Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1166 Those who come to the auction are either rich or expensive (Part 2)

Chapter 1166 Those who come to participate in the auction are either rich or expensive (second update)

Chapter 1175

"That's great, then let's make a deal." Shen Kuo was overjoyed, rolling his eyes. "I believe that even if Mr. Su came here in person, he would definitely not be able to move after seeing the facilities here..."

"Then Mr. Shen will leave first. As for the green vitriol you need, Mr. Shen, I will go back and inquire first."

"Brother Shen, in fact, it is best to find a process for producing green vitriol oil. If possible, then I can produce it myself, which may be more convenient."

"This is definitely no problem." Shen Kuo nodded heavily. This time, he really left Wang Yang's mansion.

Seeing Shen Kuo striding away, Wang Yang let out a sigh of relief, turned around, and looked at the crude chemical laboratory behind him.

This is at least the first professional chemistry laboratory in the history of the Song Dynasty, although its content is roughly equivalent to an ordinary middle school chemistry laboratory.

However, at least this is unprecedented. In China in the past, there were no such terms as chemistry and physics.

Wang Yang felt that if he wanted to make the industry and commerce of the Song Dynasty take off, then the basic disciplines must be produced, and the majors of chemistry and physics followed the trend of the times.

For example, nowadays, more and more machinery is used in various industries in Song Dynasty, and more and more metal parts appear, which means that metal processing and metal maintenance and maintenance have also been raised to a Time waits for no height.

As for the green alum oil, this thing has already appeared in the land of China, but more of it is made by those Taoist alchemists themselves, and it has never been able to form a professional discipline to benefit the people.

But the problem is that Wang Yang is here, traveling through distant time and space, across the stars and the sea, with a vision and foresight that surpasses the people of this era for nearly a thousand years, and will surely lead Chinese civilization to greater glory.

However, before going to glory, Wang Yang must have enough status and capital, and capital naturally has to mention money.

And Wang Yang, at this moment, is making plans for the auction so that the products he designed and developed can be sold at a high price.

In the end, the first auction was held in the other courtyard of Yihonglou. After Yihonglou became popular, the Rabbit Building next door was bought and rebuilt.

After many times of design and innovation, it has become the best performing arts venue in the Song Dynasty. However, today it has become the venue for Wanhong Trading Company's auction.

The time to enter the venue was already at dusk. The honored guests who had received the invitations had eaten their fill early and rushed to the auction venue. Groups of three and four gathered around the desks with tea, cakes and melon seeds and whispered. Discussing the content of the auction.

Of course, the melon seeds in this era were not sunflower seeds, but watermelon seeds. After Wang Yang collected those melon seeds, he fried them with salt, pepper and other spices. The melon seeds obtained were used to entertain distinguished guests. Good reviews.

It's a pity that this kind of melon seeds are really difficult to peel, and more people just chew on them, and then spit them directly into the empty plate in front of them.

"It seems that those who came to the scene today are either rich or expensive..."

"Naturally, anyone who is not a VIP of Wanhong Trading Company is not eligible to receive this invitation."

"But having said that, this invitation is made like a work of art. Tsk tsk tsk... Look, there is also this door shape of the shopkeeper of Wanhong Trading Company (business card was called business card in ancient times, and it was not until the Ming and Qing Dynasties that it was renamed The post) is also very beautiful and tight. Compared with it, the shape of the door we usually use is simply terrible..."

"Didn't you see it? It says at the back that the Wushan Printing Press of the Song Dynasty is the agent for processing. The contact address is on it. If you are interested, brother, you can go there and order some door shapes."

"It makes sense, but having said that, it says that today a batch of Wanhong Trading Co.'s fine products that are not in circulation will be sold today. I wonder if it is true or not? Do you have any clues?"

"I heard that a batch of specially designed chiming clocks and carriages, as well as some rare treasures, will appear in today's auction."

"The one with the highest price actually gets it. Tsk tsk tsk. It seems that these things must be very good. Otherwise, who would snatch some ordinary things."

"It makes sense, hey...Look, everyone, on the second floor, there is actually Mr. Su from the Great Song Dynasty, and his old man is here too?"

"Look at the tall young man next to him, do you know who he is?"

"Who is this person?"

"Haha, it seems that you don't know each other, but I know that he is the one who invented the No. 50 Bucket, developed Yuanyou Cement, beat the No. [-] Scholar in martial arts on the street, and was invincible in the land of Shaanxi. No matter what, I could not fail to fight against the [-]-strong Liao and Xia army alone. Most of Xixia's territory was fatally lost, and Northern Liao sadly withdrew its troops and returned. I, the number one scholar of Song Dynasty, Wang Yang, King Wushan..."

"It's actually him?!" Hearing the old driver's introduction, many dignitaries around him also whispered.

"He actually returned to the capital?"

"Nonsense, didn't you read the mansion newspaper? That's right, you are not qualified to read the mansion newspaper. Let me tell you, he, Duke Wang, returned to Beijing to recuperate from his illness. It is said that he has already handed over his position as the appeasement envoy of the North Shaanxi Road Economic Strategy. Now Looking at his appearance, he seems to be recovering from his illness, and I'm afraid he will be punished by the emperor soon..."

Su Dongpo sat down stroking his long beard, watching the people downstairs and the private room on the second floor frequently pointing in this direction, he couldn't help smiling at Wang Yang.

"I didn't expect that the moment you showed your face, you attracted so many pairs of eyes. It seems that even though you have been far away in northern Shaanxi for several years, your reputation has not diminished."

"You are too modest, but your presence here today really makes our auction more brilliant..." Wang Yang smiled carelessly, and then quickly served Su Dongpo tea and flattered him.

"Since there are new and good things, even if I can't afford them, I should come here to see something new and feast my eyes, right Ge Fei?" Su Dongpo laughed and said to Li Gefei who was beside him.

"Sir, what you said makes sense. My dear son-in-law, you don't need to greet me here. Go and do your work." Li Gefei nodded and whispered to Wang Yang.

Wang Yang nodded, bowed to these old Zishu Party drivers, and then hurried away.

"Brother Ge Fei, in the past, we all envied you for having a good daughter, but now, we have to envy you for having a good son-in-law. However, at a young age, his reputation is reflected in the world. He writes articles and spreads them all over the world, and resists enemies with swords. Foreign sect... such a person is indeed a matchless national scholar."

"It makes sense, among the younger generation, the one who will go out and enter the prime minister must be the king of Wushan..."

"Everyone, everyone, don't kill your son-in-law with a stick. If this kid hears your praise, his tail will stick to the sky." Although he was flattered to hear it, Li Gefei still had to be humble. two.

At this time, the singing and dancing that had been going on before the auction finally stopped, and Wan Bin, a man with big eyes and short legs, had already stood in the center of the stage...

(End of this chapter)

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