Wild mad doctor

Chapter 277

Chapter 277

Jinwei Village Village Committee.

The two surnames, represented by Jin Sangui and Wei Qiang, gathered together in a room.

Negotiate winery matters.

No matter how many differences there have been, when interests align.

The differences and cracks will shrink infinitely.

When they talked about the situation at noon.

The atmosphere became violent in an instant.

"Those two boys, they want to toast instead of eating fine wine!"

"Since they don't go on the road, let's delay going through the formalities for them and see what they can do!"

"That won't work! That kid said he has something to do with the city leader, how long can we delay?"

"Do you believe the bragging? I also said that the provincial leader is my brother! Do you believe it?"

"You can pull it down! You clean the toilet of the provincial leader's house, and they think your hands are rough!"

"What do you mean? Look down on me, don't you?"

There are many conflicts in the world.

It all started from the crooked building.

Wei Qiang waved his hands hastily: "Stop arguing, you two, what else can you do but raise an argument? Don't delay the formalities, let's convince people with virtue."

"Yes, that's what I mean too. The crops grow on our land, so are you afraid that there will be no profit after harvesting?" Jin Sangui asked.

The two have been partners for many years and have a good understanding.

Suddenly thought of a piece.

Others looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering what kind of medicine they were selling in their gourds.

"Brother Gui! Once the formalities are completed, the factory will belong to others! How can we control others?" Someone asked aloud.

"There are too many methods; to put it simply, the workers belong to our village! How can he start work without workers?" Jin Sangui asked back.

"People in our village don't want to do it, so they can recruit from other places!"

"He recruits whenever he wants? It's easy to be tender."

Jin Sangui's words made that person even more confused.

Xin said that as long as they are willing to pay wages, there will be a lot of people who want to find work.

Looking at his confused expression, Jin Sangui didn't explain much.

Instead, he said with confidence: "Everything is under control, and we have our own plans for how to deal with it."

"All you have to do is to twist into a rope to obey the command and wait for the dividends."

The voice fell.

Jin Sangui's cell phone rang.

Glancing at the number, he hastily stretched out his hand and pressed down, motioning for everyone to be quiet.

The caller was Li Chaoliang, Secretary of the Chengguan Town Committee.

Jin Sangui slid the answer button, and greeted him humbly, "Hey, Li Shuji, what instructions do you have?"

"Old Jin! I heard that your winery in Jinwei Village is sold?"

Hearing this, Jin Sangui felt a 'thump' in his heart.

Xin said, those two boys should not find their relationship with Li Chaoliang, right?

Then he replied with a dry smile: "Li Shuji is really powerful, you just signed the contract this morning, you know it now!"

"You didn't report it to me, how could I know so much!" Li Chaoliang laughed, and then said: "It was the Qin Bureau in the county who called and said that he bought your winery through a relationship and asked me to pay more attention to it." care."

"Ah?" Jin Sangui was even more surprised.

"Since it's sold, then cooperate with others in production. It's good for your village and our Chengguan Town! Don't try to make trouble."

"Understood, Li Shuji, don't worry, we will cooperate sincerely." Jin Sangui said hastily.

"Okay! With your words, I feel relieved. Goodbye."

Put away the phone.

Jin Sangui's confident confidence was gone.

It's a bit like a funeral manuscript.

Looking at his expression, everyone knew that something was wrong.

"It's Li Chaoliang?" Wei Qiang asked.

Jin Sangui nodded: "Those two boys have a lot of energy. They can make the Qin Bureau in the county call Li Chaoliang in person and tell us not to make trouble."

"Brother Gui, what are you going to do now?" Someone became anxious in an instant.

"No, we won't sell it anymore." Another person answered.

"The contract has been signed, is it okay to say not to sell now?"

"Don't sell it and wait for bankruptcy? It's worth two dollars to sell it now, and no one wants to sell the scrap in the end."

Seeing that the scene became chaotic again.

Wei Qiang stretched out his arms and pressed down: "Don't worry, no matter what time it is, don't mess around!"

"So what if there is a relationship? Haven't you heard that there are policies on the top and countermeasures on the bottom?"

"It's inconvenient for us to continue to make trouble, isn't it inconvenient for you too?"

A group of people looked at each other again, thinking that without you, can we still turn the world upside down?
Seeing the elm bumps in this room, Wei Qiang became angry.

Can't help reminding: "Do you still remember Wei Xiaodong's chicken?"

After being inspired, the scene became lively again in an instant.

"Let's get a flock of chickens, put them at the gate of the winery, and kill one for 200 yuan."

"Get a broken car to block the door, and repair it for ten days and a half."

"Let the old men and women in the village go to the factory gate every day to blackmail them."


A group of people were brainstorming, and the discussion was raging!
There was a knock on the door of the meeting room.

"Village Chief, the kid surnamed Guan is here again!"

Hear this.

Everyone seemed to have been hit with a sap.

The lively atmosphere disappeared in an instant.

Jin Sangui and Wei Qiang looked at each other, thinking that this is not possible!
Just a word of notification scares everyone to the point of losing their morale, what the hell?

Jin Sangui turned his head and replied: "Understood! You go and tell him that we are busy and will come later."

The informant leaves.

Jin Sangui waved his hand, indicating that all those present should disperse.

In the end, only he and Wei Qiang were left.

"What do you want to do?" Jin Sangui asked.

"Didn't we discuss it just now? Could it be that you have other brilliant ideas?" Wei Qiang responded meaningfully.

Jin Sangui stared at him for a while, and said seriously:

"It's just the two of us right now, it won't be interesting if you keep hiding!"

"If you can't cooperate sincerely at this time, the winery will give it away!"

as an old partner.

We all know each other well.

The exposed fangs are not poisonous, but the hidden molars are really poisonous.

Wei Qiang smiled, and took out two manuscript papers: "You and I both write down our ideas to see if they are consistent."

Jin Sangui grabbed the pen and paper.

Swipe a few strokes and write in half.

Then Wei Qiang also finished writing.

The two exchanged each other and opened it, and both sighed and breathed a long sigh.

Wei Qiang said with emotion: "At this moment, it reminded me of the scene when the winery was just built; why the better the development, the less energy you can use?"

"The winery has been sold, what's the use of talking about it now?" Jin Sangui responded with a stare.

no way.

There are many people in this world who can only share adversity but not wealth.

Especially when two major interest groups are formed, it often makes people feel powerless.

Wei Qiang sighed: "I'll accompany him through the process, and you arrange it."

Watching Wei Qiang leave, Jin Sangui casually put away the manuscript paper written by Wei Qiang.


The reception room of Jinwei Distillery.

Guan Jiajun waited for half an hour before Wei Qiang arrived.

He hastily stood up to meet him.

Wei Qiang said politely with a smirk on his face: "Boss Guan really has great powers! I was just joking with you at noon, and the Qin Bureau in the county was alarmed!"

Hear the meaning of the other party's blame.

Guan Jiajun responded with a smile: "Uncle Wei, please forgive me, it's all because we are too young and ignorant, and we don't know what a joke is."

(End of this chapter)

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