Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1403 The Beiliao Navy is getting bigger and bigger (Part 2)

Chapter 1403 The Bei Liao Navy is getting bigger and bigger (second update)

Chapter 1412

In the sea area to the west of Chenshui, there are countless sail shadows at this moment, which almost completely occupy the sea surface along the coast of Chenzhou.Yeluta Buye, the captain of the Liaohai Navy, was full of relief and complacency on his face at the moment.

Here, his navy has almost doubled in size.Hmm... Although the extra part of the navy is entirely composed of fishermen and fishing boats in the Liaohai Sea who were forcibly recruited.

But at any rate, he, the naval commander who had always been ignored by the Northern Liao Dynasty, became a very famous man. After all, the appearance of the giant ships of the Jiaodong Navy of the Song Dynasty also frightened the coastal states of the Liao Kingdom. Trembling.

In order not to let the Song State Navy interfere with its coastal defense, these states used all their strength to collect all the fishing boats and fishermen when they received the military order from him, the commander of the Liaohai Navy of the Great Liao Kingdom. enlist in the army.

Even if these fishing boats are dilapidated and the fishermen do not know the battle formations, they can at least increase their strength and become more powerful. The fishing boats are old and small and cannot be used in battles. It doesn't matter. They can be used as arson boats to attack the Song Dynasty. Navy.

As the saying goes, ants kill elephants, so what about your Song Dynasty navy with so many huge ships?The governor does not compare your size with you, but only you.

Hundreds of fishing boats are on fire and rushing towards you. What can I do with those heavy and hard-to-turn giant ships of yours?
And by Yeluta Buye's side, the former forward general and now the deputy governor, Xiao Yegui, can be said to be extremely proud of himself.

Although I am a powerful navy general, I no longer command the elite navy of Daliao, but I command hundreds of fishing boats. The important thing is that my official position has been promoted a lot, and I have become Deputy Governor.

The Imperial Envoy of the Daliao Emperor, Xiao Shen, told himself very clearly that as long as he can win the navy of the Song Dynasty, Daliao will form a new navy at that time, stationed in the Liaodong Peninsula, and he will Will become the captain of the new navy of the Daliao Kingdom.

At that time, I will be able to sit on an equal footing with my former boss, Yeluta, and that feeling will definitely be more refreshing than being called the deputy governor.

"I've seen the Commander-in-Chief and the Deputy Commander-in-Chief. I wonder what will happen to Zhao Mo in the future?" At this time, a navy general rushed towards this side and bowed respectfully to the two Liao Navy bosses. road.

"In the past few days, has there been any movement in the Navy of the Song Dynasty?"

"There is no movement. The navy of the Song Dynasty has been wandering around Ningzhou and has not gone north."

"It seems that the Song people are really afraid of me, Daliao, and they only dare to deal with it passively, and dare not take the initiative to fight..." Yeluta, the governor, could not help but smile proudly.

The sun above the sky is so dazzling, even in the land of Liaodong, midsummer still looks so hot.After only standing outside and looking around, the chief governor and deputy governor slapped their asses and went back to the tent to avoid the hot sun.

And those Liao fishermen who have just been transferred from ordinary people to Liao navy are now leaning weakly on their own boats, shielding the scorching sun with sails, staring at the waves that look like fish scales with blank eyes. of the sea.

At this moment, in a place densely covered with sea reefs to the southeast of the pier, a few people dressed as boatmen are looking at the situation here with binoculars, and from time to time they write on a piece of thick paper. Draw something.

"It seems that the navy of the Liao Dynasty is really big-hearted. His mother's warships are so chaotic, and they are not afraid of our navy's sudden attack."

"Isn't this just right? The more chaos the better, besides, the navy in Beiliao are all his mother's little broken boats, and they can be set on fire, so as to save time and go to the south to disgust people."

These Song Dynasty spies pretending to be fishermen by the seaside made complaints while drawing the position map of the Liao Kingdom Navy. It took a full day for them to retreat quietly.

The Liao navy didn't care much about training those fishing boats and fishermen. They pulled those fishing boats out to line up every day during the day, although they were asked to listen to the sound of horns to practice advancing and retreating. They practiced for an hour every morning and evening. Just hundreds of ships are nestled in that port to brag and fart.

After the information was sent to Dalian, in the early morning of the next day, when the sky was just getting brighter, Ma Kui quietly led the naval warship to leave Ningzhou port slowly, heading for the depths of the Liaohai Sea. go.Instead, the ships of the Wanhong Trading Company hoisted the flag of the Great Song Navy, and continued to show off their might in that sea area.

Near noon, the Beiliao naval battleship Gui Gui Chong Chong appeared in the northern waters, and after wandering around for a while, retreated away with peace of mind as usual.

They didn't realize that the Jiaodong Navy of the Song Dynasty had penetrated deep into the depths of the Liao Sea at this moment, and was slowly advancing towards the northeast.

In the afternoon, Yeluta Buye, the captain of the navy of the Liao Kingdom, and Xiao Yegai, the deputy captain, stood outside the naval camp, stretching their necks, waiting for the arrival of a distinguished guest.

After waiting for nearly an hour, the sky was dusk, and only then did they see a strangely shaped four-wheeled carriage, guarded by a group of elite cavalry, slowly stop in front of them.

And Xiao Shen, who was lying in the soft and comfortable carriage and sleeping very comfortably, finally opened his eyes after hearing the whisper from the waiter beside him, and stretched a lot.

After the waiter adjusted his clothes, he took a slow step and got out of the carriage.

He spent a lot of money to buy this carriage. It is said that this thing was also made by Wu Shan, the number one scholar of the Song Dynasty. Well... now that guy is already the number one scholar of the Song Dynasty.

Although Xiao Shen hated Wang Yang, his former opponent, he liked this excellent four-wheeled carriage from Wanhong Trading Company very much.

Ever since he got this gadget, Xiao Shen didn't take a horse or a sedan chair when he went out, after all those means of transportation were not as comfortable as a four-wheeled carriage.

Even if he leads an army to this land of Liaodong, Xiao Shen still trusts this carriage very much, it has almost become his professional vehicle.

"Greetings, Commander..." All the generals of the navy saluted Xiao Shen respectfully.

"Well, let's all get up, Commander Yelu, how are the navy's preparations going these days?" Xiao Shen stroked his long beard, walked first, and walked towards the port. All the ships had returned to sail, and the shadows of those light-colored sails were densely packed, almost covering the entire sea surface.

"Following the command of the commander-in-chief, I summoned the crews of the ships from the coastal states, which greatly increased the strength of our Daliao Navy. Now our Daliao Navy has more than [-] warships and [-] soldiers..." Yeluta was half a step behind, and kept introducing.

"Furthermore, the morale of our Daliao Navy is very high. The soldiers are practicing day and night, eager to make contributions to our Daliao. As soon as the commander-in-chief's order comes, the last general will lead the army to the south, and he will strangle the Song Dynasty Navy at sea. Leave the Song people on the peninsula alone and helpless..."

"Well, it seems that the morale of my Daliao navy is high, not bad..." Seeing the high-spirited looks of these navy generals, Xiao Shen laughed very satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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