rise of empire total war

Chapter 532 First Heard of the Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 532 First Heard of the Holy Roman Empire
Considering that the captain of the merchant ship was dead, Hariand took the merchant ship along with him based on the principle of not being wasted. However, this merchant ship powered by oars could not keep up with the speed of the sailing warship, and would only forcefully pull them So Hariand ordered that all the cargo of the merchant ship be moved to one of the warships, and all the captured sailors and oar slaves on it were also taken to the other warship.

As for the abandoned merchant ship, it was ordered to be sunk by Hariand on the grounds of intimidating the captives. As he expected, the intensive bombardment of the warship shocked the captives so much that they did not dare to rebel. .

Using the navigation chart on the merchant ship, the Hariand fleet sailed southwest, preparing to go to the Istola Peninsula with a civilized country.On the way the fleet sailed, they encountered many merchant ships with various flags. Those merchant ships from the Kuyavian continent were all shocked by the huge size and strange shape of Roman warships, especially when they discovered that Roman warships could fly without rowing oars. When driving on the sea, the mouth is almost open to swallow a shell.

Five days later, the fleet sailed into the Istola Strait. Driving in the middle of the strait, the Roman sailors could vaguely see the land of the two continents. The coast of the Kuyawi continent in the north can be said to be very prosperous, full of villages, densely populated, merchant ships and fishing boats It’s so busy coming and going; the Zane Continent in the south is full of yellow sand, only sporadic gathering points and indigenous people riding camels driving their herds, barren and lifeless.

Standing on the deck, looking in the direction of Zane Continent, Hariand suddenly remembered the time when he lived in the Zambola Colony. Although the natives are not yet familiar with them, at first glance they don't seem to have much way out, which makes him have to lament the coincidence of the world.

If Hariand is lucky enough to see the world map of the later world, he will be surprised to find that the continent of Zambola is actually the continent of Zane, and the two continents are connected together.


The news that the Roman fleet entered the Istola Strait quickly spread to the kings of the Istola Peninsula. Such a fleet that had never been seen before appeared in front of many countries rashly, which made the kings feel a little uneasy, and sent envoys to the Istola Peninsula. Contact with an unknown fleet, hoping to understand where this fleet came from and what its purpose is.

I forgot to mention that during the few days of the voyage, Hariand ordered the soldiers and sailors to learn the lingua franca of the Kuyavi continent from the captives. Although the time was short, the soldiers still learned a little bit and could understand a few conversations and most of the words, but if you understand the words, you can understand them. If you combine them and say them, the soldiers are still ducks listening to the thunder and shaking their heads.

Hariand naturally didn't expect these soldiers to learn it in a short time. He chose to rely on himself and learned from the captives overnight. After his hard study, he still achieved something and was able to have a brief conversation with the locals.

Therefore, the task of contacting the envoys from various countries can only be undertaken by General Hariand himself.Facing these people from civilized countries (although they were still a bit barbaric in the eyes of the Romans), Hariand showed a good affinity, and he invited the messengers to go aboard his flagship Jupiter and visit various places on this warship , and had a preliminary understanding of the weapons possessed by the battleship, and then let them go to the captain's room to communicate.After the previous understanding of its force, the attitude of the envoys has been restrained, and they dare not speak wild words, and they have explained their intentions to General Hariand very honestly.

After the emissaries heard that General Hariand claimed to be from the Roman Empire on the Dogoro continent, their expressions became very strange. Isn't the new Vadasian Empire that has been in the limelight in recent years called the Holy Roman Empire? Another Roman Empire came, and they were a little confused.

Seeing the weird expressions of the messengers, General Harriand was also a little strange, so he asked aloud. This question made him suddenly stupid. What is the Holy Roman Empire?Is this to provoke their Roman Empire?
But he changed his mind, the two continents are so far apart, the so-called Holy Roman Empire may not necessarily have heard of the deeds of the Roman Empire on the Dogro continent, perhaps this is just a coincidence.Thinking of it this way, he still had a bit of a taste, thinking about whether to go to the so-called Holy Roman Empire first, to see if they were worthy of calling themselves Rome.

Jingra, bah, Jinra is furious!

After a brief exchange, the envoys went back on their respective boats, and brought back the words of the middle-aged man who claimed to be a general of the Roman Empire back to the courts of various countries. Afterwards, although vigilance not only did not decrease but increased, but they did not think that they would come from afar and start a war without authorization.

Hariand indeed had no intention of starting a war. On the contrary, after confirming that this continent had a civilization that was not inferior to that of the countries in the western part of Dogro Continent, he decided to change his intentions, gain a deeper understanding of the national civilization on Kuyavi Continent, and personally wrote a book. This record can be reviewed by His Majesty the Emperor or the members of the Senate after returning to the country. Maybe after decades have passed and the technology of ocean navigation has become more mature, and the Emperor decides to go on an expedition to the Kuyavi continent, the record he wrote will be of use. .

Therefore, Hariand ordered the fleet to proceed along the nautical chart and head for the starting point of the merchant ship, Laiguisamon Port of the Garagon Kingdom. Before departure, he had informed the envoy of the Garagon Kingdom in advance and promised Pay the corresponding taxes, although King Garagon didn't really want this dangerous fleet to berth in his own port, but in order not to create conflicts, he reluctantly agreed.

A few days later, the Roman fleet arrived at the port of Legisamon. Just as the warship sailed in, a large number of civilians gathered in the port to watch. They marveled at the size of the warship, and questioned how the warship could travel without oars. , the sheriff of Legisamon City sent a large number of soldiers to disperse the civilians, even so, some people stayed nearby, just to see the rumored visitors from afar from the Dogero continent, to see if they had the same age as themselves A nose, two eyes, and a mouth.

Seeing that the local civilians were so "crazy", Hariand ordered the soldiers to live on the battleship not to leave easily, he was considering that the Latin used by the soldiers and the language of the local people could not understand, and it would be easy to communicate with each other. It was an accident, so I decided to let the soldiers go to the city to relax after they were able to use the common language of Kuyawi more skillfully.

Although they are descendants of soldiers produced by the system, the sailors and soldiers on the battleship still have various needs like normal people. They also need to vent and entertain.

(End of this chapter)

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