Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 427 Shouldn't it be perfunctory? (Part 2)

Chapter 427 Shouldn't it be perfunctory? (Second more)
Chapter 426

Cement pavement consumes the most, of course, is cement. Therefore, Wang Yang went to find Wan Bin as soon as he left the government office. It can produce 3 jin.

This kind of output seems not small, but if calculated in terms of tons, it is only [-] tons. You must know that a heavy truck in the future can pull [-] to [-] tons of cement without any problem.

In other words, these eight kilns are not enough for a heavy truck in the future.

"...If we work overtime, the output can be doubled, which should be enough, right?" Wan Bin saw Wang Yang frowning in dissatisfaction, and hurriedly said again.

"It's not enough. Now, due to the problem of the imperial street renovation, the renovation of toilet ditches can only be temporarily stopped. Therefore, you'd better open a few more kilns for me to burn cement. At least ensure that there are [-] kilograms of cement every day. The amount, if there is more, that would be even better.”

What Wang Yang wants to do is to strive for a cement road that can make everyone blind. In order to highlight the convenience and firmness of cement, Wang Yang is going to take an unusual path.

The more it can be completed in the shortest time, the more shocking it can be, and it will also let everyone know that I, Mr. Wang, are dedicated to creating all kinds of impossible things.

Wan Bin is also an excellent businessman who likes to take on difficult challenges.He also realized that if this cement road can be built in the shortest time, so that the people in Bianliang can realize the advantages of cement, then, at that time, why should he worry about sales.

"Okay, I'll free up three more kilns to burn cement. In addition, let those brothers build three more, no, five more kilns. In this way, it will be ten days at most, and there will be two shifts at that time. How about taking turns to start work, and at least 12 catties of cement can be guaranteed every day?"

After the discussion was confirmed, there was news from Tushan that gravel could only be provided at most [-] to [-] catties per day. As for things like lime and fine sand, you can have as much as you want.

It doesn't matter if there are fewer stones. In this era, there are no heavy trucks with tens of tons, and you will worry about crushing the road. The heaviest thing in this era is probably to load a one or two thousand catties. Do you need to be afraid of such a carrying capacity? ?

It doesn't matter if there are fewer stones, and it doesn't matter if there are no steel bars on the ground. Even Wang Yang decided not to let go of the bamboo bars.

The big deal is just to increase the amount of cement used. However, things like cement will expand and contract when heated, so some ditches need to be separated on it to facilitate drainage and so on.

From the second day onwards, an endless stream of ox carts began to transport cement and gravel into the city, and the more than 2000 former soldiers were now the supervisors of craftsmen.With 20 people as a unit, it is receiving training from those old craftsmen.

The section from Xuandemen to Suzakumen, which is about two miles long and two hundred paces wide, has completely turned into a busy construction site.

Countless people are stirring the cement mortar, and after the mixing is complete, they start to spread out, and each piece of cement mortar is about the size of three feet, separated by half-inch thick wooden boards in the middle, and on the surface It will be as smooth as possible.

However, under the suggestion of the art master Chen Andao, as many beautiful cloud patterns as possible were printed on it to increase the sense of height.

More than 2000 people worked at the same time, because of the reasonable division of labor and sufficient raw materials, and the construction was carried out in sections at the same time.In addition, Wang Yang also adopted an incentive mechanism, that is, what is the fixed workload of each team every day, and when you complete your fixed workload and have surplus, you will receive a certain amount of subsidies.

For example, being able to eat two taels more meat per meal greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of the workers. In addition, all the old craftsmen acted as supervisors to ensure that every piece of work surface was not missed. As for the young people, they all Become a mason and learn how to use the tools in your hand to smooth the concrete surface.

With the joint efforts of more than 2000 craftsmen, the hardening work of more than two miles, that is, more than 1000 meters of cement pavement, is quickly coming to an end.

At first, when all the officials saw this scene, they felt that it was not a big deal to watch the excitement, and they would point in the direction of the construction site every day when they went to court.

But starting from the fourth day, it seems that every day, the imperial street from Xuandemen to Suzakumen will change its appearance, and the clean and tidy, and very huge concrete hardened roads will appear in front of people's eyes.

This really makes people feel caught off guard, as if it is changing every day, and it is still a drastic change.

At the beginning, those ministers who discriminated against and ridiculed the general prisoner who could complete this section of the road at the end of this fall, gradually fell silent, watching the changes in front of them with surprised eyes.

After hearing about this, Zhao Xu, the Emperor of the Great Song Dynasty, went up to the gate tower of Xuande Gate to see it twice. He was surprised to find that it was only ten days away, and he had already completed more than half of it. I can't believe my eyes.

But he didn't ask Wang Yang to inquire, but every day after the court was over, he rushed to the gate tower of Xuandemen to have a look, watching the workers pour buckets of cement mortar down, then stir, and then Just put the planks on and start leveling the cement surface.

Then wait for the surface to dry a bit and press down the cloud pattern, then cover it with wet sacks, and then wait for a day or two to lift the sacks, and you can see huge and flat pieces with a radius of three feet, but with A cement surface with a beautiful pattern appears.

Half a month later, Gao Taotao finally had some free time and decided to inquire about the progress of the project, but Chen Andao's words made her almost think that she was hallucinating.

"Chen Qing, what did you say?" Gao Taotao subconsciously asked with a little stunned ear. "What do you mean it's almost finished?"

"Your Majesty, what I mean is that the renovation and hardening of the road from Xuandemen to Suzakumen is almost finished..." Chen Andao said regretfully.

During this time, Chen Andao has been holding back, like a game player holding back his big move. When the fuck is about to take shape, the opposite side suddenly takes a needle, oh ho...

Just like now, I originally wanted to wait for the completion of the renovation of the Royal Street from Xuandemen to Zhuquemen, and then he would jump out and surprise everyone, but now there is still some work to do, and there are still a few days to complete. As a result Now I'm missing stuff.

"Chen Qing's family, are you kidding me? How long has it been? About half a month. It's still a few days before Liqiu. You said it's almost finished?" Gao Taotao stared in disbelief. The eyes said angrily.This old boy can't fool himself, can he?
"Your Majesty, how dare I deceive you? Yesterday, I personally went to see it. Now, it is only close to the Suzaku Gate and the river between the Royal Road and the Royal Corridor has not yet been completed. Other places It's all over."

"It's so fast, isn't it just perfunctory?" Ning Shangshu snorted, and muttered this sentence in a moderate voice, clearly for Gao Taotao to hear.

 Three more tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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