Chapter 8
Even if they compromise and stop the quarrel, and agree on how to deal with it, there is still no way to resolve the outside affairs in a short while.The old accounts in the past, the property in the future, and the interests involved are so many, the two families are fighting for each other, and even the people want to break it up.

Sitting in the side hall, Wang Chuan listened to the shouts of the young men mixed with the quarrels of the people outside, forming a grand symphony, his ears were about to explode.

"Aren't you fucking finished? You can't say it's down, but if you can say that everyone else, just leave it to me, and leave them, men and women, to decide for themselves!"

Outside, Luo Ming finally couldn't take it anymore and growled.

But those who got into a quarrel didn't take Luo Ming seriously anymore, and someone said excitedly: "What do these two little people know? Can you decide? No! I have to take care of this matter myself!"

Immediately after saying this, someone said, "With your virtues, your whole family will be useless! A family of idiots!"

"Who are you scolding?"

"I'll scold you!"

"Try scolding me again!"

"What are you scolding!"


Wang Chuan was in the side hall, his scalp was numb when he heard it.A young man beside him yelled wildly: "Let go of me! Your broken chair is useless, you can't go up to the sky! Let me go, I'll go up by myself."

Wang Chuan said: "Fellow Daoist misunderstood. It's not that the magic chair is not powerful, but the enemy is too rampant. You heard the noise outside, it's interfering with the magic of the divine weapon. How can you send fellow Taoist to heaven if you can't use the magic of the divine weapon?"

The young man's eyes were red, and he was very angry. He shouted: "Wow, this group of thieves is not a son of man! Fellow Daoist send me out, wait for me to personally suppress these thieves!"

Wang Chuan's eyes lit up, he thought about it, and said, "Fellow Daoist, later." He went outside, called a few people over, dismantled the connection between the chair and the ground, moved the chair to the main hall, and laid it across the side hall. in front of the door.

Then, Wang Chuan went out to the main hall and said to Luo Ming: "You ask both men and women to go to the side hall to talk, and at most two more people who can take charge. I will help you stop the others."

Luo Ming was skeptical, but there was no way out in the courtyard after all, so he could only respond: "Then I will trouble you, Old Wang."

"How many times do you want me to tell you not to call me Pharaoh!"

Wang Chuan was so angry that he wanted to put down the pick.

Luo Ming took the male and female parties and their parents to the main hall.The others followed closely behind, threatening to collapse the small side hall room.

Wang Chuan walked up to the young man first, pointed at Luo Ming and the others and said, "These five are allies."

The young man bowed his head to the five people to say hello, and said: "The five Taoists are friends, and we will be with heaven in a while."

"Same to heaven, same to heaven."

Luo Ming couldn't figure out the young man's route, so he had no choice but to agree, telling the male and female parties to quickly bypass the young man and enter the side hall.

"What about the rest?"

asked the young man.

"All enemies."

Wang Chuan looked at those who tried to get past the young man, and said.

"Every eye is an enemy, it is really sad!"

The young man shook his head and sighed, suddenly his eyes widened, and he said fiercely, "Look ahead, it's dark, wait for me to catch up and kill him!"

Wang Chuan was very surprised, he never thought that this lunatic would be able to play tricks.

The young man kept talking and jumped forward, but he hit the table, making a clatter of chains.

A group of people were startled, and no one dared to take half a step forward.The young man was guarding the gate with one man, with the appearance of being able to bear the bite, he successfully frightened everyone who squeezed into the main hall.

A group of people huddled in the main hall were like chicks blocked by a vicious dog, looking at the old hen sighing across the road, anxious and lacking the courage to go there.

The fat dark man moved his steps little by little at the front, testing the door of the side hall.He looked like a swollen black pig. His legs were weak and he swayed from side to side as he moved, like a roly-poly.

"Wow! My queen is full of young men and women, and an old dog dares to steal it? Fuck you, old man!"

Seeing the fat black man walking cautiously to his side, the young man suddenly jumped up and arched forward, his head crossed the table and hit the fat black head under the crotch.


