Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 425 The renovation of the public toilet can only be suspended due to the renovation of the R

Chapter 425 The renovation of public toilets can only be suspended due to the renovation of the Royal Street (second update)

Chapter 424

When Wang Yang received the manpower, he notified Wan Bin. Wan Bin couldn't help being overjoyed. He wanted to do business with the general supervisor before, but unfortunately there was no chance.

Later, because the cement, ceramic tiles, toilets and other things produced were used in large quantities in the renovation of the bathrooms in the homes of wealthy businessmen and gentry, Wan Bin immediately built three new kilns to burn cement.

But after hearing that Wang Yang was determined to renovate the entire Bianliang latrine ditches, Wan Bin directly added five more kilns, plus the previous eight kilns, making a total of sixteen fire kilns.

Those orders before the purchase have finally been settled, so they no longer fired porcelain bowls, porcelain plates and the like, but used three kilns to fire toilets and toilets, five to fire ceramic tiles, and the newly built kilns Eight, all of which will be used to fire cement.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Industry knew the purpose of the cement invented by Wang Yang, but there was no movement except for sending an official from the Ministry of Industry to take away the formula for firing cement.

Typical bureaucratic style, but Wang Yang didn't bother to pay attention to it. Since the Ministry of Industry was sluggish for a long time, it happened to be cheap for his own workshop.

And the Royal Commercial Press, in addition to providing the Four Books and Five Classics to many government offices in the world, under Wang Yang's guidance, it prints a large number of Buddhist and Taoist classics, and then quietly finds a few familiar books for these things. Merchants from Xixia and Liao Kingdoms, hand them over to sell there.

Although only a few businesses have been completed so far, the gross profit of each business is in the thousands, which makes Gao Li, the director of the Commercial Press, more motivated to fight.

But Su Dongpo, an idol, still continues to be active in the court. Although he often hates people and gets hated, he has never resigned and transferred again. I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing.

But Wang Yang really can't control so much. Now, he is conceiving his huge plan to transform a city's toilets and ditches, which is definitely not a trivial matter.

Think about it, the reconstruction of the toilets in Bianliang alone will cost tens of thousands of guan, not counting the ditches, which is the sewer renovation project in Bianliang.

In addition, there are toilets and ditches.Wang Yang's eyes fell on the Royal Street outside the Suzaku Gate.

"Today, there is an imperial history book, saying that the imperial street has been in existence for a hundred years since the founding of the Song Dynasty. Although it has been repaired many times, it has not been overhauled, and now many places are damaged or muddy... "

"... Your Majesty asked to repair and maintain the Royal Street. Originally, this matter could be handed over to the Ministry of Works, or to our general as a supervisor. But the problem is... I don't know what happened this time. Ning Shangshu of the Ministry of Works actually There is no intention of snatching it at all.”

"So, let Chen take the lead and win this big project..." Chen Andao was very excited, his face was flushed, his eyes were bright, and he was spitting all over the place.

To be able to serve as the head of the Qingshui Yamen, one of the six major departments, is definitely a great victory for the general supervisor who used to be subordinate to the Ministry of Industry.

"Didn't your mother say how long it will be finished?" Tu Shan also stroked his long beard with an eager look.By the way, he glanced at Wang Yang who was standing silently in front of the map.

It seems that the number one scholar is really the lucky star of Jiangzuojian's office. Since he came to Jiangzuojian, it seems that Jiangzuojian has a posture that faintly overwhelms the Ministry of Industry.

"Your Majesty made it clear that at least the section from Xuande Gate to Zhuque Gate needs to be remodeled before the end of autumn, because His Majesty's wedding should be arranged on the auspicious day in late autumn and early winter. As for the section from Suzaku Gate to Nanxun Gate, it needs to be completed in late autumn next year." Finished before."

"Fortunately, we just got a large number of people, otherwise, I really wouldn't dare to take on the heavy burden that this empress ordered." Chen Andao said very vigorously.

"Hehe..." Wang Yang turned his head and looked at Mr. Chen, his laughter seemed extraordinarily abrupt.Made Chen Andao smile inexplicably.

"Wu Shan, why are you smiling so weirdly?"

"My lords, you must know the length and width of the imperial street, right?" Wang Yang sucked in a toothache, turned his face, and looked at the officials who will be in charge, Chen Wenyong, the young master craftsman It's there too, but at this moment, the young master craftsman is looking sluggish, and there is a left school official next to him who fears and hates Wang Yang whenever his eyes fall on Wang Yang.

These two were all unlucky ghosts who had offended Wang Yang, and then were soon revenged by Wang Yang's poisonous hands.In addition to them, there are also a large number of generals, supervisors and officials gathered together. After all, Chen Andao finally defeated the Ministry of Industry in a real person PK, and he almost wanted to use a big brass horn to tell the world that he had won the Ministry of Industry.

In addition to such a major event as the renovation and maintenance of the Imperial Street, I specially brought all the officials, large and small, to the general prison to listen to myself.

"Of course I know this. The Imperial Street starts from the Xuande Gate of the Imperial Palace, passes through the Suzaku Gate in the inner city, and reaches the Nanxun Gate in the outer city. It is nearly two hundred steps wide and twelve miles long. The imperial road in the middle is the royal road. The road dedicated to travel is 99 steps wide, and pedestrians are not allowed to enter. There are river ditches dug on both sides, and the ditch is full of lotus flowers. There are peaches and plums on both sides..."

"...The east and west sides of the ditch are royal corridors, each thirty steps wide is the area for people to come and go, and there are shops on the street, so that people can go to and from it." knowledge of geography.

"Two hundred steps wide, twelve miles long, hehe..." Wang Yang glanced at the official who spoke, and then his eyes fell on Chen Andao, the big man who will be in charge. "Master Chen, how long do you think it will take to repair even if all the 500 people are sent into battle?"

"Well, it will take three or four months. After all, we need to prepare a lot of blue bricks to repair the road surface and repair the river bank. In addition, there are many places on the Royal Street where the bricks and stones have also been damaged. It’s time to mend.”

"What your lord said is very true, that is to say, all of our current manpower can only be used to build the Royal Street." Wang Yang smacked his mouth, his face full of helplessness.

It seems that I thought that with the participation of these 500 people, I could start the toilet renovation project in the Bianliang area, but now it seems that I can only stare blankly.

However, this is an excellent opportunity to brush up on political achievements. Let’s see, all the officials who will be in charge are eager to try. After all, Yujie is the main road of Bianliang City. As long as they do a good job, I'm afraid that the entire general supervisor's annual assessment this year will be excellent.

After Chen Andao was stunned for a moment, he quickly understood what Wang Yang meant, and he couldn't help but slapped his mouth in embarrassment. "Then what about Wushan, this matter... I didn't expect such a change, but now, I have such an opportunity to make contributions."

"The lower officials know that this matter is good for our general supervisors, so I will definitely support it. Our general supervisors are a whole, and we must not let the Ministry of Industry take us lightly." Wang Yang could only express his depression. Suppressing it in my heart, I put on a posture of taking the overall situation into consideration.

"Okay, that's right. It's indeed the right school's order that we will serve as the most capable prisoner. Well... Although this matter is presided over by the official, but the actual affairs..."

Chen Andao's eyes swept over the officials in the hall. Although the two generals and young craftsmen were eager to try, they all hesitantly set their eyes on Wang Yang.

(End of this chapter)

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