Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1402 Marshal, do you want to strike first? (Part 1)

Chapter 1402 Marshal, do you want to strike first? (first update)
Chapter 1411

"Then it's better for us to follow the Song people to the Song territory than to stay here. As long as we can survive, we can find a way to let more straight women understand how despicable and shameless Mao Jianlu is, and let more people Straight female brethren, come to our side."

"That's right, Song people have ships, and there are big ships. Over the years, our trade with Song has been through the sea. As long as we go to the Liaodong Peninsula, even if the general doesn't want to see us, we can still contact tens of thousands of people there." The shopkeeper, even Master Wang who is far away in Bianliang, Tokyo." At this time, Di Gubao's eyes lit up, and his spirits began to brighten.

"In this case, it's decided. However, before going south to the Liaodong Peninsula, the general thought that we should gather up those scattered brothers first, and then leave some people to spread the news for us, so that more straight women can know , Your Excellency, you are still alive, and that Mao Jianlu murdered the eldest brother, so he is wrong."

After having the destination and direction, the atmosphere of everyone's discussion suddenly became heated, and they all actively made suggestions to show their sense of presence.

And the morale and morale of the army, which was originally depressed, recovered slightly under the appeasement of the generals.After staying here for nearly an hour, after gathering some female straight warriors who came one after another, they set off again towards the southeast.

Their goal is naturally the Liaodong Peninsula hundreds of miles away.However, it took four full days for the civil strife among the straight women to spread to the Liaodong Peninsula.

Seeing the information, Zhong Shidao was really speechless. "I originally thought that these female straight alliances could become our allies in this land, but now it seems..."

"Now it seems that the attack of the Beiliao people is only in the past few days. They have solved their worries and can face us with all their energy." It's all revealed.

"It seems that the Liao army that will attack Dalian by then will not be just the [-] leather army, but more..." Guo Yan, the deputy commander of the artillery, couldn't help but look a little ugly.

"Then it is even more necessary to strengthen the city's defenses. Now, the construction of the walls of the north city wall still needs to be accelerated, and the craftsmen and peasants we arranged in Ningzhou and Zhenhai Prefecture have all withdrawn to Dalian."

"With these manpower, we have already built a strong wall on the high ground on the east side of the northern city wall, in case the Liao army would cross the sea at that time. After all, it is less than two miles away from the northern beach, and when the tide ebbs, The water is very shallow, allowing people to pass through it calmly."

"The only thing that makes people more gratified is that after the tide ebbs, the sand there can't bear the weight. If it is a horse, it is easy to get stuck in the sand and be unable to move an inch. Therefore, if the Beiliao wants to attack from there, the only way is to wade through the water. Come, as long as we build a strong wall in that area, put more bows, crossbows and artillery, then there should be no worries."

"But the problem now is that our troops are not strong enough to defend such a wide area..." Zhong Shidao raised his hands and rubbed his tense face, and raised his head to look at the precisely drawn defense map.

The width of the northern city wall is more than five miles, and the width of the highland where a strong wall needs to be built is also three miles wide. In other words, the 500-strong Liaodong Army needs to defend eight miles.

"The general feels that this beach can be left to our Jiaodong Navy." At this time, Ma Kui coughed dryly and reminded Master Zhong with some dissatisfaction to show his sense of presence.

"The last general can mobilize [-] elite soldiers from the navy to garrison this place, and with the help of artillery, it is impossible for those Beiliao people to want to break through here."

"General Ma, if you send [-] elite troops ashore, wouldn't that weaken the combat power of the Jiaodong Navy?" Zhong Shidao turned his head and asked Ma Kui.

Ma Kui was a little unwilling and authentic. "It's only [-] soldiers, and it won't have much impact. Unfortunately, if there is no interference and influence from the Liao Navy, then I can calmly dispatch and assist the general to secure the peninsula."

"General Ma is right. Although the Liao Navy is not strong, it is still a group of scourges. If we can deal with the Liao Navy first, then we can deal with the crisis on land. For us who are weak in military strength, , it will actually be much better." Zongze also nodded, agreeing with Ma Kui's point of view.

"Perhaps, we shouldn't be so constrained..." Zhong Shidao, who hadn't spoken for a long time in front of the defense map, stood up, and made such an endless sentence, which made the civil and military present a little dazed.

"What I mean is that if we can strangle the Liao Kingdom Navy on the sea surface of Chenzhou first, then the next defensive battle will be much easier to fight."

"Because in that way, General Ma's navy doesn't need to worry about the harassment of the Liao navy, and I don't have to worry about the outstanding landing of the Liao navy. And the Jiaodong Navy's countless giant ships, as well as the elite navy , It can also be used in the defensive battle against the invasion of the Northern Liao Dynasty and the South."

"This... Could it be that, Commander, you want to strike first?" A general of the Western Army stood up in astonishment and said. "But if we use force against the Liao Kingdom first, it is very likely that the facts will be fulfilled."

"At that time, the imperial court will definitely impeach the general like snowflakes." Zong Ze also frowned, not quite agreeing.

"At that time, so what if Zhong Xing was dismissed by the court for impeachment? As long as the navy of the Liao Kingdom is not there, the coast of the Liao Kingdom will be at the mercy of the Song Dynasty's navy. And the Liao people are not good at water warfare. Ten years may not be enough to restore the old views of Shui Shi."

"And even if the court received the news and wanted to exempt a certain kind, at that time, the biggest danger in the Liaodong Peninsula may have passed. By that time, even if you leave the Liaodong Peninsula, you will have no regrets."

Zhong Shidao glanced at the generals present, and a relaxed smile appeared on his face, as if he had unloaded a heavy burden.

"Chang's lifelong wish is to be able to lead my Great Song Tiger Ben to set foot on the land of the Liao people, and then lead my Great Song Tiger Ben to defeat them and let them know the great power of my Great Song Dynasty."

"Although XX fought Beiliao many times under Lord Wang's command, they were all forced counterattacks. Now, it is XX who is actively looking for a fight."

"Even if it is possible to be dismissed from office, at least, I hope that after this battle, my army of millions of tigers and tigers in the Song Dynasty will no longer be afraid of Liao and fear Liao. They will be happy when they hear the battle, and they will surely win!"

At this moment, all the civil and military personnel in the tent stared blankly at the Liaodong Army commander standing upright with a happy expression on his face. Hearing his words, a burst of flames burst out from the bottom of their hearts, and their hearts were extremely hot.

Ma Kui took a deep breath, bowed deeply to that kind of teacher, and said impassionedly. "Happy to hear the war, defeating Liao will surely win, the will of the general is also our wish, the final general is willing to work together with the general to wipe out the navy of the Liao country, to shock the Liao country, and to promote our great song Hetian Wei."

(End of this chapter)

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