rise of empire total war

Chapter 386 The Princess Returns

Chapter 386 The Princess Returns

"The whole city is under martial law! No one is allowed to leave the house without authorization and walk on the street. Anyone who violates the law will be killed on the spot!"

Hearing the sound of uniform footsteps on the street and the loud shouting of the martial law warning, the citizens of Rostas City trembled and dared to hide in their homes, peeking out through the gaps between the doors and windows to observe the situation.

This is the fifth day that Winster's army entered the city. Since the alarm of the enemy attack sounded from the Rodenlins Palace on the third night, the whole city seemed to be on fire again. Fierce battles broke out everywhere. The defenders of the Principality of Lasik are not Wens In addition, they belonged to the side that was attacked and were caught off guard. Therefore, in just two or three hours, the city of Rostas fell completely and was completely under the control of Winster's army.

After the fall of the city, while the civilians waited anxiously, Richard, who controlled the Grand Duke Felicias, declared martial law throughout the city. No one was allowed to leave the place of residence without authorization. The five gates of Rostas City were also closed It was blocked and heavily guarded, not only that, a large number of companies were split into several small teams, patrolling every street in the city, capturing the Lasik soldiers who broke up in the battle and all the rogues who tried to take advantage of the troubled waters.

It can be said that the whole city fell into a tense atmosphere. The civilians and nobles who were trapped at home were always worried that the Winster soldiers outside would break in and drag them outside for execution.

In this atmosphere of insecurity, a cavalry escorted a carriage along the gravel road unique to the Lasik Principality (because these Lasiks who got rid of their nomadic identity did not learn from the Vadasians. The construction technology of the paved avenue, so they can only fall back and build a lower level gravel road) into the city of Rostas.The identity of the person sitting in the carriage is very mysterious, but from the fact that the cavalry guarding the carriage is the most elite heavy cavalry imperial knight owned by Richard, who is currently in armor, it can be seen that the identity of the person inside is very noble.

Feeling the slight vibration of the carriage driving on the gravel road, Freya, with a tulle on her face, observed the buildings on both sides of the street through the window. She only left the city for two or three years, but everything seemed Nothing changed, except that the cobwebs under the eaves of those buildings seemed thicker.

Thinking of the deal she made with Richard, Freya felt regretful and anxious. Although Richard kept his promise and sent troops to lift the siege of Rostas, her father, Grand Duke Felicias, was spared from being killed by the rebels. The end of the massacre, but Felicias did not survive because of this. He had just left the wolf's den and entered the tiger's den, and was put under house arrest in the palace by Richard's dark night coup. Not only him, but all members of the royal family were also punished implicated.

However, she has no other choice. If she rejects Richard, her father is likely to be decapitated now. She also knows that the right to claim the Duchy of Lasik that she possesses will definitely be taken by Richard. De used it to make a big fuss, maybe, if the rebels took the city of Rostas and executed Grand Duke Felicias, Richard would push her to the front and declare war on the Lasik rebels.

The two possible endings are the same. Instead of sending troops after the death of Grand Duke Felicias, it is better to agree to Richard. At least her father has lost his power, but he has also recovered his life.

Thinking of this, Freya's heart still became tense. She didn't know how she should face Grand Duke Felicias. Maybe in his eyes, she was a traitor, a rebellious woman who coveted his authority; He will understand his kindness.

At this moment, the carriage drove into the palace gate of Rodenlins Palace and stopped in front of the meeting hall. After the carriage stopped, the coachman quickly knelt down on the ground and acted as a pad, and Freya also walked out of the carriage slowly, stepping on the On the back of the coachman, she stood on the land of her hometown she had not seen for a long time. Looking at the familiar palace, her nose was sore, and she almost cried on the spot. Fortunately, she controlled it in time to avoid losing her composure in front of everyone.

On the side, one of Richard's lieutenants had been waiting for a long time. He first told Freya about the situation of Grand Duke Felicias and a group of royal family members, and then said: "His Majesty Caesar is waiting for you in the palace, please come with me. Go and meet His Majesty."

"Please lead the way." Freya said, and the officer made a gesture of please when he heard the words, and led Freya up the steps with several guards.Rodenlins Palace is actually not that big. It is more like a small inner city. Apart from several sleeping palaces and temples, the palace in the center where Richard is located is the largest. The function of the banquet is the core of Rodomrins Palace.

After only walking a few steps, Freya and the others stepped into the main hall. Looking around, the traces of the fight two days ago were basically cleaned up. If you ignore the knife marks that cannot be removed on the pillars, you will not be able to see them. There have been battles here.And Richard sat on the throne where the Grand Duke Felicias once sat, flipping through the government affairs, and making changes on it from time to time.

It has to be said that after taking control of the city of Rostas, Richard didn't have much free time. He not only had to deal with the doubts of the nobles from all over the Principality of Lasik, but also mobilized supplies and was ready to conquer the noble rebels at any time. The banner of this trip is to suppress the rebellion for the Principality of Lasik. If the city of Rostas is kept under control, it will definitely cause more Lasiks to rebound.

"Your Majesty Caesar, Princess Freya is here."

At this moment, the voice of the lieutenant general came from below. Richard was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head to look over, and saw Freya standing beside his lieutenant general in a black dress covered with tulle. He put down With the scroll in his hand, he signaled the lieutenant general to step down, and said to Freya: "According to our agreement, your father, the Grand Duke Felicias, and your brothers and sisters are all safe and sound, and now you are all going to be honest. In the bedroom behind."

"I am very glad that you were able to fulfill your promise and save the lives of my relatives." Princess Freya nodded, and continued: "I want to visit them first, please allow me this humble request."

"Of course, this is your freedom." Richard stood up as he said, and walked to Freya. He stretched out a hand to take off the tulle from Freya's face, and looked at her face. With a beautiful face, said: "I will go with you."


Freya didn't refuse, but acquiesced to Richard's proposal. In fact, she knew very well that she didn't even have the right to refuse. Everything here was under Richard's control. If he No one can stop him from doing what he wants to do.

(End of this chapter)

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