rise of empire total war

Chapter 534 Ye Gong Loves Dragons

Chapter 534 Ye Gong Loves Dragons
"Your Majesty Caesar, this is information from the Kingdom of Garagon on the Istola Peninsula."

Wadasia peninsula, city of Vienna.

Looking at the report submitted by the intelligence personnel, Richard's eyes flashed with confusion. Although the national intelligence network was established and many countries on the Kuyawi continent had sent spies to establish intelligence networks for many years, except when a war broke out, At that time, the intelligence networks scattered in various countries were basically in a state of freeing up, and they rarely took the initiative to submit reports to the Vienna headquarters.

But today, a report suddenly came from the distant Kingdom of Garagon, which really surprised Richard. He glanced at the spy chief Reinaldo standing in front of him. The other person also had a puzzled expression on his face and pursed his lips. Pursing his lips, he still opened the envelope containing the report.

The report is written in Chinese. After paying attention to the construction of the intelligence department, Richard ordered the members of the intelligence department to use Chinese writing that has never appeared in the world when reporting to their superiors. , Chinese was taught by Richard hand in hand, and it is only used in a small range.

Before the use of Chinese, the special language used by the intelligence agencies was still German, but as the influence of the empire grew, German was also known and learned by more and more people, at least in the territory of the Holy Roman Empire. Most of the aristocrats have learned to speak fluent German to converse, and this somewhat awkward language has become a special language that symbolizes the status of aristocrats.

Considering this, Richard asked the intelligence officers to use Chinese to write the report. Chinese is the most difficult language in the world to learn, and the Chinese characters written in it are naturally not simple, so it has become the most favored working language of the intelligence department.


Quickly taking in the written content on the report, Richard put it on the table with a complicated expression and fell into deep thought. Leonardo, who was opposite him, did not take the report on the table on his own initiative. From his perspective, You can clearly see the shock flashing in Richard's eyes, with an expression of disbelief.

What happened?Renardo was very curious. He hadn't seen the look on Richard's face for a long time. Even after hearing that the Second Brigade of the First Army was completely wiped out during the second encirclement war, he would Just furious and desperate for revenge.

Richard himself didn't know what Renardo was thinking, and he was shocked by what was written in the report: a fleet known as the Roman Empire expedition was anchored at the port of Legisamon in the Garagon Kingdom, and its warship was huge , a ship can carry nearly a hundred artillery...

Richard never imagined that he would hear the name of the Roman Empire in this world. He heard it from his own mouth. Now that the Roman Empire came to him, he was immediately dumbfounded. The so-called Ye Gong is a good dragon.

In addition to the claim of the Roman Empire, what he cares more about is the opponent's battleship. It is huge, can carry nearly a hundred cannons, can travel on the sea without paddles, and has several tall masts. How does this description look? So like a sailing ship?
Richard bit his lip, feeling very entangled in his heart. If the claim of the Roman Empire only surprised him, then the description of the battleship later was enough to shock him for a few days. This is simply not in line with common sense. He thought he was the only time traveler, but judging from this incident, there are other time travelers in this world, and the technology level of that time traveler is higher than his. At a higher level of transition, the opponent is directly the colonial era.

To put it another way, he was still in the early days of Empire Total War, and that Roman Empire was already Napoleonic Total War.

This news made Richard feel a deep sense of crisis. Originally, he could rely on technological advantages to crush other indigenous countries in the world, but suddenly an expedition team from the Roman Empire popped up, and the technological level seemed to be higher than He is still tall, and it is hard to imagine whether he can maintain his winning percentage when a conflict breaks out between the two countries.

But what is gratifying is that the report also states where the expedition team set out from, which is the Dogro continent separated by a large ocean. This continent has not communicated with the countries on the Kuyawi continent for hundreds of years. It only had simple trade relations with the Kingdom of Atlantis. Even if a conflict broke out between the two countries, the Roman Empire would not be able to transport its troops here through the vast ocean in a short time.

Thinking of this, the boulder that Richard mentioned in his mind slowly came down again. He relaxed back and leaned on the soft backrest of the wooden chair. He couldn't help but think about what it would be like if the ruler of the Roman Empire heard that there was another person on a distant continent. Holy Roman Empire, what will happen to his expression? Maybe his expression will be the same as when he first got the news, full of shock and disbelief.

However, if possible, he really wants to meet the comrade who traveled through. If the other party was also Chinese before the time travel, he could try to get some of their technology over. Since the two countries are not in the same Being on the same continent means that there will be no conflict of interests between the two countries, so it is not impossible to share technology.

Richard had never thought that the Roman Empire might be the legacy left by the predecessors of the time travellers. He did not know that the Roman Empire had a history of more than 300 years. He just habitually trapped himself in it and regarded the Roman emperor as a time traveler. or.


The spy chief Leonardo standing opposite Richard watched the changes in Richard's expression and seemed a little dumbfounded. Seeing Richard leaning back in his chair with a look of relief on his face, he swallowed his saliva and asked He said: "Your Majesty, what is written in the report?"

"Huh?" The sudden voice brought Richard back to reality. He looked at Leonardo blankly, and the expression on his face quickly returned to normal, and he said calmly: "It's just something about visitors from afar."

"By the way, go and hand over the Chief of Foreign Affairs Onus, I need him to do something." Richard said again.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Leonardo said, stroking his chest. He did not take Richard's concealed actions to heart.

A few minutes later, Foreign Affairs Chief Ornus von Frank followed Renardo into the study and greeted Richard who was seated.Seeing Aonus coming, Richard raised his eyebrows and said, "Aonus, you haven't left Vienna for a long time, the foreign minister."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Although he didn't know what Richard meant, Ornus agreed.

"Well, just in time, you should go to the Kingdom of Garagon in the next few days." Richard said, but felt it was inappropriate, and added: "Go to Port Legisamon in the Kingdom of Garagon, from Dogger The Roman Empire expedition team from the Luo Continent is temporarily parked there, and I need you to contact their person in charge to see if you can invite them to Vienna."

"Roman Empire?" Ornus exclaimed in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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