Chapter 772

From that day on, Liang Mu temporarily lived in the lord's manor.

Although Dongji Xingjun said that there might be something wrong with Liang Wei, he did not produce key evidence.

After living there for a few days, Liang Mu gradually got used to the life with the Star Demon Clan around him.

Although I still can't be as natural as the locals, but I won't be as surprised as I was at the beginning.

Walking around the town, Liang Mu also discovered that the local Star Demons were significantly different from the Star Demons he met on the ancient wilderness road that day.

That is the local star demon clan, who has no magic energy.

It also made these star demons look less ferocious.

Liang Mu asked Liang Wei about this question.

In Liang Wei's answer, he still gave the credit to the current emperor.

It is said that the emperor possessed a technique that could wash away the demon energy from the Star Demon Clan, thus turning the Star Demon Clan into what it is now.

It was the emperor again.

Although he still doesn't know what the emperor looks like, Liang Mu has unconsciously become curious about the emperor.

Curiosity is what kind of existence can come up with so many wonderful ideas.

Of course, Liang Mu wasn't fooling around.

He borrowed some money from Liang Wei and replenished his travel necessities.

And, I bought some materials needed to write a book.

After all, a new journey may start at any time, so we must be prepared.

And the task may come at any time.

Based on previous experience, Liang Mu deduced that the conditions for opening a store were actually not that harsh.

You can open it yourself, or you can designate someone else to open it.

As for the books in the store, Liang Mu guessed that they don't necessarily have to be written in the place of the mission.

For example, write ahead of time.

And that's what he's doing now.

Using the materials I bought, I started writing a book in the manor.

While writing a book, I quietly waited for the task to come.

When will the money borrowed from Liang Wei be repaid?

Why don't you ask, is the money still in use?

When he disappears, the world will be vast, who can find him?

And every time at this time, Liang Mu would think of the salary owed to him by Beijing University!

He also wants to experience the feeling of owing money to others!

Of course, the most important reason why Liang Mu feels at ease is because Liang Wei, a wealthy family, is too rich.

He was so rich that he would not pay attention to the superficial thing he lent to Liang Mu.

He didn't even mention the word "borrow", but let Liang Mu withdraw it at will.

Is there really something wrong with such a generous person as Mr. Dongji Xing said?
At least the current Liang Mu has no answer.

And after that day, Mr. Dongji Xing never talked about it again.

It’s just that I often play missing like jelly, and it’s a whole day when I disappear.

Jelly disappeared to chase Daju, but where did Dongji Xingjun go?
Wouldn't there be someone in the picture too?
Liang Mu would rather believe that the sun rises from the south than that that guy will open his mind to fall in love.

The days passed peacefully like this.

In these carefree days, Liang Mu even wrote a bunch of books.

But the strange thing is that the task of the second star market has never been triggered.

So Liang Mu guessed that the triggering conditions of the mission may be related to the place.

Qifeng Town may not be a place where missions can be triggered.

Liang Mu gradually planned to leave.

Although the days here are leisurely and peaceful, there is no need to worry about the threat of the Star Demon Race.

Although going outside, you will encounter many risks.

But such a comfort zone is not the comfort zone in Liang Mu's mind.

He will leave the Second Star Market sooner or later.

But just when Liang Mu was going to go to mention this matter to Liang Wei, it happened that Liang Wei also found him.

It turns out that Liang Wei's identity is not only the son of the lord of Qifeng Town, but also a student of the Imperial College.

This time, I just came back to Qifeng Town for a few days while on vacation.

Now that the holiday is coming to an end, he is also preparing to return to the imperial capital and continue his studies.

So he came to Liang Mu and asked Liang Mu if he wanted to go to the capital with him.

This happened to coincide with Liang Mu's plan, why not agree?

Soon, Liang Mu caught all the jelly and big orange that were playing outside.

He told this matter to Lord Dongjixing again.

The next day, the two and the two beasts left Qifeng Town with Liang Wei's team.

This time back to the imperial capital, Liang Wei's accompanying team, except for Liang Mu and the others, were mostly star demon guards.

And, two beautiful accompanying maids.

He said it was to accompany him to study, but Liang Mu looked like he was accompanying him to warm the bed.

According to the map, it would take about ten days to travel from Qifeng Town to the Imperial Capital according to the pace of the team.

However, the interior of Tianrui Empire is mountainous, and the team often needs to pass through wilderness and hills.

The camping scene is also unavoidable.

It was from this day that when resting at night along the way, Liang Mu could always hear strange sounds coming from the tent next door.

Alas, at such a young age, he experienced happiness that Liang Mu had never experienced before.

As an old single dog, Liang Mu shed tears of envy.

This tormenting day finally stopped temporarily on the fifth day.

Because on this day, the team came to a male city in the middle of the map.

The rate belongs to the provincial capital of the Duannan Province of the Tianrui Empire - Duannan City.

This city is located in the middle of two high mountains, standing on the largest passage in the south and middle of the Tianrui Empire.

The name is a city, but it is actually a pass.

Such a terrain, in an ordinary world, can be said to occupy natural dangers and be indestructible.

But don't forget, this is a different world with stars, practitioners, and awakened people.

The mountains on both sides that ordinary soldiers can't cross, are like walking on flat ground to the above people.

Fortunately, the Rui Empire is now so powerful that no other country dares to invade.

On this day, the team entered the majestic gate of Duannan City.

With Liang Wei present, the identities of Liang Mu and others were not suspected, and they passed the investigation smoothly.

However, not long after the team entered Duannan City, Liang Mu saw a group of knights rushing past on the street before Liang Mu could appreciate the majesty of this magnificent city.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

"Duannan Manor is doing business, get out of the way quickly!"

The knights ran and drank loudly.

Passers-by along the way all gave way in fear.

Liang frowned slightly and let the team guards get out of the way.

Looking at the knights running past, his face was displeased: "I heard that the Duke of Duannan in Duannan Province has a good rule, so how could he let his knights disturb the people?

It seems that he is just a person trying to catch fame! "

But as soon as Liang Wei finished speaking, he was opposed by a townsman next to him: "What do you know, kid?
On the Great Fairness Day, it is called a person who loves the people like a son!
No, no, he has a worrying daughter! "

Hearing this, Liang Wei's displeasure disappeared, and he turned to ask the commoner curiously: "Oh? What's going on?"

At this time, other local people came over and chatted together about Duke Duannan's family affairs gossip.

(End of this chapter)

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