Please stop kneeling, I'm really not an expert!

Chapter 97 What kind of miniature is this!

Chapter 97 What kind of miniature is this!
With little choice, Cai Shiyan submitted the program to the organizer.

"Before testing the effect, can you ask Senior Huang Mio what this program is for?"

The staff asked politely.

"Signal adjustment and interference of micro area network." Caishiyan said casually.

"Understood, I will test the specific effect for you."

Subsequently, the staff loaded the program of Caishiyan into the terminal equipment on site.

In the corner, Daji Satoru sneered silently.

'Even if you are a graduate of Dongdae, even if you are a genius younger than me, even if you are amazing.
But I still don't believe that you can beat me in this competition!

After all, I already knew today's topic in advance three days ago!
Hehehe, let me make you proud for a while'

"Then, the test begins."

The staff pressed the button with a smile.


A loud sound suddenly came from the instrument, startling the staff member.

It also shocked the players on the scene.

"what happened?"

"What happened?"

All the staff on site approached the instrument.

But what appeared in front of them were lines of code flying randomly on the screen.

It was as if there was an invisible hand messing around in the instrument.

"What exactly is going on?"

A group of people are in a hurry, but they can't make the instrument work normally.

And their behavior seems to have angered those codes.

All the codes suddenly concentrated in the center of the screen, turning into the shape of a sword.

And from inside the screen, stab hard towards the outside of the screen!

Although I knew in my heart that the sword was not real, but because the picture was too shocking, like watching a 3D movie, a group of people were subconsciously forced to retreat.


After a dull sound, the screen of the instrument suddenly went dark.

However this is just the beginning!
The moment the screen went black, there seemed to be an invisible electromagnetic wave spreading outward.

The simultaneous interpreters on everyone's ears suddenly stopped working.

When they reported the situation to the staff, the staff immediately picked up their mobile phones, ready to contact the maintenance personnel.

"What's going on? Why is there no signal on the phone?"

After one person finds the signal is abnormal, the second and third
Soon, everyone at the scene found that their mobile phones had no signal.

Not only mobile phones, but all other network devices are also disconnected.

"Something has happened! The entire East University seems to be disconnected from the Internet!"

Someone ran in from outside and shouted in a panic.

And where they couldn't see, the entire Eastern University fell into chaos.

Many teachers and students ran to the open space, holding computers and mobile phones, looking for signals at a loss.

But this is just the tip of the catastrophe.

If someone can overlook the entire hot city, they can see that the streets and alleys have become a mess.

Governments, banks, schools, hospitals... All places that need to use the Internet are all paralyzed at this moment.

There was a lot of traffic, congested on the street.

Pedestrians and passers-by were at a loss.

The entire city felt like the end of the world was coming, filled with panic.

"I need an explanation!"

In Nagata Town, the administrative center of Sakura Country, countless senior officials of Sakura Country roared in anger.

When the chief of the court, he was furious.

And hidden in their hearts is deep fear.

What mysterious force is it that has brought such a huge country to a standstill?

Could it be that Lijian Kingdom, which exists like Papa Kingdom, is dissatisfied with Sakura Kingdom's tribute and is punishing it?
Or the neighbor's giant dragon, and what new technology is it experimenting with?

Amidst the apprehension and uneasiness, the people of Recheng spent the darkest 3 minutes in their lives.

Three minutes later, the network was restored and order became normal.

However, those 3 minutes of darkness will definitely become the hottest news in Sakura Country today and even in recent years!
Dongda, the game scene.

Although the Internet has been restored, everyone's enthusiasm for the competition is gone.

All eyes are on one person.

Her name is Huang Miao.

Everyone at the scene is a leader in the computer industry.

Everyone knows who caused the darkness in Recheng for 3 minutes!
Looking at Caishiyan's eyes, they were all full of fear and fear.

This woman is so frightening!

"Senior Huang Miao, are you sure your program is [micro-area] network signal adjustment and interference?"

The staff member faced Cai Shiyan with a wry smile and emphasized the pronunciation of the words [micro-area].

The network signal of the entire hot city has been ruined. What kind of micro-area is it? !

The staff wanted to cry, but couldn't.

"Ha, haha. This is an accident."

Caishiyan laughed a few times, feeling very confused.

She did the procedure by herself, of course she understands the effect, it is impossible to be as exaggerated as before.

Unless someone has touched her program!

However, Caishiyan's computer is like a pet to her, and she always keeps it with her every day, so it is absolutely impossible for others to use it.

Apart from
Apart from
Except that day!

The day I fell asleep in the nameless bookstore!
Cai Shiyan's pupils shrank, and she finally remembered that the only person who had the chance to touch her computer!
Liang Mu!

Could it be that the program that paralyzed Recheng was written by Liang Mu? ?

Cai Shiyan's heart was in a mess in an instant.

"I guess there's no need to continue the competition, right?"

The staff looked at everyone with wry smiles.

A group of players immediately shook their heads.

Who wants to compare with this pervert?

In case she gets upset one day, she hacks their computer in minutes!

Da Siwu gritted his teeth and lowered his head unwillingly.

"Then, the organizers announce—

The grand prize winner of this year's Imperial Information Science Grand Prix is——

Caishi contestant from Yan Country! "

So far, this competition has come to an end with a strange but unquestioned result.

And Caishiyan thought it was an on-site award presentation, but unexpectedly, the organizer sent her to a place——

[Obsidian Shrine] located in Nagata Town.

According to the organizers, the prizes are in the shrine.

And because of some special reasons, she couldn't be taken out of the shrine, so she could only invite Caishi Yan to enter the shrine.

I followed the staff all the way into the depths of the shrine.

There, there is a temple with many black symbols engraved on its exterior.

An old woman dressed as a witch has been waiting for a long time.

The sunken eye sockets and the wrinkles embedded in the skin all prove the old woman's age.

But her back was always straight.

The eyes looking at Cai Shiyan were full of meaning.

Youyou opened the mouth and said: "It really isn't the child from our Dasi family."

(End of this chapter)

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