Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1165 Pickling Rust Removal and Pickling Passivation Test (Part 1)

Chapter 1165 Pickling rust removal and pickling passivation test (first update)
Chapter 1174

"Next, Brother Shen, please put on this and this..." Wang Yang brought a set of white coats, masks, and gloves and handed them to Shen Kuo.

"Because chemicals are highly corrosive and dangerous, in order to prevent accidents, it is best to take some necessary precautions. Hats can prevent our hair from falling into chemicals, and clothes and gloves can slightly reach chemicals. As for the glasses, it is naturally to prevent chemicals from burning our eyes."

"The mask is to prevent some volatile chemicals from harming our respiratory system..."

Shen Kuo was holding that set of equipment blankly, watching Wang Yang put it on right in front of him, and Wu Qilang and that Wanyan Aguda also wore such a set of equipment, that's all, for the sake of their own safety, Shen Kuo did the same. Dress like this.

Wang Yang's chemical laboratory has been established for almost a month, but most of the time he conducts various experiments by himself. As Xuchang and Wang Lie are here, they will act as Wang Yang's assistants. If they are not here, , then Wu Qilang and Wanyan Agu will be on top.

Occasionally, when Wang Yang was interested, he would guide Xu Chang and Wang Lie, who were very interested in physical chemistry, to conduct some interesting and less dangerous chemical experiments.

A glass of high-concentration green vitriol oil and a glass of low-concentration green vitriol oil were placed on a clean white tablecloth, and next to them were a few metal strips with shiny metallic luster, and some were dark, Metal bars with a slight yellow rust,

At this time, Wang Yang picked up a special crystal glass clip, and carefully put one of the rusted metal strips into the low-concentration green vitriol oil, and soon he could see that the surface of the metal was leaking. Fine bubbles appeared, and within a short time, those yellow rust stains began to fall off.

When Wang Yang picked up the rusty metal strip again, the rust on the surface had disappeared without a trace.

"This is what you call pickling to remove rust, right?" Shen Kuo was a little excited. He had never seen such an interesting scene, or should I say, being able to watch the rust fall off due to pickling so intuitively.

"That's right, and here, it's green vitriol oil with a concentration of at least 70.00%, and what will happen to this rusty iron bar? Please see..." Wang Yang is like an excellent Like a chemistry teacher, he picked up the rusty iron bar again and immersed it in the high-concentration concentrated sulfuric acid.

Only sporadic bubbles can be seen appearing on the metal surface, but there is no scene where a large number of bubbles are formed when the metal is immersed in low-concentration green vitriol oil.

"This...isn't this too strange? A low concentration of vitriol oil can corrode those rust spots, but a high concentration can't do it?" Shen Kuo's face was full of doubts, and finally he asked this question One sentence.

"Is this really high-concentration green vitriol oil? Or something else..."

"Actually, it's very simple to test whether this is high-concentration green vitriol oil." Wang Yang chuckled and nodded towards Wanyan Agu who was beside him.

Wanyan Aguda brought over a glass plate, and then took a ball of cotton from the side.

"Brother Shen, this is cotton. Next, I will use low-concentration green vitriol oil and high-concentration green vitriol oil to drip on it, and you will be able to know the authenticity."

While Wang Yang was talking, he took a few drops of low-concentration green vitriol oil and dropped it on the cotton. A stream of clear smoke immediately appeared, and then the snow-white cotton began to emit a large amount of foam, which was visible to the naked eye. The speed becomes carbonized and blackened.

"Green oil can turn cotton into carbides, and this process, I named it carbonization reaction." Wang Yang sniffed, very arrogantly.

"Next, let's see the carbonization reaction of high-concentration green vitriol oil dripping on cotton..." While speaking, high-concentration green vitriol oil dripped on cotton. This time, the reaction was more intense. The process of carbonization reaction It's also faster.

Now, Shen Kuo also had to admit that Wang Yang did not cheat, this is really high concentration of green alum oil.

"Mr. Shen actually doubted my brother, it's really... But, if this experiment hadn't happened, it would be really hard for Mr. Shen to believe that the high concentration of green vitriol oil would be useless against those rust spots."

Next, Wang Yang took a metal strip with a very bright metallic luster, and then immersed it in concentrated sulfuric acid. After standing for a while, he took it out and placed it in the crystal glass dish that had been prepared.

At this moment, the originally bright metallic luster had dimmed, and the surface of the metal showed a dark color.

After letting it sit for a while, Wang Yang brought cotton and wiped away the remaining green vitriol oil on the surface.After that, I rinsed it with clean water, and then I dared to hold it in my hand.

"Look, a passivation film has been formed on the surface of this piece of metal. With this passivation film, steel products that are extremely easy to rust will become difficult to be rusted."

"Then how can we know whether the passivation is really successful?" Shen Kuo took the passivated metal bar and looked at it carefully and asked.

"It's very simple. There is another piece of metal of the same material here, but it has not been passivated. You only need to place these two pieces of metal strips in the open air. I believe it will take a few days. Whether the metal after melting has anti-rust effect."

Wang Yang picked up a piece of metal bar that hadn't been tested yet and handed it to Shen Kuo to explain.

"That's right, then Shen Mou will try it now..." He took the metal bar from Wang Yang's hand, holding one in each hand, and left the chemical laboratory without looking back, leaving the room inside. The three people who are still in a daze.

"Huh, huh? Brother Shen, Brother Shen, haven't changed your clothes yet..." Wang Yang was stunned for a long time before he realized it, and he rushed out of the laboratory with a lunge, towards the chasing ahead...

Shen Kuo smiled awkwardly and went back to the chemical laboratory to take off the equipment on his body, but he still held the two metal bars tightly.

Seeing Shen Kuo looking enviously at his chemical laboratory, the corner of Wang Yang's mouth raised a strange arc. "If Brother Shen doesn't dislike the shabby place here, I can come here often. The chemistry of my brother..."

"Okay, that's no problem. Then I'll have to come over often to bother you. But, can I bring one or two people over? Shen also has several disciples under his command..."

Wang Yang was not unhappy because Shen Kuo interrupted him, but instead nodded happily and agreed to Shen Kuo's request. "Of course there is no problem. It would be great to be able to learn from each other, Brother Shen, and your disciples."

"In addition to this chemistry laboratory, I am planning to build a physics laboratory in the building next to it. By then, whether it is a physical test or a chemical test, Brother Shen's teachers and students are welcome to come over..."

(End of this chapter)

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