Please stop kneeling, I'm really not an expert!

Chapter 771 There is a problem with the surname Liang

Chapter 771 There is a problem with the surname Liang
Prior to this, Liang Mu hadn't noticed Daju because he stayed in the jelly body.

But when he came to the manor and entered the courtyard, the big orange was suddenly spat out by the jelly.

It was only then that Liang Mu discovered what a shocking act Jelly had made.

But he understood Jelly's unwillingness to separate from Daju, but Daju didn't seem to understand.

It has been stuffed in the jelly's stomach for so long, and it has obviously accumulated a lot of resentment.

As soon as he came out, he gave Jelly two paws.

Then ran away angrily.

I got two paws of jelly, nothing happened.

But seeing Daju running away, he quickly chased after him.

So in fact, the disappearing jelly coaxed his girlfriend to go.

Here, under the leadership of the Star Demon clan maid, Liang Mu and Dongji Xingjun were brought to the restaurant.

The style of the restaurant is also aristocratic.

A traditional long table stands across the spacious restaurant.

For some reason, Liang Mu thought of the Grand Duke Crocodile in the Ninth Star Ruins.

At that time, he was also in a similar restaurant environment, but he was just a dish of the Grand Duke Crocodile Demon.

But now, the one sitting on the edge of the table is of course not the Grand Duke Crocodile Demon.

Instead, they were two human men and a Star Demon woman.

Among the two human men, one is Liang Wei.

Sitting higher than him was a tall, thin middle-aged man with a goatee.

As for the Star Demon woman, she sat on the side with the middle-aged man.

At this moment, all three looked at Liang Mu and the two of them.

"Father, mother, they are Brother Liang Mu and Brother Dongji that I just introduced to you."

Liang Qin said to the middle-aged man and the Star Demon woman.

But he looked behind Liang Mu suspiciously: "Where's Brother Jelly? Why didn't you come together?"

At this moment, the middle-aged man and the Star Demon woman smiled and nodded at Liang Mu and Dongji Xingjun.

Liang Mu didn't know how Dongji Xingjun felt, but he suddenly had goosebumps all over his body.

Liang Wei didn't mind calling this middle-aged man his father, but he still called a Star Demon woman her mother? !

Could it be that Liang Wei is actually a hybrid of human and devil? !

Liang Mu resisted the weirdness in his heart, and casually made up a reason why Jelly was not there.

Then he was invited to a seat at the table.

"Brother Liang Mu, brother Dongji, let me introduce to you."

Liang Wei pointed to the middle-aged man and said, "This is my father, and also the lord of Qifeng Town."

As soon as these words came out, Liang Mu was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

No wonder, Liang Wei's house is the most magnificent building in the town.

No wonder those businessmen respect him so much.

No wonder, Liang Wei dared to venture into the ancient wilderness road with a dozen guards.

It turned out that Liang Wei was the son of the local lord!
"This is my father's new wife.

Although she is my stepmother, I regard her as my own mother.

Hee hee, were you secretly startled just now? "

Liang Wei introduced the Star Demon woman, and winked narrowly at Liang and Mu.

Liang Mu smiled helplessly.

He was really hit by what Liang Wei said, he was really taken aback just now, he thought this woman was really the mother who gave birth to Liang Wei.

It turned out to be just a stepmother.

This guy is skinny enough!

Liang Wei's father was so fierce that he even married a star demon as his wife.

Just when Liang Mu was curious about what kind of species would be produced by the combination of humans and demons, he heard Dongji Xingjun next to him suddenly ask: "Then where is your real mother?"

As soon as these words came out, Liang Mu secretly screamed inwardly!

Doesn’t this guy know how to look at the occasion?

How can you ask such an ignorant question? !

Sure enough, this question made everyone at the table stiffen.

"Cough cough."

It was Liang Wei who rescued Dongji Xingjun.

She smiled and said, "My biological mother is not here, but went to a very distant place."

This is said tactfully enough.

Anyone who is a normal person should be able to tell that Liang Wei's biological mother is no longer alive.

But Lord Dongjixing is not a normal person after all.

"Well then!"

Mr. Dongji Xing seemed to want to ask something, but a piece of meat was stuffed into his mouth by Liang Mu.

Block him directly and don't let him speak.

Otherwise, Liang Mu was really worried that he would be kicked out with this family.

Seeing Mr. Dongji Xing with a mouth full of meat, everyone couldn't help but smile.

The originally tense atmosphere has eased a lot.

In the end, under Liang Mu's strict defense, Mr. Dongji Xing did not have a chance to speak again, and the dinner came to a successful conclusion.

During the meeting, Liang Wei introduced many local customs.

And Liang Mu discovered that although the lord is a lord, the father doesn't seem to know much about him like his son.

Almost just agree with a smile, rarely speak.

On the contrary, Liang Weicai is more like the lord of Qifeng Town.

As for Liang Wei's stepmother, she was even more taciturn.

Not a single word was spoken throughout the dinner.

Drink enough, eat enough.

When Liang Mu and Dongji Xingjun returned to their residence, Jelly had also coaxed Daju back.

Fortunately, Liang Mu was prepared and asked his servant to pack some leftovers for him.

Jelly had no interest in these leftovers, but Daju ate them with relish.

Jelly saw how delicious the big orange was, and couldn't help but want to try the taste.

But it forgot that it has a bloody mouth.

With just one bite, I accidentally swallowed all the leftovers.


The enraged Daju gave Jelly two claws again.

Then Jelly can only stage a wife-chasing scene again, chasing after Daju who left angrily.

Looking at the backs of these two guys, Liang Mu couldn't help shaking his head.

This cross-ethnic love has a long road ahead!

From this, Liang Mu couldn't help thinking of the marriage between Liang Wei's father and the stepmother of the Star Demon Clan.

Is the interracial union of humans and demons really all right?
What is the attitude of the world towards this?
While Liang Mu was thinking, Lord Dongji Xing came in front of him.

The head and face were covered with one sentence: "There is a problem with the surname Liang!"

Liang Mu: .
Please, his surname is Liang too!
Of course, Liang Mu understood who Dongji Xingjun was talking about.

He just remained silent, waiting for Dongji Xingjun to continue.

If there is an argument, there must be evidence, right?

But what drove Liang Mu crazy was that Mr. Dongji Xing didn't continue talking.

With only these words left, he went back to his room.

Liang Mu is numb.

What he hates the most in his life is people who talk half-speak!
At this time, the voice of the maid from the night came from outside the courtyard: "Mr. Liang, Mr. Dongji, the young master asked me to ask you, do you need a maid to warm the bed?"

This should have been a charming question.

But when she asked this question, it was a star demon maid covered in scales, which could only make Liang Mu's back feel cold.

"No need, I"

Because he was too resistant, Liang Mu only had time to leave half a sentence before he hurried back to the room and quickly closed the door tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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