The fat black man gasped, his eyes popped out suddenly, he grinned, and yelled heart-piercingly, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh——"

Mom, when did this guy change the script? !
Wang Chuan took a closer look, and saw that the young man had already bitten a piece of flesh under the fat black man's crotch. He was shocked, and hurriedly slapped the young man on the back of the head, shouting: "Shut up!"

This slap was extremely heavy, and the young man let out a muffled groan in his throat. He let go of his mouth and raised his head. He stared at Wang Chuan with green eyes, and said ferociously, "Why, do you want to grab food?"

Wang Chuan took the opportunity to push the fat black man away, and said, "Don't worry, I won't steal from you. I eat grass and don't eat meat." Words are all about guessing.If it is going to be filmed on the earth, it must be a modern fantasy version of realist stream-of-consciousness masterpiece.

"Don't eat meat? How can I do that! How can I grow up just eating grass? Come, come, I invite you to eat meat!"

Wang Chuan seemed to have accepted the young man's script correctly. The young man was enthusiastic and generous, pointing his chin in front of him and said, "Hey! Bitch! Come here, cut the meat and eat it with us!"

A group of female relatives hid behind their male relatives with horrified faces.The fat black man had been helped out by others, and a heart-piercing wailing came from outside: "Lang Zhong! Lang Zhong! I need to see Lang Zhong!"

Surviving this trouble, no one dared to cross the young man and forcibly enter the side hall.The young man's attention was also attracted by the crowd, and Wang Chuan was relieved a lot when the two sides confronted each other.

Wang Chuan moved a chair to sit down, and watched the fun leisurely.

After a while, the left-handed scholar Xiao Xiaorang was called by his subordinates.The fat man carrying a paintbrush and drawing paper seemed to have rolled through six doors, and when he reached the entrance of the main hall, he was already sweating and panting.

Wang Chuan passed through the crowd and saw Xiao Xiaorang. After not seeing him for a while, the fat man's belly had grown three times.

"Borrow, accept."

Xiao Xiaorang accompanied the smiling face and held his hands all the way, struggling to squeeze through the crowd.When he arrived in front of Wang Chuan, he waited for a long time before he could speak smoothly, and said, "Why are you calling me, Detective Wang? Let me tell you, as soon as you call me, I put down other things and come here. Hey, I'm exhausted."

"What is this?"

The young man suddenly pointed at Xiao Xiaorang and asked.

Xiao Xiaorang stared at him, rolled his fingers inwardly, pointed at himself and asked, "Me?"

That's right, this guy's brains are so weird that Painter Xiao was directly thrown into the category of inhumans by him.

Wang Chuan hurriedly gave Xiao Xiaorang a compliment, and said to the young man, "This is the Marshal of the Canopy of the Heaven Realm, also known as the Envoy of the Pure Altar, who specializes in cooking and is here to cook delicious food for fellow Taoists."

After listening to Wang Chuan's words, Xiao Xiaorang also realized that the situation in front of him was unusual, so he didn't get mad.

The young man nodded and said, "I see. What are you doing standing there? Why don't you kill all the chickens and ducks in front of you? I want deep-fried ones!"

Well, this has become a chicken and a duck again.

Wang Chuan didn't care about the group of chickens and ducks behind Xiao Xiaorang, and told Xiao Xiaorang: "Hurry up and give him a portrait."

Xiao Xiaorang said "yes" and spread out the drawing paper to start painting.His speed is really fast, and in a blink of an eye, he has already painted the portrait of the young man, which is very vivid.

"Huh? Isn't this me?"

The young man's attention was attracted by the portrait, but when he saw it, he immediately frowned and shook the iron chair. "Where's the food? Why didn't you eat it? Where's the fried chicken?"

"Draw a chicken leg and put it on."

Wang Chuan responded.

Xiao Xiaorang immediately drew a chicken leg around the mouth of the young man's portrait.

"That's right. This chicken drumstick is fragrant and can be called the supreme chicken drumstick!"

Satisfied, the young man asked intoxicatedly, and even swallowed.

Wang Chuan didn't disturb his dream, took the drawing paper, handed it to the subordinate who brought Xiao Xiaorang, and ordered: "Paste this painting on the bulletin board of Shenwu Square, if anyone knows him, bring it to me immediately .”

(End of this chapter)

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