Wild mad doctor

Chapter 278

Chapter 278
In his previous work, Guan Jiajun often participated in entertainment.

False polite words come out of your mouth.

He said so in his mouth, but in fact he was about to be overjoyed in his heart.

He praised Yang Xu for his amazing energy and high efficiency.

Wei Qiang also waved his hand hypocritically:

"It's okay, it's understandable for young people to be impulsive."

"It's also because of our inappropriate way of joking."

"I won't mention the past, let's go through the formalities!"

Guan Jiajun nodded quickly.

That's what he came for.

The winery resale procedures are very cumbersome.

There are various documents that need to be copied and signed.

Afterwards, you have to go through the departments of industry and commerce, taxation, banking, etc., and it will not be done in a short while.

Today, Sunday, none of the supervisors are at work.

They can only prepare some materials.

Wei Qiang was very considerate and cooperated meticulously.

Didn't he also mention Guan Jiajun a few words.

Guan Jiajun couldn't help feeling in his heart: There are really people in the court who are good at doing things!
Bureau Qin confessed that all bad intentions and tricks were put away, and he was too honest.

Wei Qiang asked seemingly unintentionally: "Xiaoguan, what is your relationship with Bureau Qin?"

Guan Jiajun was slightly taken aback, and immediately realized that Wei Qiang was trying to set him up.

He wanted to tell it directly that it was Yang Xu's relationship.

But I also feel that if I speak out, I will be looked down upon by others.

He just smiled and said sloppy-eyed: "Uncle Wei, I'm really sorry! It's not that I didn't say anything, but Bureau Qin told me not to, let alone use his name to publicize it outside."

"You know, leaders are all about impact."

Guan Jiajun looks young, but has rich entertainment experience.

The ambiguous words are not less mastered at all.

Wei Qiang nodded in response: "I understand, I understand."

After saying that, Wei Qiang took out his mobile phone and looked at it: "It's already four o'clock. I'm not as young as you, and my head is almost tired. Let's continue tomorrow!"

"Okay, Uncle Wei! I'll go first and come back tomorrow morning." Guan Jiajun responded with a smile.

"What's the hurry! The village chief specifically confessed that he will treat you to dinner tonight and apologize. You have to save face." Wei Qiang said with a grimace.

"A little misunderstanding, we have forgotten it in the past! It really doesn't need to be so troublesome." Guan Jiajun politely refused.

"Xiaoguan, I'm not happy if you say this, do you think we are low-level and not qualified to drink with you?" Wei Qiang said angrily.

"Uncle Wei, how can you think so! In my heart, you are all my elders, and there is no such thing as unqualified." Guan Jiajun said in a serious manner.

"Since you think so, don't refuse again."

Guan Jiajun could only nod in agreement.

He also took the time to send a message to Yang Xu, saying that everything went well.


When Yang Xu rushed to the city's No.1 civilian hospital.

It's already 04:30 in the afternoon.

In Wang Yaozu's office, he saw patients with intractable diseases.

Eighteen or nineteen-year-old girl with fair complexion and beautiful Wuguan.

But one fat ruins everything.

"A Xu, this is Xiao Lan. I have checked all the inspections that should be done, and found no problems."

"But she just has no energy all day long, is extremely lethargic, and is gaining weight very quickly."

Yang Xu nodded and stepped forward: "Let me take a pulse for you!"

Xiao Lan hesitated and stretched out his arm.

Yang Xu leaned forward lightly.

His expression was slightly stunned.

This girl is not seriously ill, just one word: lazy!

Too lazy to exercise, too lazy to think, addicted to eating and lethargy, or prone to obesity.

So her obesity came out of laziness, or rather, out of raising it.

"Ah Xu, how is it?" Wang Yaozu asked aloud.

"There's nothing serious about it, just let her get up early every day, run, exercise, exercise, and control her diet."

"Another quack doctor, nothing else but these tricks." Xiao Lan muttered.

"Ahem!" Wang Yaozu coughed twice: "Girl Lan, you can't talk nonsense. Axu's medical skills are obvious to all. He won't make a wrong diagnosis."

Xiao Lan didn't say anything, but her face was full of disdain.

"Let me prescribe a medicine for you!" Yang Xu said.

"I don't drink!"

A hint of amusement flashed in Yang Xu's eyes: "As long as you insist on drinking my prescription, within a month, I guarantee you will lose forty catties."

"Really? You're not bragging, are you?" Xiao Lan suddenly became energetic.

There is no girl who does not love beauty.

Xiao Lan is no exception.

"I never brag to patients, as long as you can drink it non-stop for a month, it will definitely work."

"I can." Xiao Lan gritted her teeth and responded.

Yang Xu nodded and walked to Wang Yaozu's office desk.

He picked up a pen and paper and wrote a prescription.

Wang Yaozu stepped forward to take a look, his eyes were full of astonishment.

Then he turned around and waved at Xiao Lan: "Girl Lan, you go outside for a while, and A Xu and I have a few words alone."

Xiao Lan went out with a face full of surprise.

Wang Yaozu said in a low voice: "Ah Xu, this child is spoiled and can't talk, but you can't play tricks on her like this!"

"Her mother is an old classmate of mine, and I won't be able to explain it."

Yang Xu couldn't help laughing: "President Wang, what are you thinking? I have medical ethics, okay? How can I act recklessly just because the patient's attitude is slightly bad."

"But in your prescription, there are two kinds of medicines for diarrhea, three kinds of medicines for anorexia, and two kinds of tonics for dryness and heat. Will it make you feel better after drinking it?" Wang Yaozu answered with a frown.

He is a long-time Chinese medicine practitioner.

He couldn't hide the efficacy of ordinary prescriptions.

Although he has always believed in Yang Xu's character, he couldn't bear the prescription in front of him!

"It's definitely not good. If it feels good, I won't prescribe it to her!" Yang Xu responded playfully.

Hear this.

Wang Yaozu frowned even deeper.

He just wanted to open his mouth to speak.

Yang Xu said again: "She is suffering from laziness, and my prescription can make her not lazy."

"Diarrhea medicine makes her go to the toilet, anorexia medicine makes her eat less, hot and dry tonic can not only prevent her body from going wrong, but also make her internal fire, so she can't lie down in bed with peace of mind."

"Uh, this..." Wang Yaozu was speechless.

He has practiced medicine for decades, and it was the first time he saw such a prescription.

Just listening to the effect of the medicine is very frustrating.

Even if the weight loss is successful in the end, it is estimated that it will not fall!

"Dean Wang, I'll give you the prescription. It's up to you to decide whether to let her drink it or not." Yang Xu said, stuffing the prescription into Wang Yaozu's hand.

Wang Yaozu was even more speechless.

He is not willing to do such a scolding thing!

However, Yang Xu and Xiao Lan had promised the effect just now, and it would be inappropriate not to.

Look at his tangled look.

Yang Xu said with a smile: "Dean Wang, I have something to do and I'm leaving first! I owe you dinner first, and I'll ask you to invite it another day."

"You kid gave me a big problem, where can I have dinner!" Wang Yaozu responded angrily.

"What's so difficult about it? Isn't her mother your old classmate? The prescription was sent to her mother, and then everything was explained. Let her decide whether to give it to her daughter or not."

After listening to Yang Xu's football kicking technique.

Wang Yaozu smiled: "This trick is bad enough, but it is indeed a good way, just do as you said."

"It's really hard to be a good person. You solved the problem for you, but you still got scolded." After the funeral, Yang Xu walked out of the hospital.

At the gate of the hospital, he sent out a V letter.

(End of this chapter)

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