Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1201 When Will His King Wushan Stop Offending People (Part 1)

Chapter 1201: When did King Wushan stop offending others (first update)
Chapter 1210

After rubbing his sore wrists and fingers with a mournful face, Xiangfu County Prime Minister could only continue to pick up his pen to record this sales contract in the book, and beside him were the substitute team members County Captain and County Boss. From time to time, he rubbed his wrists and closed his eyes to rest.

Although they have to record the sales contract in the book, although they write several times more words than the county magistrate, the problem is that the three of them can work in shifts, each of them tinkering for an hour, and then they change when their hands are tired.

But the problem is that County Magistrate Chen is different. Such a sales contract must be signed by him, the County Magistrate, to count.

Originally, matters such as recording these sales contracts in books naturally did not require assistant officials such as the county magistrate and the county lieutenant to do it. It was enough to let the officials do it directly.

But the problem is that in that case, the county magistrate Chen, who has been signing papers for the past few days, is really unbalanced, and it can even be said to have been distorted.

As the saying goes, it is better to suffer collectively than to be burdened by oneself, or to gain a little bit of psychological balance.Ever since, I often arrive at the Yamen after get off work.

The three Xiangfu county officials, the county magistrate, the county master Bo, and the county lieutenant, were all retained and took turns to enter the battle and record the signed sales contracts for preservation.

And when Ma Shang and Eunuch Ma appeared in the public room, County Magistrate Chen finally put down his pen and let his arms fall on the table with a face of relief. The county magistrate began to massage.

"Eunuch Ma, why are you here? Could it be that something happened in the palace?" Wang Yang really didn't expect Eunuch Ma to find him here at this time.

After Ma Shang asked Wang Yang to come to a corner of the public house, he lowered his voice and explained. "It's not that something happened in the palace, but something about you, Mr. Wang. Our family obeyed His Majesty's orders, and come here to talk to you first."

"Oh, I didn't expect them to want to stab me with a knife from behind." A strange smile appeared on Wang Yang's face.

"Then I can only trouble you, Mr. Ma, to report to His Majesty and wait until the day of rest. I will go to court to settle this matter with Your Majesty and a group of civil and military courtiers."

According to Wang Yang's calm and calm appearance, Ma Shang nodded slightly and then gave a worried warning. "Sir, you really need to be more careful. The old and new parties now regard you as an enemy. Is there anything missing in the resettlement and comfort of tens of thousands of refugees?"

"Just report back to His Majesty. Once the Xiangfu County government has signed and processed the sales contracts, there won't be any more problems."

"So that's the case. In this way, I can rest assured." After receiving Ma Shang's report, the emperor Zhao Xu, who was originally worried, let out a sigh of relief, and couldn't help showing a gratified smile on his face.

Seeing the Son of Heaven like this, Ma Shang also felt a lot more relaxed, but when he thought of Mr. Wang's distasteful look and wanted to make a fool of himself, he not only reminded him a little helplessly. "It's just that this servant has a worry. It's another worry that Mr. Wang will offend those courtiers too much..."

"If you offend, you will offend. It will be really strange when Wang Wushan won't offend others." Emperor Zhao Xu smiled and shook his head, with a helpless expression on his face.

"Who made those ministers not think about the country's affairs all day long, but how to eliminate dissidents, exclude, and criticize others." The emperor Zhao Xu sneered, and threw a memorial that he had just read on the desk.

"I know exactly how Wang Wushan does things. But what those ministers are thinking about is how to fight for power and eliminate dissenters. Do they really think that as long as Wang Wushan is excluded from the court, I Will you listen to them?"

"Their thoughts are really beautiful." After the emperor Zhao Xu said these words for the last time, he stopped talking and continued to read through the mountains of memorials.

Glancing at the still angry emperor, Ma Shang's little eunuch didn't dare to speak again, he could only curl his lips secretly, those important court ministers who always want to kill Wang Wushan, you can ask for blessings ...

On the day of rest, whether it is the new party officials or the old party groups, they are all scurrying in contact with each other, discussing how to impeach Wang Wushan and how to do it when the next morning comes. A fatal blow drove Wang Wushan completely out of the court.

The Huangcheng Division seemed so busy this day, countless spies from the Huangcheng Division kept coming and going, and transferred the information to the Huangcheng Division, and then passed it to Ma Shang, the eunuch in charge.

And he selected some of the more important ones and submitted them to the emperor's case.

And it was in the early morning of this day, when County Magistrate Chen finished signing the last signature, his trembling hand, which was almost unable to hold the pen, let go. Fortunately, Wang Yang had a quick eye and swift hand to withdraw the sales contract immediately. Let's go, so that the falling brush will not stain the last contract.

"God, it's finally gone, it's finally gone..." Looking at the empty tabletop, the eye sockets of County Magistrate Chen, whose right hand was like a convulsing chicken paw, were moist.

"Yes, everything is finally done. Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Chen." Wang Yang looked at Magistrate Chen who had a stiff expression and seemed a little dull. He was really worried about this magistrate who spent most of his time for so many days in a row. Will Magistrate Chen, who spends most of his time signing autographs, have any abnormalities in his mental state?

"Sharing worries for the court and Lord Wang are the blessings of the lower officials." County magistrate Chen's gaze fell on Wang Yang's smiling face, and he trembled.

Even if he only eats for a few days, the Tianya sales contract makes County Magistrate Chen worse than death. His hands are shaking as if he is suffering from chicken claw madness, but how can he dare to offend this big shot?

But when Wang Yang led Qiming's guards, lying on the big wooden box full of sales contracts, and left the Xiangfu county office, the county magistrate, county magistrate, county lieutenant, and county chief book brother contacted each other preferentially. As if he was weightless, he let out a long breath. Everyone looked at each other with tears in their eyes, and almost cried in each other's arms.

The next day, in the early morning, countless four-wheeled carriages carrying high-ranking officials gathered in the direction of the palace.

Zhang Dun picked up the front of his official uniform and got out of the four-wheeled carriage, and glanced at the ministers gathered in front of the palace gate to enter the court to discuss matters.Subconsciously, he reached into his sleeves and touched the impeachment memorial that had been drafted yesterday.

Soon a group of officials from the New Party surrounded him.Zhang Dun glanced at them and said calmly. "The impeachment of Wang Yang this time is in response to the old party. So don't act preemptively, and see how the situation will develop at that time."

"Your Excellency, don't worry, we will only follow your lead." New Party officials echoed one after another.

"Hey, everyone, look over there, Wang Wushan actually came to court today?" Just as the palace gate was opened and the officials were stepping into it one after another, the official at the end of the palace suddenly whispered.

The officials who heard the low voice turned their heads subconsciously.I saw a four-wheeled carriage barely stopped.Wang Yang's tall and majestic figure appeared in their sight.

(End of this chapter)

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