Chapter 533

"Is this really a city in a so-called civilized country?"

Strolling on the city streets of Legisamon, Hariander, who was wearing the red uniform of the Roman Empire, led a few personal guards. While looking at the buildings and passers-by on both sides of the street, he pointed and said what he thought about it. view of the small town.

The city appearance of this city is really unsatisfactory, just like the city appearance of cities in Kuyawi continent in this era (except the territory of the Holy Roman Empire). The appearance of the buildings in the city is not good, and the tallest is only two or three floors. High, and the racks outside the window are full of clothes, which can be seen to be dried.The sewage canals on both sides of the street have been in disrepair for a long time and are of little use. The sewage gathers inside and cannot be discharged, and eventually overflows to the street. People walking on the road can step on a shoe of filth, but there is nothing they can do about it.

This is not considered a game, because there is no specific law, residents habitually dump garbage and overnight chamber pots at the door of their homes, and those who are lazy even dump them directly from upstairs windows, regardless of whether there are pedestrians passing by underneath. Once it is irrigated by the sewage falling from the sky, the passers-by who are affected can only consider themselves unlucky except for cursing.

Although he didn't say it clearly, Hariand looked at all this with a stern face that was enough to explain his mood at the moment. The military boots under his feet stepped on the sewage and then lifted up, making a greasy sound. Hariand and him His personal guards didn't even dare to look down at the messy military boots under their feet, otherwise they would definitely feel distressed.

If I remember correctly, Hariand has seen such a scene in history books. It was a common problem in the countries of the Dogoro continent during the Wend Empire. Due to disrepair and more and more urban residents, the sewage pipes need to bear more and more pressure, and those ancient pipes are eventually scrapped and become decorations.

This phenomenon was not improved until the Romans emerged suddenly and became the emerging overlords on the Dogero continent. The clean Romans rebuilt the sewage canals and used traditional black technology to pull an elevated canal from the outside water source. Clean water was brought into the city for residents to use, and bathhouses and public toilets were built in various cities, spreading the habit of bathing to the people in the conquered countries, and improving the sanitation of each city.

Thinking of the greatness of his motherland, Hariand couldn't help curling his lips. He just felt like he was coming from a prosperous city to a remote and barren town, from one world to another, from civilization to barbarism.Everything here is so bad, not to mention the cities in the empire, even the cities in Sultonia and other countries that are still at war with the empire are better than this.

After all, advanced civilizations are easily favored by backward civilizations. After the unconquered countries on the Dogro continent felt the power of the Romans, they introduced their living habits into the country and followed suit by building bathhouses and public toilets, paying attention to Hygiene, learning Latin.More importantly, they purchased the standard equipment of the Roman legions from a certain channel within the vast empire, equipped the army with firearms, and tried to use firearms against firearms.

This is also the reason why the frontlines were unable to achieve devastating results. In order to deal with the Romans' muskets, Sultonia and other participating countries not only spent a lot of money to acquire a large number of firearms, but also twisted the technology a little bit, and produced a lot of very heavy weapons. The armor that is said to be able to prevent bullets from penetrating (of course it can only defend against bullets fired from 100 meters away), and the bulletproof vehicle pushed by manpower, the body is made of iron, and the outside is covered with several layers of thick animal skins that are soaked in water , these animal skins are the most important bulletproof weapons, because bullets are usually intercepted outside the animal skins.

Perhaps it was because Hariand's disdain was too obvious. In the next second, he suddenly stepped on a pile of floating rice. Hearing the slight crackling sound, Hariand's face suddenly became very pale. It was ugly, he quickly raised his feet, the soles of the shoes were facing up, and a big black sticky thing was sticking to it, and it also exuded a discordant stench.

Hariand almost vomited, and he didn't even have the mood to continue wandering around. He put down his feet with a dark face, stepped on the sewage containing countless kinds of bacteria, turned and walked towards the port angrily, and walked towards Jupiter. I swear that when I go back, I will take off these military boots and throw them into the sea.


Hariand, who turned to leave, didn't notice that in a tavern diagonally opposite him, two men in black robes were drinking at the table. It looks familiar, but the style is somewhat similar to the military uniforms of domestic soldiers.

After those foreigners left, a person who had just put down his wine glass suddenly said, "Kevin, have you heard about the fleet moored in the port recently?"

"I've heard of it, what's the matter?" Another person replied.

"Then you should have heard what that fleet calls itself." The man continued.

"I only know that their boats are very big, and they don't need to be driven by paddles. This is really incredible, after all, they are such big boats." The man named Kevin said.

"Haha." Gary, who was sitting opposite Kevin, chuckled, poured himself a glass of wine, and said at the same time: "Our Imperial Navy canceled the establishment of rowing warships more than ten years ago and used all A sailing battleship equipped with artillery, and even then our Hawker gunships are not that big.”

"If you pay attention, you will find that there are three rows of densely packed gun ports on both sides of those people's ships. Although I didn't count them carefully, if you add the artillery that may be equipped on the deck, then one of their ships is equipped with nearly A hundred cannons."


Hearing what his companion said, Kevin couldn't help but take a breath. He looked at Gary in disbelief and said, "Can a ship really be equipped with so many artillery pieces? And, how do you know they have artillery pieces? According to me As far as I know, only the empire controls gunpowder weapons in the entire Kuyavi continent."

"I once saw the sailors on the ship cleaning the cannons from a long distance. Although it was far away, I still saw it." Gary said, drinking the sake in the glass, and after swallowing it, he said again : "Also, they are not from the Kuyawi continent."


Kevin was a little puzzled. He just came here from the inland to meet Gary today. He just heard that a very large ship was moored in Legisamon Port, but he didn't hear about the origin of the fleet or other things.

"They claim to be from the Dogero Continent on the far side of the ocean." Gary didn't continue to pour himself wine. He looked a little weird, as if he was struggling with something, and was silent for a few seconds before continuing.

"They call themselves an expedition from the Roman Empire!"

(End of this chapter)

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