Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1199 More than 1 signatures of Chen County Magistrate... (Part 3)

Chapter 1199 More than 3000 signatures of County Magistrate Chen... (first update)
Chapter 1208

"Have you signed all of them?" Hearing Wang Yang's words, Wan Bin couldn't help taking a breath. "So fast……"

"Of course. If nothing else, as far as the Song Dynasty is concerned, where can I find a boss who is so reasonable, treats others like a spring breeze, and is considerate of them?" Wang Daguan couldn't help bragging shamelessly.

"You know, their housing, their production and living tools are all provided to them by me, and all they need to do is deduct the principal and interest from their wages on a monthly basis."

"But in this way, aren't you afraid that those officials will trouble you?" Wan Bin nodded. Although he agreed with Wang Yang's approach, he still felt a little worried.

"It would be strange if they don't cause trouble for me. Let them do it. Anyway, Wang is an upright person and sits upright. Even if they bring the case to His Majesty, I will definitely win." The corner of Wang Yang's mouth gradually turned. The ground rose.

Seeing Wang Yang's confident appearance, Wan Bin naturally couldn't say anything, just nodded and smiled.

"Forget it, since you are so confident, it's fine, don't really provoke any demon moths, in case you are really sent to some Lingnan land, we have just spread a big mess here in the capital , without your golden idea, my virtuous brother, I can’t go on.”

"Then don't worry, little brother, I never fight a battle that I'm not sure of. If you have nothing to do in Taiwan, then go to the city with my little brother."

"Now I need to go to the Xiangfu County Yamen to hand over the signed contracts to the official for certification."

Hearing that Wang Yang came to visit, magistrate Chen of Xiangfu County didn't dare to neglect, and quickly walked towards the gate of the yamen to welcome him.

"Your Majesty, I have met Mr. Wang, so I wonder what you can learn from him?" County Magistrate Chen asked after bowing respectfully to Wang Yang who was coming.

"These days, thanks to the help from the county magistrate Chen, the work of appeasing and resettling the immigrants has been carried out very smoothly." Wang Yang replied with a chuckle, nodding his head and smiling.

After the two entered the room and sat down, Wang Yang cleared his throat and explained the purpose of their visit. "I am here at this time, I really need to trouble you, County Magistrate Chen."

"My lord Wang, you don't have to be so polite with the lower officials, but if the lower officials can help, the lower officials will naturally not refuse." Hearing these words, Chen County Magistrate naturally did not dare to neglect.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. As you know, I have purchased all the land in Huang Longze. However, that land is too vast. And I don't have so many manpower and time to take care of it. .”

"So, I'm going to use it all for leasing. If you want to lease, you must need enough tenants. So after detailed inquiries and negotiations, I decided to sign a contract with those refugees..."

The county magistrate Chen nodded as he listened. A contract is also called a contract.According to the regulations of the Song Dynasty, a contract must be signed for any sale or transfer of property.

It is to negotiate a word "tong" at the junction of the two letters of the contract, and later change to write the word "contract", and some people write an auspicious sentence.

The contract also needs to be stamped by the government. A contract that is not stamped is a white deed and has no legal effect. In case of a lawsuit, it cannot be used as evidence.

Wang Yang did not explain in detail to County Magistrate Chen, but only told him that there were some sales contracts that Xiangfu County had to sign.

County magistrate Chen nodded suddenly, and couldn't help laughing.

"Of course there is no problem. Signing the sales contract is originally the responsibility of our Xiangfu County Yamen. In fact, Mr. Wang, you don't have to come here in person. You just need someone to send the sales contracts. I'm the official How dare you not execute it impartially?"

"Master Chen is really a man of integrity. If our Song Dynasty has more capable ministers and officials like you, Lord Chen, it will surely prosper a lot." Wang Yang couldn't help nodding his face with satisfaction when he saw the county magistrate Chen agreeing so happily, and even No words of praise.

County Magistrate Chen did not expect that Wang Daguan, who was known as a professional in Kaifeng Bianliang, would praise people. He was really flattered. He rubbed his hands and smiled a little shyly. It was so unexpected.

Wang Yang turned his head and nodded towards Wu Qilang who was standing behind him. "Why are you still standing there, kid? Don't hurry up, let them bring in the sales contract for me."

"Carry in?" Hearing the word Wang Yang used, the shy smile on Magistrate Chen's face froze. His doubtful eyes fell on Wang Yang's face. He didn't quite understand why Wang Yang used "carry". this phrase.

"That's right, there are a lot of them after all." Wang Yang smiled gentlemanly at County Magistrate Chen. "If you don't believe me, look..."

Looking along Wang Yang's hand, he saw two tall and strong men walking into the house carrying a wooden box.

County magistrate Chen's face instantly became extremely ugly, and his beads were straightened. "Master Wang, are there sales contracts that need to be signed by the lower officials and stamped with the seal of the Xiangfu County government?"

Seeing Xian Xinlin's expression.Wang Yang was also helpless.He raised his hand and scratched his cheek with an embarrassed smile.

"That's right, there are 6 households in total for those 210 refugees. Wang can only sign a sales contract with the head of each household. In the past few days, just signing the contract, Wang has already signed the contract." broken."

Hearing Wang Yang's complaints, County Magistrate Chen slapped his mouth. He looked at Wang Yang's big, powerful hands, and then at his own skinny and fleshless hands.

Because as the county magistrate, he signed his name and then stamped his name with the seal of Xiangfu County for it to be effective.

The work of stamping can also be done by others.But you can only rely on yourself to sign.When the county magistrate Chen thought of signing more than 3000 of his own signatures, his expression was like a dog.

If it is said that the people who sent so many contracts are ordinary people.Chen Xianlin will definitely send the other party one word, that is, get out.Two words, that is to roll quickly.

But the problem is that today, the person who sent these contracts is Wang Fu. This official Wang, who is resenting the sky, the earth, and the air, does not have a very good temper.

Having been in the position of magistrate of Yanghu County for nearly five years, Wang Yang's various deeds are familiar to him, and his memory is still fresh.

Don't say that he, a small magistrate of Xiangfu County, can't afford to offend Wang Yang.Even those big men in the court who offended Wang Yang would end up in such a miserable and desolate end.

Wang Yang couldn't see the ugly face of the county magistrate of Chen Da, but Wang Daguan really didn't mean to be difficult, but that this matter really wasn't him, the county magistrate of Xiangfu County. No.

"County Magistrate Chen, I can only leave this matter to you. After all, Huang Longze is within the jurisdiction of our Xiangfu County. This sales contract only has the seal of our Xiangfu County and yours, Magistrate Chen." Only by autographing can you not violate the laws of Song Dynasty."

"My lord, don't worry, the matter involves those tens of thousands of refugees, all the people in Xiangfu County, how dare you not do your best?" The magistrate Chen could only salute Wang Yang with a forced smile.

(End of this chapter)

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