Please stop kneeling, I'm really not an expert!

Chapter 61 The Shadow in the Forest

Chapter 61 The Shadow in the Forest
"Let's get to know each other again, my name is [Hu Yanzhi], and I'm the captain of this sightseeing boat under [Wucheng Xiangming Tourist Ferry Company]."

On the way to Riyue Island, the bearded staff introduced themselves to everyone.

"Captain Hu, if we go to the island now, will we encounter savages?"

Bai Xi was most worried about this matter.

"Hahaha, it's all rumors, where are the savages in this world?" Hu Yanzhi laughed loudly, and comforted Bai Xi: "Don't be afraid, little beauty, even if there are savages, the brothers on board and I will protect them together." Yours!"

"Wait a minute, are you going to the island too?" Sima Bo asked curiously.

"Of course!" Hu Yanzhi smiled bitterly, "I have been driving a boat for most of my life, sending batch after batch of tourists to the island.

Seeing that we are about to lose our job, and it is a rare opportunity to go to the island during the day, why don't we go to the island to indulge? "

Everyone was very sad when they heard it, and they all said some words of comfort.

Soon, under the command of Hu Yanzhi, the ship sailed into the port of Riyue Island.

The golden island is deserted.

But not silent.

The people who got off the boat were pleasantly surprised to find that there were many fish jumping on the beach.

"It should be the fish that swam to the island when the tide was high, but it was stranded on the island because of the sudden low tide."

Hu Yanzhi took a group of crew members off the ship and explained to everyone with a smile.

"They're all rare fish. I have to take pictures quickly and study them when I go back."

The archaeologists, who were professionally sick, observed the fish happily.

However, Bai Xi appeared behind Hu Yanzhi like a ghost, and said quietly: "Captain Hu, you said that the tide suddenly ebbed, so is it possible that the tide suddenly rose?
Will we be submerged along with Riyue Island?

If it's so dangerous, let's go back to the boat! "

Before he finished speaking, Bai Xi's little head was given a shudder, and he couldn't help covering his head and let out a cry of pain.

Cheng Xuan put away her fingers and said helplessly, "Xiaobai, don't think that I don't know that you are worrying about wildlings again.

I just can't figure it out, how can you, a girl who usually dares to catch mice with bare hands, be afraid of mere savages? "

"Professor, you don't understand.

The so-called unknown is the greatest fear.

Savages that no one has ever seen are just like aliens that no one has ever seen. Isn’t it scary? "

Bai Xi argued hard, his feet stuck into the sand like iron nails.

Like a sapling rooted in place, it refuses to move.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and follow in the footsteps of Teacher Sima, he seems to have discovered something!"

Cheng Xuan rolled her eyes, and pulled Bai Xi to the depths of Riyue Island.

Before that, she had seen Sima Bo go in first.

"Wow, I don't want to be eaten by savages—"

Amidst the miserable screams, Bai Xi was pulled away by Cheng Xuan.

"What an interesting group of people."

Looking at the vibrant archaeologists on the island, Hu Yanzhi seemed to be infected, and the haze in his heart dissipated a lot.

"Everyone pay attention, don't let our last guests get any harm."

Hu Yanzhi handed over a group of crew members and asked them to follow the archaeological students.

Two more people were appointed and said: "Adong Aming, you go and follow that old gentleman.

He is older and needs to be more careful. "

A Dong A Ming was two young and strong crew members, they looked at each other and nodded silently.

Without saying anything, he followed in the direction Sima Bo left.

"Don't have any accidents."

Hu Yanzhi stared at the depths of the island, muttering to himself.

Sima Bo, holding "Ocean Fragments", kept walking along the way.

Sharp eyes scanned the surroundings.

As he got deeper and deeper into the island, the strangeness in his heart became stronger and stronger.

It was as if there was a pair of eyes watching him in the dark.

After walking for about ten minutes, Sima Bo suddenly stopped in front of a forest.

This kind of forest was one of the sporadic green spots when they were on the boat overlooking the island.

It just looks small when you look at it from a distance, but when you get closer, you find it is much larger than you imagined.

Dense forests block light and sight.

I can only vaguely see the overlapping tree shadows, but I can't see clearly the reality in the forest.

And at this moment, Sima Bo saw a black shadow flashing past in the woods.

His pupils trembled suddenly: "The legendary savage?"

Then not only did he not have the slightest fear, but instead chased after the shadow.

A while later, Cheng Xuan also dragged Bai Xi to the forest, just in time to see Sima Bo running into the forest.

"Look at Mr. Sima, you still work so hard after a lot of age, why do you have any reason to be lazy?"

Cheng Xuan couldn't help but dragged Bai Xi into it.

"No, there must be savages inside—"

Bai Xi's crying voice was quickly swallowed by Lin Zi.

The two crew members, Adong and Amin, arrived after them.

They witnessed Sima Bo, Cheng Xuan and Bai Xi entering the forest.

"How to do?"

"What else can we do? Follow us!

Anyway, we all know that there are no savages on the island! "

Immediately afterwards, the two also entered the forest.

The speed of the shadow was faster than Sima Bo imagined.

In the blink of an eye, Sima Bo lost track of him.

When Sima Bo couldn't find his target, he looked around in a daze, only to realize that he seemed to have lost his way.

And before, he only focused on tracking the shadow, and forgot to mark the way he came.

In the dark forest, Sima Bo stood alone.

In the depths of the forest where the sun does not shine, the air is gloomy and cold.

Even the rustling sound of the wind blowing through the leaves seemed suddenly eerie.

Sima Bo took out his mobile phone and found that there was no signal at all.

The compass that I carried with me was also spinning in circles.

Everything exudes an ominous atmosphere.

Sima Bo became more careful, holding the book and looking around warily.

"Teacher Sima——"

The familiar shout revived Sima Bo's spirit.

He recognized Cheng Xuan's voice, and responded loudly: "Professor Cheng, I'm here—"

Soon, Cheng Xuan pulled Bai Xi and Sima Bo together.

"Teacher Sima, professor, let's get out of here quickly, shall we?

I always feel terrible here! "

Bai Xi said tremblingly.

Sima Bo and Cheng Xuan had no time to pay attention to her, but began to discuss.

"Professor Cheng, you should have noticed that the magnetic field in this forest is a bit abnormal."

Sima Bo showed Cheng Xuan the confused compass in his hand.

Cheng Xuan nodded in agreement and said meaningfully: "I'm just not sure whether it's a natural cause or a human factor."

At this moment, Bai Xi pointed at Cheng Xuan's back and said in a trembling voice: "Professor, you, behind you!"

(End of this chapter)

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