Chapter 95 Computer Contest

Caishiyan touched the head of the person who hit it, and looked at the person on the ground.

I saw that it was a young man from Sakura Country who was as thin as a bamboo pole.

Pale complexion, listless.

Either malnutrition or overindulgence.

No wonder she fell to the ground after being hit by Cai Shiyan.

"Baga! How do you walk?!"

The young man raised his head and glared at Caishiyan angrily.

It's just that when he saw Caishiyan's figure, he was taken aback suddenly, and then he couldn't look away.


Caishiyan said something casually, bypassed the young man and left.

"Bridge, bridge bean sack!"

The young man quickly got up from the ground and caught up with Cai Shiyan.

"My name is [Daji Wu], what's your name?"

The young man introduced himself.

"Oh, hello big mistake."

Caishiyan replied perfunctorily, her eyes never leaving the book.

Da Siwu stretched his neck, intending to see what made Caishi Yan fix his eyes on it.

But at a glance, she found that the book Caishiyan was reading was completely blank.

An anger of being played with suddenly rose from Da Siwu's heart.

"Hmph! People from Yan Kingdom are really rude!"

Da Siwu sneered in a cold voice.

From Caishiyan's accent, he judged Caishiyan's origin.

"Is this kind of statement qualified to say by a small country that learned etiquette from our ancient Yan country?"

Caishiyan still didn't even look at Da Siwu, but said sharp words automatically.


Daji Satoru was choked instantly.

Because what Caishiyan stated was an indisputable fact.


Suddenly, Caishiyan closed the book and looked at a sign hanging above her head.

On it is a banner mixed with characters from the Yan Kingdom and the Sakura Kingdom—Welcome to the Imperial Informatics Grand Prix.

"Are you also here to participate in the competition?" Da Siwu looked at Cai Shiyan in surprise, "You are not yet 15 years old, are you? In Shangjun High School?"

Caishiyan still ignored him and walked straight to the registration point.

"So your name is Caishi!"

Da Siwu, who followed closely, saw Caishiyan's name registered for the competition.

"Heh! I have never heard of this name in the top 100 in the world's computer field. It seems that she is a little sister who came to play casually."

Daji Satoru was standing next to him desperately trying to feel his presence.

After Caishiyan finished registering, he immediately stepped forward and patted a business card in front of the registering staff.

With a proud face, he raised his face high.

"Huh?!!! It turned out to be the legendary Mr. Dajiwu!"

"Oh my God, it's really an honor for us at Dongdae University that you actually came to participate in this competition."

"Mr. Odera Satoru, can you sign your name for me?"

The registration office fell into a moment of restlessness.

"Hahaha, little sister of Yan Kingdom, now you know my li...uh."

Da Si Wu wanted to show off how famous he was to Cai Shiyan, but when he turned his head, Cai Shiyan had already disappeared.

On the spot, Odera Satoru was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

"Bastard! You ignore me so much, I will make you regret it!"

After registering, Cai Shiyan came to a hall where the players rested.

At this time, many people with faces from different countries had already gathered in the hall.

However, some of them seem to be hackers who are inconvenient to meet people, so they deliberately wear masks and hats to conceal their identities.

The moment Cai Shiyan walked in, she naturally attracted most of the attention.

Among them, a large part of the computer nerds couldn't help drooling.



"Scatter my card."

One after another, men came up to strike up a conversation.

But what he faced was Caishiyan's consistent ignorance.

"Everyone, the competition is about to start, and I will send you simultaneous interpreters now."

A staff member with a sweet smile, carrying a plate with many simultaneous interpreters, came to each contestant and motioned them to wear it.

With simultaneous interpreters, players of different languages ​​can communicate without barriers.

And the titles of the subsequent competitions will also be announced remotely by the organizer through the Bluetooth function of the simultaneous interpreter.

"Ms. Caishi, this is your simultaneous interpreter."

The staff smiled and handed the simultaneous interpreter to Caishiyan.

Cai Shiyan, who had been looking down at the book, didn't notice a single detail.

That is the other contestants, all simultaneous interpreters that they randomly picked from the plate.

But only the colorful stone swallow was handed over to her by the staff.

So she just said thank you casually, took over the simultaneous interpreter, and continued to read with her head down.

So Caishiyan didn't know that before the staff member left the hall, he winked at Da Siwu.

Daji Satoru returned a strange smile.

And looked at Caishiyan with cold eyes.

"Hello everyone, today's competition topic is to create an offline version of a computer program on the spot.

Whoever's program scores the highest is today's champion and will receive a mysterious grand prize. "

After receiving the notification from the simultaneous interpreter, Cai Shiyan yawned boredly.

This kind of competition topic is easier for her than drinking water.

"Then just take a champion back and see if Uncle Liang dares to look down on me in the future."

Caishiyan muttered, her fingers began to dance on the keyboard.

It didn't take long for Cai Shiyan to create the program.

Submit it without even looking at it.

He also became the fastest finisher in the entire hall!

"How is she so fast?"

"Colored stones? I've never heard of Yan Guo having such a genius."

The other contestants looked at each other in blank amazement.

Only Da Siwu lowered his head with a strange smile on his mouth.

"competition is over."

When the time is up, the referee begins to judge the effect of each contestant's work.

"William from Grand Country, the title of the work is "The Reasoning Game - Detective Moriarty", the final score: 94 points, congratulations."

"Contestant Odera Satoru from Sakura Country, the title of the work is "Social Game - A Day in the Life of a Genius Programmer". The final score is 97 points, congratulations."

"Caishi contestant from Yan Country, the title of the work is, uh..."Text Adventure Game-Sister Mo Huan No. 100 in the world", the final score is [-] points, congratulations."



Hearing Caishiyan's score, the audience was in an uproar.

Only the smile on the corner of Odera Satoru's mouth became more and more weird.

After everyone's scores were announced, Caishiyan had already started packing up her computer, ready to receive the prize.

Because she was the only one in the audience, she got 100 points.

But at this moment, the organizer said: "The selection of the first work has ended, and the selection of the second work will begin."

Cai Shiyan's eyes widened instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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