Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1200 County magistrate Chen, you must be strong and persevere... (Part 2)

Chapter 1200 County magistrate Chen, you must be strong and persevere... (second update)
Chapter 1209

"Why are there only these account books? What's going on?" A doctor from the household department shouted at the summoned household department official.

"This little guy has communicated with the officials around Wang Anfu, and they said that only the accounts about the distribution of officials' salaries and the purchase of production and living tools can be handed over to our household department for review and inspection. As for the other account books, they are all in the hands of Mr. Wang's housekeeper."

"But Mr. Wang's housekeeper said that it is Mr. Wang's private account book, and it is impossible to hand it over to our household department for review and inspection."

Mr. Xu Langzhong from the Ministry of Accounting could not help but turn dark when he heard the report from the official in his hand, and he slammed his hand on the desk so hard that the account books trembled on the desk.

"Bastard, he, a little housekeeper, dares to obstruct my household officials from doing business. Who gave him such courage."

Seeing the spittle flying all over his immediate boss, the official could only shrink his neck and dare not speak.After Xu Langzhong vented, he thought for a while with a gloomy face and said in a deep voice.

"Go again and tell the steward of the king's conciliator. But any account books involving these tens of thousands of refugees will be settled by my household department."

"Yes, I obey." The official wiped the stinky sweat from his forehead, and was about to leave, but was stopped by the doctor Xu again.

Xu Langzhong thought about it. "Tell him, ask him to tell Wang's comforter, our household department will give Wang's comforter three days to hand over the account book to my household department. After three days, if my household department has not received the account book, then Just don’t blame my household department for not respecting colleagues, just wait to be impeached.”

"What's the matter with them, what the hell are these things they found? Please ask the brothels, pavilions, and military homestays to sing operas, let those officials teach and help the children of refugees to read and write, and find a master to teach Those women cook, or practice knitting..."

Zhang Dun looked at the pieces of rice paper full of writing in front of him with a displeased expression. These were all kinds of information that the elite soldiers and generals of Yushitai he sent out had been handed back one after another during this period. .

It's just that these things don't have much practical significance at all, or in other words, there is nothing of value that can be brought to the court and become a deadly weapon to attack that bastard Wang Yang.

Are his men too stupid, or is Wang Yang too cautious and cunning?There is no loophole at all. This is too unscientific.

There are more than a hundred young officials under Wang Yang's command, all of whom are newcomers without any official experience, not the kind of veterans who have been in office for a long time.

Even though he is an old man, Zhang Dun believes that with the elite soldiers and generals he dispatches, he will definitely be able to find problems and find faults.

"Could it be that he, Wang Yang, did it on purpose. Those officials are just a cover to deceive people, but what is his real purpose?"

Just when Zhang Dun was puzzled, a censor came to the door of Zhang Dun's public house quickly, coughed and reported. "My lord, here is an official document from the household department..."

After Zhang Dun took it, he waited until the imperial censor left his office, then opened it and took a closer look. When he saw the contents clearly, his thick eyebrows mixed with silver threads couldn't help but twitch, like two sharp swords. Swing up.

Zhang Dun stroked his long beard and thought to himself. "What is he, Wang Yang, trying to do? Is he trying to offend the world? How dare a mere butler dare to prevent the household department, one of the six departments of the imperial court, from inspecting the account books?!"

"It took so long, but he didn't even get the account books, and he, Wang Wushan, attaches so much importance to those account books. Could it be that there is really a problem here?"

After thinking for a long time, Zhang Dun finally made a decision. After he left Yushitai, he sent a servant with a letter to Liang Tao's mansion under the cover of dusk.

At this moment, several old party leaders happened to be gathering at the home of Liang Tao, the deputy prime minister of Song Dynasty.Liang Tao, who was expressionless, just read the news that Zhang Dun passed on, and a playful look gradually appeared on his face.

"Everyone, it seems that Zhang Zhongcheng has also detected Wang Yang's abnormality. He intends to cooperate with us and impeach him after the rest day."

"That's great, the Ministry of Officials, the Ministry of Household Affairs, and the Yushitai controlled by the New Party, in this way, we will have great confidence that His Majesty will have to let Wang Yang come forward to prove his innocence. "

"How did he prove his innocence? After such a long time, with those inexperienced officials, how could he be able to do a good job in appeasing and resettling tens of thousands of refugees?"

"What are you talking about recruiting workers? From what I see, he clearly wants those tens of thousands of refugees to become his free servants and work hard for him."

Emperor Zhao Xu slowly put down the Imperial City Simi Zou in his hand, stroked his chin, but his eyes were full of mischief and malice.

"It seems that they are really not reconciled. Wang Wushan is so heartbroken for my Great Song Dynasty, but in their eyes, he has become despicable, cunning and deceitful, and even used public weapons for private use..."

"Isn't that right, and they have already contacted a large number of officials, and they are afraid that they will formally launch an impeachment offensive against Mr. Wang after the rest day is over." Ma Shang observed the expression of the emperor, and said in a very doggy manner.

"Wang Wushan's side... How about it, you hurry up to meet him and tell him about the situation here, so as to save time and catch those guys by surprise." After squinting his eyes, the emperor Zhao Xu lowered his voice and said Ma Shang ordered.

"Now?" Ma Shang raised his head, glanced at the night when the moon was already high, and asked with some uncertainty.

The emperor replied without thinking. "Right now……"

"Yes, this servant will go and inform Lord Wang." Ma Shang was helpless and speechless, but he did not dare to go against the emperor's will.

But fortunately, he knew where Wang Yang had been hanging out these two days. After leaving the imperial city by the moonlight, he rode straight to Wang Yang's mansion. After inquiring, he found out that Wang Yang was so late. I haven't returned home yet, and there is still Xiangfu County Yamen doing business there.

Ma Shang had no choice but to steer his horse and turn again, heading towards the county government office of Xiangfu County, which is close to the south of the city.When the guard at the gate of the Xiangfu County Yamen saw clearly that the person who came was a group of eunuchs surrounded by the imperial court, he naturally didn't dare to hesitate at all, and immediately went up to ask the official from the palace. The father-in-law wants to see someone.

"Yes, Mr. Wang is still in the yamen, signing a sales contract with our county magistrate in the public house..."

"Magistrate Chen, you have to be stronger and persevere. Look, there are only about [-] sheets left. As long as you work hard, Wang will not bother you again tomorrow." Wang Yang held a bag in one hand. A large seal wrapped in red ink pad stands in front of a book case.

Whenever the gray-faced and trembling hand of the county magistrate Chen handed over a signed sales contract.He would take the big seal, stamp it down fiercely, and then hand over the contract to Bo, the owner of Xiangfu County, who was beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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