Wild mad doctor

Chapter 279 The Funny Jiang Weiran

Chapter 279 The Funny Jiang Weiran
"Secretary Lin, I'm back to Fuchuan!"

"The original copy of the road repair request is with me. I'll give it to you if it's convenient for you now."

Yang Xu doesn't like to be slow in doing things.

There is no need to put off until the next day what can be done easily.

About 2 minutes.

Yang Xu's cell phone rang.

Huangju called.

"Ah Xu, Xiao Lin is helping make dumplings at our house, so you also come over to help, and show Lao Lu a look by the way."

That's what people said.

How could Yang Xu refuse.

He could only respond, "Okay, Director Huang."

"It's only been a few days since I haven't contacted you, and you're born again, what should you be called?" Huang Ju asked with a grimace.

"Aunt Huang, I was wrong!" Yang Xu admitted his mistake.

"I forgive you this time, next time I'll call Director Huang and I'm in a hurry."

Huang Ju replied loudly, and he was in a good mood listening to the voice.

Yang Xu could only smile wryly.

"I'll send you the address, just bring your healing tools, and don't bring anything else."

"Okay, Aunt Huang."

End the call.

Yang Xu turned his head and went to the famous smoke hotel.

I spent a few hundred yuan and bought two packs of tea leaves.

It is not appropriate to go empty-handed for the first time.

Arrived at the gate of the community.

Lu Changming's secretary, Lin Changgeng, was already waiting.

He opened Yang Xu's car door and took the initiative to sit in the passenger seat.

Yang Xu smiled politely: "Every time I ask you to stand by the door to pick me up, it makes me feel embarrassed!"

"Who made the two of us acquainted!" Lin Changgeng responded with a smile.

Yang Xu smiled, and then took out the road construction inspector.

Lin Changgeng took it and looked at it, folded it up and put it away, and said: "I have already explained it, and Lu Shuji has also personally intervened in this matter, and someone should carry it out tomorrow."

"Thank you, thank you so much! I feel very sorry for causing trouble for you."

"Don't say that, as long as you don't violate discipline, Lu Shuji and I are very willing to be troubled by you."

This secretary can speak.

It makes people feel at ease.

The car stopped downstairs.

Yang Xu casually took out the tea leaves.

Lin Changgeng hurriedly stopped him: "A Xu, didn't Director Huang explain it to you? Why are you still doing this!"

"For the initial visit, the minimum etiquette is still required, and it is not worth a lot of money."

Lin Changgeng hesitated for a moment, but finally said nothing.

Knock on the door.

It was Lu Changming who opened the door.

It is a great honor for the leader to open the door in person.

Welcome Yang Xu and Lin Changgeng into the house.

Lu Changming said: "It's fine for people to come, why carry things?"

"Is it because what your Aunt Huang confessed made you wrong? I was still blaming her just now."

After Lu Changming finished speaking, several laughter came from the room.

"No, Uncle Lu, you misunderstood!" Yang Xu waved his hand, and then said: "It's the first time to come to the door, if you go empty-handed, it would be rude!"

"So, it's my fault. I should have invited you to my house long ago."

"You are so busy every day that you have to remind yourself to eat, how can you remember these things." With a sound of Mai Tai, Huang Ju walked over wearing an apron.

"Ah Xu is here! Don't mention anything next time, let people who don't know see it, and think that Lao Lu made a mistake!"

"Okay, Aunt Huang." Yang Xu smiled and nodded again.

Go into the living room.

Then I saw five old men making dumplings around the dining table.

All of them are well dressed, but the workmanship is really not good.

One of them, Yang Xu, knew Jiang Weiran from the Fuchuan City Patrol Bureau.

But the dumplings he made were really horrible.

Say that dumplings are not like dumplings, and say that buns are not like buns.

When the skin was torn, another sheet was pasted on it to patch it up.

If he opened dumpling shops at his level, he would open eight and close nine.

even so.

Jiang Weiran also smiled and greeted Yang Xu: "Go wash your hands and come help me, don't expect me to pack it for you, I don't pack enough for you!"

"Jiangju made it up, most people really don't have the courage to swallow it." Someone joked with a smile.

"Well, Qiu Aiming, you are deliberately making fun of me!" Jiang Weiran said angrily.

Huang Ju stepped forward, bent down and took a look: "Ah! What are you doing? I didn't find out just now."

Everyone laughed at once.

Afterwards, Huang Ju chased away people with disgust on his face: "Go, go, drink tea and wait to go, are you cooked well?"

Jiang Weiran stood up quickly: "You heard me clearly, it's not that I don't do it, it's Director Huang who doesn't let me do it."

"Jiang Bureau is using a self-defeating method to avoid labor." Someone spoke up.

"Yeah, I think so too."

"Nonsense, I've never been in the kitchen at home, today is the first time in history." Jiang Weiran defended himself holding a teacup.

Huang Ju gave him a white look: "Practice is the only criterion for testing the truth. You can tell at a glance that you have not achieved equality between men and women. You are typically a patriarch."

Her job is the director of the Women's Federation.

They are all talking about defending the status of women's rights.

Jiang Weiran said cheerfully: "Director Huang's words are too one-sided and not objective enough."

"Look at me, I often work overtime. Every time I go home, it's midnight. There's no housework to do."

"Lao Jiang, what do you mean by that, the city has placed too much burden on you? You don't even have a break?" Lu Changming approached to talk.

"Ahem..." Jiang Weiran coughed anxiously, waved his hands and said, "No, no, most of the time it's very easy, I don't think the burden is heavy enough!"

The audience laughed again.

Yang Xu and Lin Changgeng went to the bathroom to wash their hands.

Lin Changgeng introduced the identities of the other four in a low voice.

The leader of Xishui County: Hong Guoqing.

Leader of Chuanxia County: Yang Yunlong
Leader of Yunzhao County: Qiu Aiming
The leader of Nanzhang County: Wan Jiaqun
The leaders of the four counties under Fuchuan are all here.

Yang Xu was stunned for a while.

The county leaders of the ruling party actually got together to make dumplings.

Wash your hands.

Go back to the living room.

Huang Ju said aloud: "A Xu, if you don't know how to pack, you can drink tea with Ju Jiang first, we will be there soon."

"I can do it." With that said, Yang Xu came on stage.

Uniform size.

The style is good-looking.

Efficiency is top notch.

Immediately ushered in a wave of praise.

"Wow! Yang Xu, have you received professional training?" Jiang Weiran leaned over and asked.

"No, I have learned how to make dumplings since I was very young."

Yang Xu was in a special situation.

He lacked maternal love since he was a child, and he and his father personally make dumplings every year.

It is also an old experience.

"So, you have to be talented in making dumplings! A Xu is a talented player."

"I only made dumplings once when I was a child, and my old mother never let me touch them again for decades."

The picture that can't help but laugh is reproduced.

Who would have thought that the director of Fuchuan City Patrol has such a funny side.

With Yang Xu's participation, the efficiency has been greatly improved.

In less than 10 minutes, it was completely over.

Huang Ju was busy cooking dumplings, Lin Changgeng and Jiang Weiran helped.

Lu Changming smiled and said, "Everyone was busy just now, I didn't make a formal introduction."

"This is my savior, Yang Xu. Don't just think that he is good at making dumplings, and his medical skills are even more amazing. He is miraculous."

(End of this chapter)

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