Chapter 773

Duannan Province stands in the south of Tianrui Empire and is also the largest province in the south.

This place has been ruled by the Duannan family for generations.

The rulers of each generation are called Grand Duke Duannan.

According to what the people said, this generation of Duke Duannan was wise and capable, and managed Duannan Province in an orderly manner.

Unfortunately, Grand Duke Duannan's wife died of premature birth, leaving him only one daughter.

The only daughter must be held in the palm of my hand and loved.

Perhaps it was because of being too spoiled that Grand Duke Duan Nan's daughter has been unruly and self-willed since she was a child.

Sometimes, even Grand Duke Duan Nan couldn't listen to what he said.

But that's all.

After all, this young lady didn't do anything harmful.

Even if they play a little bit of temper at ordinary times, can the people in the city still get angry with her because of Duke Duannan's face?
Only this time, the eldest lady did a big thing quietly.

She fell in love with a star demon man!
Even marry that man!

That's all, forget it!
However, Grand Duke Juan Nan is the one with the most conservative attitude towards the Star Demon Race among all the dukes in the Tianrui Empire.

Conservative here means that he did not explicitly oppose the national policy of the emperor moving into the Star Demon Clan.

But he himself strictly ordered the two races to intermarry.

But now, his daughter blatantly violated his order, where does Duke Duannan lose face?

Ever since, Grand Duke Duan Nan locked his daughter at home and prevented her from contacting that star demon man.

But the more so, the more rebellious his daughter became.

In the end, he knocked out the guard and escaped from the house.

So these knights from Duannan Mansion came to arrest their young lady.

After hearing what was going on at Grand Duke Duannan's house, Liang Mu just smiled without much reaction.

He heard a lot of this kind of gossip in his hometown.

Beating mandarin ducks with sticks happened quite often in ancient Yan Kingdom.

The four characters of the right family have killed many beautiful loves.

The difference is that what Grand Duke Duan Nan prevented was the marriage between his daughter and a foreign race. It can even be said to be a union of foreign races.

If it were in other places, Duke Duannan's actions would definitely be recognized.

But this is the Tianrui Empire.

A country that treats the Star Demon Race as its own family in its national policy.

Therefore, Liang Mu didn't know what attitude the people had towards Duke Duannan.

He could only guess that the current emperor would be very upset when he found out about this incident.

"Oh! Interesting."

Liang Wei smiled meaningfully.

Then he asked Liang Mu: "Brother Liang Mu, it's still early, do you want to go together to see how this scene will end?"

Liang Wei has already noticed that Dongji Xingjun doesn't like him, so he hasn't talked to Dongjixing Lord these days, but only communicated with Liang Mu.

"I also can."

Liang Mu was noncommittal.

Anyway, how this scene will end has nothing to do with him.

Seeing Liang Mu's promise, Liang Wei asked the others to go to the inn to rest first.

On the other hand, he casually brought two guards to watch the excitement with Liang Mu.

After inquiring about the trajectories of the Duannanfu knights all the way, the two finally came to a towering bell tower.

At this time, the bell tower was surrounded by knights from the Duannan Mansion.

But every knight had a wry smile and worry on his face.

They raised their heads and looked at the lonely figure on the bell tower, their throats were almost dry.

"Miss, it's dangerous up there, come down quickly!"


At this time, besides the knights, there was also a large circle of people watching the excitement outside the clock tower.

Liang Mu and Liang Wei were also among them.

With his extraordinary eyesight, Liang Mu could clearly see the face of the man on the bell tower.

But she is a beautiful girl with a proud figure.

But at this time, she was holding a short dagger across her neck.

Looking at the knights under the clock tower with cold eyes, they looked like they might wipe their necks at any time.

"None of you are allowed to come up, or I will die in front of you!"

Through the information obtained from previous inquiries, Liang Mu knew that this tough girl was the daughter of Grand Duke Duan Nan.

Also the heroine of the event.

It's called Duan Nanling.

It's just that he didn't expect Duan Nanling to be so strong in order not to be taken back.

The knights were afraid to go upstairs, so they had to keep persuading them downstairs.

And just when Liang Mu thought that the situation would be deadlocked for how long, there was a sudden exclamation from outside the crowd: "The Grand Duke is here!"

Liang Mushun looked around and found a broad bearded man, surrounded by a group of knights, quickly passed through the crowd and came to the bottom of the bell tower.

It seems that this bearded man is the master of Duannan City and even the entire Duannan Province, Duke Duannan.

At this time, Grand Duke Duannan, seeing his daughter threatening to die, did not show anger on his face, but was full of self-blame.

"Ling'er, it's all my fault that I, the father, dote on you too much for the current situation."

Grand Duke Duannan here is still blaming himself in public, but Duannanling upstairs interrupted his father impatiently: "Shut up! Don't tell me these annoying truths!
I just want to ask you one question, will you let me marry Ah Feng?

If you don't let me, I will jump from here and die for you! "

Ah Feng should be the man from the Star Demon Clan who fell in love with her.

Facing his daughter's threat, Grand Duke Duannan slowly closed his eyes.

With trembling lips, he said: "Instead of letting you continue to harm the reputation of the Duannan family, it is better for me to kill my relatives righteously and end this crime."
Get your hands on it! "

With a last shout, a knight behind Duke Duannan made a sudden move.

Just hearing the sound of "咻", a ray of cold light quickly flew to the bell tower.

While flying the dagger in Duan Nanling's hand, it also made Duan Nanling unsteady.

In the screams, fell from the bell tower.

Fortunately, the other knights were already prepared, they rushed forward quickly, and firmly caught Duan Nanling's body.

And when Duan Nanling was struggling, he knocked Duan Nanling unconscious with a hand knife.

"Didn't I ask you to kill her?"

Grand Duke Duannan looked at the knight behind him dissatisfied.

The knight immediately knelt down and confessed: "The Grand Duke has orders, and I dare not disobey them.

But the subordinates believe that the eldest lady is not hopeless.

As long as he is strictly disciplined, sooner or later he will understand the good intentions of the Grand Duke and turn against evil for good. "

"But... even if I am willing to forgive her this time, can the people of Duannan City forgive her?!"

Grand Duke Duannan looked at the surrounding people in pain.

"Grand Duke! We won't blame Eldest Miss for what you said!"

"That's right, we believe, Grand Duke, you will definitely make the young lady change her ways!"

The common people supported Duke Duannan one after another, which shows the high reputation of Duke Duannan.

"Hmph! Since the people are pleading for mercy for this evil animal, then I will temporarily forgive her this time!
Don't worry, everyone, I will definitely keep her under strict supervision, and I will never let her do such a thing that disturbs everyone again! "

Grand Duke Duannan received a lot of applause for his generous and just words.

But Liang Mu, who was watching the whole process, almost laughed out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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