rise of empire total war

Chapter 388 The Battle of Assos

Chapter 388 The Battle of Assos
"Run! Run!"

On the open plain, a group of cavalry was galloping on horseback and fleeing in embarrassment. From their anxious faces, it could be seen that there was a group of terrifying beings chasing them behind them.


Several crossbow arrows flew from behind them, with a slight whistling sound piercing the air. This whistling sound was like the grinning grin of death, which made the fleeing cavalry chill down their backs. Hearing the screams of their comrades who were shot by arrows and fell off their horses, they didn't dare to look back, for fear that if they turned around, they would become the next person to be shot by arrows.

This is the eastern battlefield of the Principality of Lasik. The scouting cavalry of the Winster army and the rebels of the Lasik nobles almost always won the battle. Facing the professional light cavalry, the rebels did not have much chance of winning. The confrontation between Qingqi is just the beginning.

With the crossbow cavalry acting as scouting cavalry clearing the way, the Winster army marched eastward under the personal command of His Majesty King Richard. They walked on the open Lasik Plain and encountered mostly abandoned herdsmen along the way. Tents, villages, and towns, under the threat of Winster's army, the rebels were forced to move their entire population eastward, and poisoned every well and discarded animal carcasses, intending to make Winster's army have no water source - but they They underestimated the supply capacity of the Winster army and overestimated the scope of the Lasik Plain. It took only a few days for the Winsters to leave the no-man's land and surrounded the city of Abdra that participated in the rebellion.

The city of Abdera is the regional capital of the Earl of Abdera. Its lord Jinakus is one of the two leading earls in the rebellion, but he is not in this city. In order to survive, he fled eastward with the army , abandoning his territory and people to the Winster army.

Although the lord fled, the city still resisted the enemy under the leadership of the military commander of the country. They were brave, but the low wooden walls of Abdera made all resistance futile, Wens The special people just used two explosive packs to blow up the city wall. Immediately afterwards, the round shield swordsmen with a tight formation entered and fought with the defenders who were frightened by the explosion. With just one encounter, the defenders completely collapsed , the whole city fell to the enemy in a short time.

After winning the first battle, Winster's army seized a large amount of grain, grass and silver coins in the warehouse in Abdera City. Richard then took out some of the silver coins and distributed them to the soldiers in the army, encouraging them to continue to fight the enemy bravely.As for this resisting city, Richard considered that his banner was to help the Principality of Lasik counter the rebellion, so he did not loot or punish the resisting city as usual, and accepted it peacefully.

At the same time, with the assistance of the local nobles, some of the troops that were separated before the expedition suppressed the nobles who refused to accept the new Grand Duke Freya. The rest were scared and surrendered. They only had a small castle and dozens or hundreds of soldiers. How could they beat the prestigious Winster army? , but did not expect that Freya had the help of the Winsters, so she did it directly.

Therefore, in just a few days, the voices against Freya were completely suppressed. Anyone with a discerning eye knew what the relationship between Freya and Richard was. Who would dare to risk his beheading to tease Richard? tiger beard?
Then, this partial division marched eastward and joined Richard. However, during their march, the main force led by Richard had recovered the entire territory of Abdra and entered the territory of Athos where the rebels gathered. .In the territory of Assos, the rebels gathered all their forces and set up a battle, waiting for Winster's army under the command of Prince Jairo, intending to fight a decisive battle with them.

If the rebels win by chance, there is still room for manipulation, but if the Winsters continue to play the tradition of consecutive victories, everything is over.


On October 1119, 10 in the continental calendar, in Assos Territory of Lasik Duchy, 14 miles north of Inde Manor.

In order to eliminate the victorious Winster army and restore the morale that is declining day by day, Prince Jairo led the remaining 500 main forces to station in Indy Manor. The young and middle-aged men in the army were forced to join the army and stepped up their training. Finally, more than [-] recruits were trained before the enemy came. Equipped with simple wooden javelins and catapults, they act as light infantry for harassment.

In this way, Richard will fight against the nearly 4000 rebels with a force of more than 5000. Originally, Richard's force was also around [-], but he allocated part of his force to suppress the Lasik nobles. So only the main force of the infantry was left—most of the cavalry were separated, and only one chain mail cavalry brigade, one imperial knight brigade, and two crossbow cavalry brigades remained beside Richard.

But even so, Richard didn't panic at all. In his opinion, the Lasik rebels on the opposite side were just a group of rabble. Nearly half of the opponent's army had cavalry, and they were all born and raised on the Lasik Plain. They are good riders, but they are poorly equipped, except for those who join the standing army of the nobility, with a wooden shield, a long spear and a short bow, and nothing else.

If it is more than cavalry and archery, although the individual combat effectiveness of the crossbow cavalry under Richard's command is higher than that of the herdsman cavalry, but the opponent's number far exceeds his own, let the crossbow cavalry go out to line up with them, I am afraid that it will not be long. The rebel cavalry retreated under the rain of arrows, which Richard could not tolerate, so he could only delay the dispatching time of the cavalry and attack at critical moments.

On the first day when the two armies met, no war broke out between the two sides. Winster's army set up camp under the watchful eyes of the rebels.

On the second day, there was only a small-scale battle between the rangers of the two armies. The crossbow cavalry of the Winsters and the light cavalry of the rebels clashed back and forth, but in general the rebels had the upper hand ——The short bows used by the rebel cavalry can be fired quickly, which is incomparable to the crossbow cavalry. After firing the crossbow cavalry, the crossbow cavalry needs a period of time to reload. During their reload time, the enemy has already shot several arrows up.

On the third day, the autumn wind was bleak, and the two armies finally walked out of the camp and formed a formation in the open space in front of the camp.Richard ordered the sword and spear militiamen of the three companies under his command to form a spear phalanx and deploy it in the first row, while the spear sergeants and heavy armored sergeants were deployed on the two wings of the phalanx respectively, defending the weak points of the phalanx, and the Nordic swordsmen (The round shield swordsman remembered it wrong. I always felt that something was weird, but now I finally remembered.) They were deployed behind the sword and spear militiamen. If the phalanx was broken, they could make up for it in time.

(End of this chapter)

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