Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1401 Di Gubao, who fled in a hurry and had nowhere to go (Part 2)

Chapter 1401 Di Gubao, who fled in a hurry and had nowhere to go (second update)
Chapter 1410

"It turns out it's Master Du Bo Ji Lie. I'm polite." When Yelu Bobo and Na Xiao Naer were brought into Du Bo Ji Lie's tent, Chang Ashu's body had already been moved out of the tent.

At this moment, the new female chief, Du Bojilie, was sitting on the main seat covered in a complete tiger skin that only his elder brother Ah Shu could sit on. On both sides, there were many female chiefs sitting.

"You don't need to be too polite, Lord Yelu, please sit down, Lord Xiao..." Mao Jianlu raised his buttocks to show his respect for Liao officials, and motioned for him to sit down.

Just when the new Dubojilie Mao Jianlu was having a pleasant exchange with the envoy from the Liao Kingdom, after a night of galloping, Di Gubao, who was far away from the nightmare land of Xiangzhou, couldn't hold on any longer and got off his horse , but staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"Dismount all of you, you guys, go over there to guard and see if there are any pursuers behind..." The generals under his command cheered up and assigned tasks.

And Wanyan Sagai also rushed to Di Gubao's side at this time.

"How many people are we left?" After taking the water bag handed over by the soldiers, he happily filled half of the bag, then wiped his mouth in satisfaction, and asked Wanyan Sakai.

"Right now, there may be less than a thousand people..." Wanyan Sagai said sadly.The fate of his own people is really too rough.Those women and children who stayed in Digubao camp, I'm afraid they have already...

"Is there only so much left?" Di Gubao stared blankly at Wanyan Sagai, thinking that at this time yesterday, he was still so high-spirited, but now, there are only a few people left around him. The dog of the bereavement of thousands of people.

And his elder brother, Ashu, was actually dead, and he still died at the hands of Mao Jianlu. If the Liao envoy hadn't deliberately hidden him, his fate would not be any better than that of his elder brother.

"My lord, now is not the time to be sad. You are the backbone of all of us, and now, the fate of all of us is in your hands." Seeing Di Gubao's red eyes, Wanyan said Gai quickly prostrated himself on the ground, his tone a little choked and authentic.

"It's a good women's straight alliance, there is such a thing of brotherhood, second brother, Mao Jianlu, are you still human..." If you can't be sad, you can only be angry, Di Gubao roared angrily .

After venting, Di Gubao, who had experienced a night of constant fright and long-distance travel, finally fell into a deep sleep.Except for a small number of people left behind to be vigilant, the rest of them were either lying down with their clothes on and died of sleep, or they were just sitting dumbfounded and muttering to themselves in a low voice.

Wanyan Sagai stared blankly at the green pine tree in front of him, and remained silent for a long time.

After resting for more than an hour, they all woke up and began to eat the dry food and water they carried with them. During the time they were resting, those stragglers caught up one after another, a full 400 There are many people, and finally the team that was originally less than 300 people expanded to more than [-] people in one fell swoop.

And similarly, from the mouths of those latecomers, I also learned more news, for example, after Di Gubao's camp was attacked immediately, many warriors escaped in chaos and scattered in the wilderness place.

And Mao Jianlu did not kill them all, but after killing those who dared to resist, he forced most of them to surrender.And among the tribes that have made friends with Di Gubao, five tribal chiefs led their teams to leave.

The rest, presumably, should have sworn allegiance to the new Du Bojilie Mao Jianlu.As these news came one after another, Di Gubao's complexion became darker and darker.

"From this point of view, Fan Ban...cough cough, although Mao Jianlu has become the new Du Bo Ji Lie, his methods are absolutely unpopular." Di Gubao's other confidant should also be considered. Looking at Di Gubao's expression, he said.

"That's right, what can he do if he gains power temporarily? The important thing is that he actually killed his brother to seize the throne, which is an unforgivable crime."

A group of generals who followed Di Gubao scolded angrily, completely forgetting how embarrassing he was when he fled.

"My lord, where should we go next?" Wanyan Sagai asked Di Gubao after spitting out the tasteless grass roots in his mouth.

Di Gubao caressed his thick beard, glanced at the people in front of him, hesitated for a while, and then said. "Or, let's rush to the Huanglong Mansion first. Bado of the Huanglong Mansion is my brother's most loyal brother..."

"My lord, you must not do it!" Shu Ye should hasten to persuade him. "Chief Bhado is indeed the most loyal subordinate of Dubo Jilie, but now Dubo Jilie has passed away, and most of the tribes have already pledged their allegiance to Mao Jianlu."

"Could it be possible for the Huanglong Mansion to fight against the vast majority of female straight tribes with a single force?"

Hearing this, Di Gubao couldn't help but fell into silence. Yes... Huanglong Mansion is a medium-sized tribe among the women's straight tribes. Now, it has become a very strong opinion of Xin Pingdu Bo. Lu's army is in Xiangzhou. Does Nabadou still dare to use his own tribe to block the enemy?
Next, several generals put forward their destinations again, but they were all rejected.At this time, Wanyan Sagai cleared his throat.

"My lord, generals, why don't we go to Liaodong and join the Song people?"

"Go to those cowards?" Shu also pouted contemptuously. "I'm afraid that when Mao Jianlu sends a letter of war, those cowardly Song people will tie us up and give it to Mao Jianlu as a gift."

"Skills should also be generals. Maybe what you said has some truth, but I believe that the general who is a teacher is definitely not such a coward."

When Di Gubao heard this name, he raised his brows thoughtfully.

"I seem to have heard this name before..." A general rubbed his brow in doubt.

Wanyan Sagai could only patiently introduce them to these female bumpkins who hardly heard anything outside the window. "General Zhong Shidao was born in the northwestern part of the Song Dynasty. He and Nazhe Keshi are equally famous generals of the Song Dynasty."

The female general who thought the name sounded familiar just now slapped her on the thigh.

"I remembered, yes, it's this caste. Last year or the year before last, the Liao Kingdom sent troops to attack Song Ting's Shaanxi North Road. It turned out that this guy took less than a day to break through the Liao Dynasty. Xiazhou, the Hedong Daoist Office established by Guoxin, is not ordinary, and he has come to Liaodong?"

"That's right, he is the chief general of the Song Dynasty who is in charge of military affairs in the Liaodong Peninsula." Wanyan Sagai nodded and said.

Di Gubao stroked his thick beard and pondered for a long time: "Song Ting has always been on good terms with Di. If he surrenders to them, this is also an option. However, the Song people have few soldiers and generals on the Liaodong Peninsula. If they cannot resist, The offensive of the Liao people..."

(End of this chapter)

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