Chapter 63

"Aton Amin?!"

Seeing the two crew members who fell out of the green leaf savage, all three were dumbfounded.

"I see! So the so-called savages were pretended by you two!"

Bai Xi reacted.

Pointing at the props pretending to be green leaf savages, he glared at the two of them angrily.

"Why are you doing this?!" Cheng Xuan also asked angrily.

Clutching his sprained ankle, he felt helpless.

To be frightened into such a mess by the fake savage is really speechless.

However, at this moment, Adong Amin was full of panic.

Pointing at the black-haired savage, he said, "We are fake, but this guy is real!"

"Who would believe it? They must be your accomplices too, right?" Bai Xi pointed at the black-haired savage with one hand on his hip, "Hey! Take off your props too!"

The black-haired savage didn't follow suit, but lay down on the ground, looking at Bai Xi with faint green eyes.

Being looked at like this, Bai Xi suddenly felt a little nervous.

Pointing at the black-haired savage's hand, he also let it go with a guilty conscience.

After the initial shock, Sima Bo stared at the black-haired wild man closely.

At this moment, he said with a serious expression: "The two of them are right.

This guy. I'm afraid it's true. "

Hearing this, Bai Xi swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

The fear of the savages once again occupied the high ground in his heart, and his face turned pale at a speed that could even be seen through flesh.


But the black-haired savage didn't seem to give everyone a chance to think, he let out a low growl, and rushed forward again.

And this time, the target is Bai Xi who pointed at it just now!


Cheng Xuan cried out worriedly.

Gritting his teeth, Sima Bo picked up a branch from the ground and threw it at the black-haired savage.

But the black-haired savage was extremely fast. Not only did he easily dodge the branches, his claws even scratched Bai Xi's body without any hindrance!

At this moment, Bai Xi seemed to have lost all his ability to think, and stared blankly at the sharp claws getting closer and closer to him.

However, just when the claws were about to touch Bai Xi's body, the wood carving that Bai Xi had been carrying all this time gave off a faint starlight.

In the dark forest, it is very eye-catching.

The moment he saw the starburst, the black-haired savage covered his eyes as if he had been scorched blind, and screamed in pain.

Naturally, the attack on Bai Xi was forced to withdraw.

Bai Xi blinked blankly, as if she couldn't believe that she was still standing there safe and sound.

Then he looked down at the place where the starlight was emerging, and took out the wood carving with a look of surprise: "It's the wood carving that Mr. Liang gave me!"

The wood carving in her hand is the miniature wood god general that Liang Mu carved later.

On the small wooden carving, there is a general in a war robe with a calm expression on his face.

Beside the general, sat a tiger with its eyes slightly closed.

The general caressed the tiger with a relaxed expression.

A demure and peaceful atmosphere surrounds the wood carvings, making people relax physically and mentally.

With the faint stars surrounding it, it has a sinister and sacred taste.

This is the right god general [Yu Lei] corresponding to the left god general [Shen Tu]!
Hearing Bai Xi's words, Sima Bo also instantly remembered that Liang Mu also gave him a wooden carving.

He immediately took it in his hand, and found that there was also a faint star glow on it.

He also found that the black-haired savage looked at the two wood carvings with fear.

Sima Bo was ecstatic in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the woodcarving Liang Mu gave them would have such a miraculous effect!

No wonder his old friend Duanmuyan tried to force him to accept him regardless of face.

But the next moment, Sima Bo reacted.

He and Bai Xi have wood carvings, but Cheng Xuan doesn't!
Sure enough, the black-haired savage seemed to realize that Sima Bo and Bai Xi were not easy to mess with, and turned his fierce eyes on Cheng Xuan.

Sima Bo reacted quickly, and immediately stood in front of Cheng Xuan, holding up the wooden carving in his hand.

It worked.

The black-haired savage withdrew his gaze, and turned to look at the only unlucky guy on the field——Adong Amin.

At this time, A Dong and A Ming didn't seem to have reacted yet.

Perhaps it was unexpected at the first time that the two small wooden carvings would scare the black-haired savage back.

But when they figured it out, it was already too late.

The black-haired savage seemed to vent the grievance he felt from the wood carving on the two of them, and rushed towards them very quickly!



Amidst the screams and exclamations, crewman Amin was scratched severely on the back.

In an instant, blood flowed profusely.

"Get behind me!"

Bai Xi hurriedly shouted at the two of them.

Although she was very angry that these two men pretended to be savages to scare her, the kindness in her heart still prevented her from watching them being attacked by black-haired savages.

However, the two of them were more than ten meters away from Bai Xi.

While running towards Bai Xi, the black-haired savage attacked them again.


At the time of crisis, a stick fell from the sky and hit the black-haired savage hard on the head!

The black-haired savage covered his head and rolled on the ground in pain.

A figure with a stick jumped out from the side.


Both A Dong and A Ming shouted out in surprise.

The person who came was indeed Hu Yanzhi!
"Run out of the woods! This guy shouldn't be able to get out of the woods!"

Hu Yanzhi shouted vigorously.

A Dong immediately helped the injured A Ming, and ran desperately.

Hu Yanzhi ran over to pick up Cheng Xuan, who had injured his foot, and shouted at Sima Bo and Bai Xi: "I know the way, follow me!"

Then, carrying Cheng Xuan on his back, he ran in the direction of Ah Dong A Ming.

Sima Bo and Bai Xi didn't dare to pin all their hopes on Liang Mu's wood carvings, and immediately followed.

On the other side, the black-haired savage also quickly recovered from the heavy blow of the stick.

Roaring angrily, he chased after the crowd.

Both sides chased and fled, running in the middle of the jungle.

It's just that the speed of the black-haired savage is much faster than everyone else, and he almost caught up several times.

If it weren't for Hu Yanzhi's subtle stick technique, which could always interrupt the black-haired savage's pursuit rhythm at critical moments, everyone would have suffered a long time ago.

Finally, the light ahead came.

Everyone jumped out and ran out of the woods.

"Don't stop! That guy seems crazy!"

Hu Yanzhi yelled at the crowd who were about to relax, and continued to run away with Cheng Xuan on his back.

Sure enough, the black-haired savage hesitated for a few seconds at the edge of the forest, and then jumped out viciously.

Everyone was shocked and continued to flee.

At this time, other people on the island gradually noticed something was wrong.

The indistinct roar in the depths of the island made everyone feel uneasy.

At this moment, everyone suddenly discovered that huge waves began to surge on the sea.

The waves rolled and rushed towards the island, as if they were about to engulf Sun Moon Island.

Everyone who saw this scene turned pale and colorless.

Fang Qingqing wanted to cry but said without tears: "It seems that Senior Sister Bai Xi's crow's mouth has hit the spot.
Really high tide! "

(End of this chapter)

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