rise of empire total war

Chapter 387 Grand Duke Freya

Chapter 387 Grand Duke Freya

Is this the place where my father is imprisoned?

Looking at the familiar bedroom in front of her, Princess Freya thought in her heart. She suppressed the trembling in her heart and followed Richard's footsteps to the door of the bedroom. There were two heavily armed swordsmen standing on both sides of the door. Their faces were expressionless and their eyes were indifferent. Only when they saw Richard would they show reverence.

"Your Majesty Caesar!"

"Is Grand Duke Felicias staying honest inside?" Richard asked one of the swordsmen.

"Your Majesty, the people inside are very honest. Except for making noise when eating, they have always been very quiet." The swordsman who was questioned reported respectfully, but judging from his slightly trembling body, it was an honor to be questioned by the king himself. It made him very excited.

"Very good." Richard nodded in satisfaction. He then pointed to the closed door and said, "Open the door and let Her Royal Highness reunite with her father."

"Of order." The swordsman promised, without looking at Freya extra, he opened the door with his comrades beside him, and as the door opened, all the furnishings inside were exposed to Richard's vision. The furnishings in the palace of Grand Duke Felicias are unpretentious, which is also in line with the savage Lasik blood in his bones.In fact, not only the decorations in the palace, but also the Rodomlins Palace is full of the roughness of the Lasik people. The palaces of the Lasiks are not in the same style as the palaces of other countries on the Vadasia Peninsula. They can be said to be self-made. , the buildings in the Rodenlins Palace are basically scattered, and the buildings look like tents used by nomads (similar to yurts), and the building type also refers to the legend of the mother of the earth they believe in - the main hall represents the mother of the earth. The mother herself, while the various small palaces and shrines behind the main hall represent the twelve sons and daughters of Mother Earth.

After the palace door opened, Richard turned to look at the princess behind him. He smiled slightly and said, "Go in, Grand Duke Felicias is inside."

Listening to Richard's words and looking at the familiar decoration, Freya hesitated. The palace door in front of her seemed to be a big open mouth. Once she entered, she would never be able to get out. It was something terrifying inside that made her dare not face it.

"What's the matter?" Seeming to see Freya's hesitation, Richard asked softly. He had been away from Freya for a long time, and the hot air he exhaled even reached Freya's ears when he spoke, making her face slightly pale. hot.

"It's nothing." Freya shook her head, then mustered up the courage to take a step, and walked towards the palace door step by step. Richard looked at her thin back from behind, as if he also saw the heavy pressure on her shoulders .


No one knew what Freya and Archduke Felicias were talking about inside. An hour later, Richard finally saw Freya come out with her eyes swollen. Chad was a little distressed, and hurried up to greet her, supported Freya's shoulders, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Freya shook her head and said, Richard knew that she was hiding it on purpose, so he didn't continue to ask, and led her outside.Richard's residence was not in the Rodenlins Palace, he was still living in the hotel where he had just arrived, so he took Freya to the place where he was staying.

On the carriage to the hotel, Freya snuggled up beside Richard, neither of them spoke, and the atmosphere in the carriage was therefore very depressing. However, just as the carriage was about to arrive at the hotel, Freya who had been silent Leia spoke suddenly.

"Your Majesty," she said, "Father knows what you want to do next. He asked me to tell you that as long as you release a few of my brothers and sisters, he will cooperate with you and publicly announce that the inheritance is mine, and he will be safe. House arrest in the palace."

Hearing this, Richard looked at Freya in surprise. Such blunt words really surprised him, but he thought about it again. With the current situation of Grand Duke Felicias, even if he wanted to play any tricks, it would be all right. If it is useless, it is better to choose to compromise and express your meaning in the most straightforward words.

Thinking of this, Richard thought for a while, and then said: "It is not possible to release your brothers and sisters, but I need him to cooperate with me to pass the throne to you publicly, and swear like the gods you believe in that he will never participate in the competition." The seat of Grand Duke."

"This..." Freya hesitated for a while, she gritted her teeth and decided to help her father, and said, "We agreed, but you must release them afterwards, otherwise we will trade them publicly content!"

"Pfft." Freya's threat sounded very childish and ridiculous to Richard. He resisted the urge to laugh and pretended to be solemn, saying: "I swear to God, I will fulfill my promise."

At the end, he added another sentence in his heart: "But I don't believe in God either. There is really no pressure to make me swear to God."

What Richard thought, Freya didn't know, she only knew that Richard, as the king of a powerful country, should be more reliable in his oath to the gods, so she was somewhat relieved——Fleur Ya is worthy of being a princess who has lived in the palace for a long time. She is cute and silly.


In the following week, the martial law was gradually lifted, and Freya's succession ceremony was also busy with preparations. The missing materials due to the siege and martial law had to be transported all the way from the Kingdom of Winster, which not only took a lot of time , and spent a lot of money, but no matter how difficult it was, under Richard's urging, the succession ceremony was finally held half a month later, that is, on September 1119, 9 in the continental calendar.

With the full participation of Winster's army, Freya's succession ceremony was not destroyed. In fact, the civilians in Rostas City have long been frightened by the vicious Winster army. , they could only take to the streets in unison to cheer for the birth of the new Grand Duchess.In addition to the participation of the common people in Rostas City, the Lasik nobles in the areas controlled by the noble rebels were all invited by Richard. Most of them wisely chose to cling to the very thick kingdom of Winster. Thighs, acknowledging Freya's legal status, only a few people who are not afraid of death refuse to go to the appointment, and publicly claim that Freya's dominance is illegal intake, in other words, Freya is a despicable usurper.

Richard had no choice but to respond to this discordant voice with a sneer. On the second day after the succession ceremony, the ready-to-go Winster army was divided into troops except for one unit guarding the city of Rostas. There are two routes, one is marching eastward, attacking noble rebels, the other is going to suppress those nobles who make discordant voices, and convince people with "virtue".

Oh, those brothers and sisters of Freya were also released by Richard who kept his promise, but he was not the kind of big-hearted person, he left a lot of watchers around these people, as long as they dared to do something Things that are harmful to Richard will die violently at home for various strange reasons within three days.This is Richard's character, uprooting the grass!
The Archduke Felicias himself was sent to Nord City by the wicked Richard together with his wife, and lived in the towering Gabriel Tower.

(End of this chapter)

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