?" Tu Shan's expression still looked very sad.

"Master Tu, you are thinking wrong now. Let me tell you, before I was worried that these guys would be prone to problems when they built toilets. But now, as long as you have the strength to rebuild hardened roads, you can do such work. There is hardly any technical content."

This is the truth, anyone can do a job like pavement hardening, as long as they look at it a few times.As long as the raw materials are sufficient, and after the workers are skilled, as long as there are enough means of transportation, there is no problem in laying one or two miles a day.

"Forget it, since you are so confident, Mr. Zhuangyuan, then Tu will sell you this old bone and let you do his bidding."

"Thank you, sir, for believing that starting tomorrow, we will start measuring, prepare various raw materials, and then start construction directly."

(End of this chapter)

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