Quick Fishing Guide

Chapter 9 Script Transformation

Chapter 9 Script Transformation
"Okay, Brother Chuan, just wait."

The subordinate took the drawing paper, responded, then turned and trotted out the six doors.

The young man's eyes followed the drawing paper all the way.As soon as the drawing paper disappeared at the door of the six doors, the young man was already looking forward to seeing it through, and he smacked his lips and shouted excitedly: "Hey hey hey - why did my fried chicken legs fly? Come back quickly! Come back quickly!"

Wang Chuan was happy to see the young man's attention diverted.But the young man's prestige is still there, even if he didn't go to see the group of people in the main hall, that group of people would not dare to enter the side hall again.The men are afraid of being bitten by castration, and the women don't want to be called "bitches", and no one even dares to make any noise.

The whole world is quiet!
For a moment, Wang Chuan had the feeling that the Supreme Treasure had finally swatted Tang Seng to death with a fly swatter. He felt that the pores all over his body were completely transparent at once, which was better than being attacked by Sister Han, Sister Ping, and Xiao Lianer, with a strong waist. It's enough to do everything possible, and it's even more comfortable to serve all the ups and downs.

In the side hall, quarrels sometimes occurred to me, and the couple's problems were difficult to resolve for a while.The people in the main hall listened quietly, and at the same time carefully observed the young man, for fear that the young man would divert his attention and attack them again.

The sun gradually moved to the right sky, and the weather became hot and dry.The main hall was crowded with people, the air was not good, and some people started sweating crazily.Wang Chuan gradually felt hungry, and his stomach was rumbling, so he called another person to watch for him for a while, and went to have lunch by himself.

At this time, the meal in the dining hall was not ready yet, so Wang Chuan had no choice but to go out six doors and go to the tavern next door to eat.There was also a drink bill in the tavern next door, which was enough for Wang Chuan to have lunch.

The sun was scorching outside, and there were few pedestrians.The blazing sun drove away the shadows under the wall on the other side of the six doors, so Wang Chuan had to walk along the other side for shade.When passing by Liuxiang, Sister Han happened to be sitting under the shade of a tree, leaning against the trunk and leaning sideways.

Sister Han held a small lotus fan in her hand, the breeze from the fan made the hair on her forehead flirtatious, but it was still difficult to drive away the heat in the sky, instead it made her cheeks hot and cold, stained with two patches of blush, making her It looks like there is a lazy obsequiousness.

"Why is Detective Wang here at this time?"

Sister Han raised her phoenix eyes, glanced lazily at Wang Chuan, and was weak in speaking, "It's very hot at this time, and my family is not in the mood to serve you."

Wang Chuan smiled and said: "In this hot day, even if you are interested, sister, I am not in the mood. Sister, you look at me too badly. When did I get so anxious?"

Sister Han smiled happily, covering her red lips with her round fan.The pale red flower sleeve slipped between the elbows, exposing the snow-white forearm.Sister Han chuckled and said, "Yes, yes, why is Catcher Wang in a hurry? It's my sister who is in a hurry. My sister and I have already looked down on Catcher Wang for so many years. Now I can't help but want to end it myself, and I can't bear to let the sister in the kiln come to take advantage of it. Why don't you come back later? When the weather is cold, how about the servant's service in person?"

"That's a good feeling."

Wang Chuan responded with a smile.He was really uncomfortable being teased these two days, so he might have to find a chance to vent his anger.Since Sister Han made such a proposal, he agreed first, and it was fine.

Sister Han didn't expect Wang Chuan to agree so simply, her eyes lit up, she sat up with her hands on the tree trunk, stared at Wang Chuan with both eyes, and said in a charming voice: "That's for sure. When the time comes If Detective Wang doesn't come quickly, my sister, I will go to the door myself."

Wang Chuan slapped his forehead and said, "Almost forgot, I'm on duty today, but I don't have time to answer you. Elder sister, you can enjoy the cool by yourself. I have to eat quickly and go back to be on duty."

Sister Han insisted, "If it doesn't work today, it will work tomorrow."

"Then let's talk about it tomorrow."

As Wang Chuan said, he walked away quickly, turned the corner to the Gebi Tavern, ordered a bowl of beef noodles, and was sweating profusely.

After eating, Wang Chuan returned the same way, and Sister Han was no longer sitting under the tree.Returning to the six doors, Wang Chuan heard the young man's ups and downs from a distance, and was immediately surprised. When did this guy's voice become so smooth?

Wang Chuan hurried into the main hall, but saw the young man with his hands and feet still locked, sitting on the iron leaning, shaking his head like a private school teacher: "Heaven and earth face each other, Yin and Yang face each other. If I am the sky, who is the earth?" Shi Yi pointed to a person in the hall and said, "You answer."

The man looked left and right, but no one could help him. After thinking for a long time, he replied tremblingly: "But... but the elder brother of the Great Immortal?"

The young man raised his eyebrows, slapped the iron table with his palm, and scolded: "Fart! It's all divided into yin and yang, how can he still be my brother? If I am the sky, the earth is of course my wife!"

That's enough!After walking for a while, this guy changed the script again, and he has become an academy teacher, and he has trained the noisy guys in the room to be obedient and honest students.This handle style is so powerful that Wang Chuan has to admire it.

The subordinate who was helping guard next to him smiled bitterly, almost unable to hold back.

With a thought in Wang Chuan's mind, he stepped forward, first took the place of his subordinates and asked them to eat in the dining hall, and then asked the young man, "What's your wife's name?"

The young man looked up at Wang Chuan angrily, and said, "Are you kidding me! How can I have a wife?"

It's over, the clue is broken again.

Wang Chuan had no choice but to wait patiently to see when the subordinates he sent out would bring back news.

After a while, the door of the side hall creaked open, Luo Ming and the other five people came out one by one.Luo Ming heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "It's finally over. Well, it's been agreed inside, and you can leave separately. I'm sleepy and hungry now, so I need to eat and sleep quickly."

A group of people had already lost their temper, and they all left after chatting with Luo Ming for a while.Luo Ming and Wang Chuan greeted each other weakly, and left with their shoulders drooping.Only then did the young man recall the earlier script, and asked, "Why are you leaving, fellow daoist? Are you not going to heaven?"

Luo Ming waved his hand and said, "No, no, you can go by yourself."

Seeing the young man's staring eyes, and about to go mad again, Wang Chuan hurriedly said, "Fellow Taoist, don't pay attention to him. He's at the end of his life. Look at his powerless appearance. I'm afraid he's failed to pass the tribulation, and he won't be able to go to heaven. We two go to heaven." , don’t take him.”

"Crossing Tribulation? What Transcending Tribulation?"

The young man didn't understand.

Wang Chuan explained: "It was struck by lightning."

The young man nodded suddenly and said, "Oh."

Wang Chuan called two people, and carried the young man back to the side hall with the iron chair attached.After a morning of groping, Wang Chuan has almost figured out the young man's temperament. He played a few scripts back and forth, not afraid that the young man's thinking will take off and his emotions will be out of control.

In the afternoon, the subordinate who was sent out by him finally came back, followed by three men, one was dressed luxuriously, the other had a sword hanging from his waist, and the other looked like a bearer. They all claimed to know the young man.

(End of this chapter)

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