Chapter 62 Two Savages
"Back? What's the matter?"

Cheng Xuan turned his head curiously, but his entire neck suddenly petrified.

A pair of pupils, full of fear.

I saw a person standing quietly between two big trees less than five meters away from her.

A man with a very strange appearance!

The man was tall, about the width of two adults.

The strong body is covered with clothes made of green leaves and rattan.

It seems to be wearing a green leaf helmet on the head, covering the whole face with green leaves, only revealing a pair of big wild eyeballs.

At this time, the pair of big eyes looked at the three of them coldly.

"Wild, savage!"

Bai Xi's face turned pale with fright, and her voice trembled uncontrollably.

Cheng Xuan forced herself to calm down, but facing the creature she had never seen before, her legs couldn't help shaking, and she couldn't think normally at all.

Only Sima Bo frowned, with doubts in his eyes.

He remembered that what he followed was a black figure, not the green guy in front of him.

In terms of size, the previous one was also slimmer, not as strong as the one in front of him.


Suddenly, "Savage" yelled at the three of them, and rushed over immediately.


Subconsciously, the three of Sima Bo started to run away.

But because they didn't know the way out, the three of them ran for a long time, but never got out.

The "savage" followed closely, and kept shouting angrily, like a beast whose territory had been violated.


With a muffled groan, Cheng Xuan accidentally tripped over a piece of paper lying on the ground and fell to the ground.

"Professor Cheng!"

Sima Bo and Bai Xi immediately moved from left to right, helping Cheng Xuan up.

But Cheng Xuan was in pain, with big beads of sweat oozing from his face: "My foot seems to be sprained."

For a moment, Sima Bo and Bai Xi were both stumped.

One of them is an old man in his seventies and eighties, and the other is a young girl who has just grown up, and they have no strength to continue running away with Cheng Xuan on their backs.

But it is impossible for them to give up Cheng Xuan and escape alone!

And in this short period of time, the "savage" had already caught up.

From a distance of three meters, he looked at the three of them coldly.

Like a lion waiting for a meal, watching its prey.

Cheng Xuan and Bai Xi hugged each other tightly, trembling with fright.

And looking at this "savage", Sima Bo always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell for a while.

At this moment, Bai Xi's pupils shrank again.

Pointing at the back of the "savage", his face showed horror.

In the afternoon, Sima Qingjian unexpectedly received a call from Huang's mother, saying that Xiao Huang had woken up.

She immediately put down what she was doing and drove to the Penglaifu community.

"Are you the miraculous doctor your parents mentioned? Thank you very much!"

Xiao Huang leaned against the head of the bed weakly, thanking him non-stop.

"Let's keep the thank you for now." Sima Qingjian waved his hand and asked seriously, "Xiao Huang, do you know how you got this strange disease?"

Xiao Huang nodded, smiled wryly and said, "If I guessed correctly, it should be related to [Savage]."

"Savage??" Sima Qingjian was stunned.

"Half a month ago, I traveled to Riyue Island with my friends.

In the evening, we landed on the island and played adventure games together.

But when I passed through a forest alone, I found a wild man with a terrifying appearance! "

While recalling, Xiao Huang showed a look of lingering fear.

"Because it was too dark, I didn't see what the savage looked like, but I only remembered that the savage had black hair all over his body.

There is also a pair of long and sharp claws.
At that time, I was so scared that I ran away immediately.

But the savage was very fast, and scratched my paw when he rushed up.

Fortunately, my friends heard the voice and called my name from a distance, scaring the wild man away.

But after returning from Riyue Island, I have been restless.

Suddenly one day, I found that the place where I was scratched by the savage was painful and itchy, and a disgusting blue liquid flowed out.

But before I went to the hospital for an examination, I passed out.

You, the genius doctor, should know all about what happened later."

Sima Qingjian was stunned for a while, just like listening to a ghost novel.

"Show me your wounds."

Sima Qing said to Xiao Huang suspiciously.

Xiao Huang lifted up his shirt and turned his back, revealing five dark red wound marks.

Sima Qingjian secretly blamed himself for being careless.

At that time, she only thought about draining the swollen fluid in Xiao Huang's body, and forgot to check the condition of other parts of Xiao Huang's body.

She stared at the wound and found that the shape of the five wounds was indeed scratched by some five-clawed creature.

'Is it really a savage? '

'Sun Moon Island won't be related to Grandpa's research, right? '

Looking at the wound, Sima Qingjian fell into deep thought.

Bai Xi's strangeness was also noticed by Sima Bo and Cheng Xuan.

When they followed Bai Xi's line of sight, their pupils shrank in unison!
The "savage" in green tilted his head, as if he didn't understand the actions of the three of them.

However, in the next second, there was a low and muffled roar from behind the "savage".


Like the prelude to a cheetah hunting, with the breath of death.

"Savage" trembled all over, and turned his head stiffly.

But this time, it finally knew why Sima Bo and the others showed that expression.

Because on the branch behind it, crouching a "savage" covered with black hair!
His arms are slender and his body looks like an ape.

The palms and soles of the feet pressed against the branches all have sharp claws.

On the face covered with black hair, in a pair of green eyes, there was an ominous and strange aura.

"Two savages?!"

Seeing the black and green savages, Bai Xi and the others were also stunned.

But what followed was double the fear!

They can't stand one savage, let alone two!
But Sima Bo's eyes flickered, and he knew it in his heart.

Now he finally understood, it turned out that what he found outside the forest was this black-haired savage!

At this moment, the "Ocean Fragment" in his hand was also shaking rapidly, as if he was going to tell him something.

However, in the next second, the black-haired savage jumped down from the tree.

Roaring in his mouth, he waved his claws at the green leaf savage.

"Oh my God!"

What shocked Sima Bo and the others was that the Luye Savage actually spoke human words, and even spoke the standard Yan Kingdom dialect.

Afterwards, they watched helplessly that the green leaf savage was so frightened that he rolled and crawled.

And like Cheng Xuan, he was tripped and fell to the ground suddenly.

After a messy sound, the green leaf savage fell to pieces.

At that moment, everyone discovered that the so-called green leaf savage was just a false shell.

After the shell cracked, two familiar figures fell out!

(End of this chapter)

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