Chapter 96
second work? ?

Caishiyan wondered if there was something wrong with her ears.

Before the competition, where did you say that you need two works?

In the next second, her face suddenly turned pale.

He tore off the simultaneous interpreter from his ear and stared at it.

"Which bastard is killing me?!"

Caishiyan immediately saw that her simultaneous interpreter had been tampered with.

And guess, other people's simultaneous interpreters can receive normal questions.

That is two works.

Only her, the title received is a work!
No wonder other people's submission time is so much slower than hers!

Caishiyan looked around angrily, looking for the guy who murdered her.

In the end, his eyes fixed on Da Siwu.

At this time, Da Siwu smiled at Caishiyan from a distance.

But that smile was so weird that it made one's skin crawl.

It really was that bastard!
Cai Shiyan immediately identified the culprit.

She glanced at the triumphant Dajiwu, took a deep breath, and raised her short hand: "Judge—Judge—"

"Player Caishi, what's wrong?" the referee asked curiously.

Caishiyan shook the simultaneous interpreter in her hand, and said calmly: "I suspect that someone inside your organizer has tampered with my simultaneous interpreter."


"Caishi player, is what you said true?!"

The organizers at the scene were all taken aback.

The other contestants also cast surprised looks.

Daji Wu suddenly panicked.

He didn't expect that Caishiyan would be so brave and directly approach the organizer.

Immediately shouted: "Don't believe her, this is just her excuse!

It must be that she has no confidence in her second work, so she deliberately disrupted the order of the competition.

I, Da Si Wu, request the organizer to directly expel this brazen Yan countryman! "

Because Daiji Satoru is a celebrity, the organizers listened carefully to what he said, and began to discuss in whispers, discussing how to deal with this matter.

The players below were also talking about it.

"No wonder she is so fast. I think she was stumped by the second question."

"Yeah, if you put all the energy on the second question to the first question, can you not get a high score?"

"Tch! At such a young age, you're playing tricks like this. Will you still have it when you grow up?"

Among them, those men who failed to strike up a conversation just now are indispensable.

But in the face of rumors and rumors, Cai Shiyan just sneered: "It turns out that the prestigious Dongda University in the eyes of the world is just a place where right and wrong are not distinguished."

This time, the organizers were immediately annoyed.

"Caishi contestant, please pay attention to your words!"

"Our East University is not something you, an outsider, can casually slander!"

A group of staff reprimanded Caishiyan with a cold face.

Da Si Wu saw this scene, and he was ecstatic: Caishi, Caishi, this is what you asked for!

However, the sneer on Caishiyan's face became more obvious: "Outsiders? Haha.

It seems that I, a graduate of Tokyo University, have already been expelled from my alma mater. "

As soon as these words came out, the hall suddenly fell silent.

"Dong, Dong what?"

"I heard correctly, she said she is a graduate of the University of Tokyo?!"


After being stunned, he burst out laughing.

Especially Da Si Wu, who laughed the most exaggeratedly.

But the organizers couldn't laugh anymore.

Because of Cai Shiyan, she threw a genuine ID card of Dongcheng University in front of them.

Looking at the school badge, school seal, and school name of their own school, they were all stunned when they saw the photo that was exactly the same as the colorful stone swallow in front of them.

"Huang Mio. I seem to have a little impression of this name."

"May I ask if you are the legendary genius from Yan Kingdom who graduated from our Dongda University at the age of 13?"

The staff asked with a look of admiration.

The laughter in the hall also gradually disappeared.

A series of stunned eyes fixed on Caishiyan.

"Hey, hey, he just said Huang Mio, right?
Do you think of this name? "

"You mean, that legendary hacker—Mio?"

Several people began to discuss in low voices.

Da Siwu's smile was completely petrified on his face.

"So, am I now qualified to have you inspect the simultaneous interpreter?"

Caishiyan said expressionlessly.

"Of course—quick! Help Caishi, oh no, Huang Mio-senpai check!"

Soon, the host checked out the problem from the simultaneous interpreter.

It's just that in a short period of time, there is no way to confirm who did it.

But the staff member who gave Caishiyan the simultaneous interpreter was already trembling in the corner.

Da Siwu's face was also frighteningly gloomy.

"I'm sorry, Senior Huang Mio, we can't give you an explanation right now.

Regarding your compensation, we discussed it and decided to let you continue to participate in the competition.

However, because of this incident, we allow you to provide previous works for the competition without having to make a second work on site.

Do you think this compensation method is acceptable? "

The staff asked anxiously.

No wonder they were so scared.

It's fine if it's someone else, but Cai Shiyan, as a graduate of Dongda University, will surely be believed by many people if she announces the problems of Dongda University.

If it arouses public opinion at that time and affects the reputation of Dongda University, in the past, sinners like them will commit seppuku!

"Well, let's deal with it like this."

To the surprise of the staff, Caishiyan readily agreed to this compensation method.

What they didn't know was that Caishiyan didn't care about compensation.

As long as she can fulfill her promise to Liang Mu and complete the competition smoothly, she won't care about other small things.

Ever since, the staff told Caishiyan the second question that she hadn't received.

Next, Caishiyan only needs to find a program that meets the requirements from her computer to participate in the competition.

But the moment she heard the topic, Caishiyan was taken aback.

Because the name of the topic is - [A computer program on the Internet].

It corresponds exactly to the title of the first work - offline version of computer program.

But what made Caishiyan stunned was not how difficult the topic was.

It's the latest program she made in her computer, which just meets the requirements of the topic!

That is the program she tried to make a few days ago, which can solve the mystery of the unknown bookstore's lack of signal!

Thinking that Liang Mu asked her to participate in the competition, and the topic of the competition happened to be related to him, Caishiyan suddenly had a strange emotion in her heart.

This hidden coincidence made her feel like she had entered a certain prison.

'That three-dimensional creature seems to be not as simple as it seems on the surface.'

(End of this chapter)

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