rise of empire total war

Chapter 297 Capture the City Wall

Chapter 297 Capture the City Wall
"Shoot! Shoot!"

Whoosh whoosh—

A rain of black arrows flew out from the city wall, flew at high speed in mid-air, and then fell into the running second army. The shields raised by the soldiers were weak, and bounced off after making clanking metal clashes, falling to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the crossbowmen of the Second Legion and the Nordic archers launched a counterattack. Under the cover of friendly forces, these fourteen lightly armed long-range companies poured dense arrows on the city wall. Although the wall stacks blocked most of the arrows for the defenders, Some unlucky soldiers were still shot, and they fell into a pool of blood and wailed miserably, making the surrounding soldiers who were already shaken in spirit even more unwilling to fight.

"Rush out as soon as the suspension bridge falls, remember, God is with us!"

On a siege tower close to the city wall, an officer cheered for the trembling soldiers behind him. He then pulled back his head, held his shield in front of his chest, and stared at the enemy figure who could be seen outside the gap in the suspension bridge. , about 1 minute later, the suspension bridge suddenly fell down under the operation of the operator on the top of the siege tower, and hit the wall stack heavily. Then, the officer roared and took the lead and rushed out. Several arrows and javelins flew towards the falling suspension bridge. After passing by, he lowered his body and charged, avoiding the incoming threat. However, several soldiers behind him could not escape. A recruit was hit in the head by a javelin and immediately fell to the bridge, his brains and Blood dyed the surrounding area red, and his body with a broken head was still twitching slightly.

The officer had no time to care about what happened behind him. With a kick on his back foot, he jumped up high and knocked down a soldier inside the city wall. Before the people around him could react, the sharp sword in his hand cut off The soldier's throat, blood flowed out from the broken throat like a spring, and the soldier gradually lost his vitality.

Just as he killed one soldier, several more soldiers jumped from the suspension bridge and fought with the defenders. These Nordic swordsmen equipped with round shields and long swords appeared to be able to fight with ease.During the battle, a defender thrust his spear into the Nordic swordsman's face, but the latter dodged it. The defender could not control the force for a moment and fell out. The Nordic swordsman then kicked the Nordic swordsman hard. The defender's waist was kicked and he was turned over. Then, the swordsman took a step forward and hit the defender's face hard with a shield blow. During the violent impact, blood spurted out from the broken nose bone, and screams followed. When the sound sounded, the Nordic swordsman did not stop attacking. He stabbed the long sword in his hand hard into the enemy's chest, ending the enemy's pain.

"The Father is with us!"

The Nordic swordsman raised his blood-stained sword high and shouted at the comrades around him. However, at this moment, an enemy took the opportunity to sneak attack and thrust the sword into his ribs. The Nordic swordsman screamed and fell to his knees. He looked at the attacker with red eyes. Before he could fight back, a spear pierced out like lightning, pierced through his open mouth, and penetrated his entire head. Between the spurts of blood, a fresh life soul appeared. Return to heaven!

At the same time, on the other side of the city wall, a siege tower had just lowered the drawbridge, and before the soldiers inside rushed out, a large number of arrows and javelins were thrown at the same time, and the soldiers inside were instantly killed, and the blood soon flowed all over the place. The first floor, but soon soldiers climbed up and rushed out of the suspension bridge with their shields. They let out loud battle roars and felt heartbroken for the tragic death of their comrades in arms.

At the same time, under the city wall, the previously invisible battering ram was also pushed by the soldiers to the city gate. These shirtless soldiers worked hard together to push the battering ram with goat's horns and hit it hard. The city gate inlaid with iron sheets groaned in pain after a single impact, and the dust accumulated over the years spilled down.

Naturally, the defenders on the city wall would not just watch the battering ram hit the city gate wantonly. They hid in the tower on the city gate and threw stones into the holes leading to the city wall. The stones fell from the sky along the holes and hit the attackers. The roof of the city hammer was bounced off by the sloping roof and fell to both sides, unable to cause any harm to the soldiers underneath.

Seeing this, the guard officer gave an order, and a can of kerosene was poured into the cave. The black viscous liquid was poured directly on the ceiling of the battering ram, and a strong pungent smell instantly permeated the entire doorway. Some veterans reacted quickly, their faces changed greatly, and just as they were about to remind others, they saw a few burning fireballs falling from the sky and smashing on the ceiling. The gate was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames, and the soldiers inside either died on the spot, or rushed out of the gate screaming and covered in flames. The intense heat even made the defenders on the city gate feel hot on the soles of their feet.


Seeing the soldiers who almost turned into fire men rushed out of the door screaming, and fell to the ground after only a few steps, letting the flames devour his body without moving, Toolagris was furious, thinking He drew his sword and joined the battle in person, but Hercule quickly grabbed him and persuaded: "The defenders on the city wall are obviously weak. Just wait a little longer, and we can occupy the city wall."

"Okay." Toolagris nodded and said, "Send another brigade to attack the city wall. I don't want to waste any more time here."

As soon as he finished his words, as if to confirm Hercule's words, there was a sudden burst of cheers on the city wall, and the two immediately looked over, only to see that the flag of the Kingdom of Delzh flying on the city wall was being chopped off by a soldier , The flag and the flagpole fell from the city wall together, and then other soldiers held up the yellow double-headed eagle flag on a black background, and inserted it in front of the enemy's flag-this is a symbol of victory.

The military flag was planted on the city wall, and immediately inspired other soldiers who were still fighting. Their morale was high, and they became more and more courageous as they fought.

It is worth mentioning that, perhaps wanting to avenge the friendly soldiers who were buried in the flames at the city gate, the Nordic swordsmen quickly surrounded the tower at the top of the city gate, blocking the way of the defenders who were about to escape. Then, they Turning a deaf ear to these defenders' begging for mercy, they slaughtered all the creatures inside expressionlessly, and the smell of blood permeated the entire tower.

The city wall was lost, and the soldiers guarding the city gate only resisted for a while before fleeing in embarrassment. They knew very well in their hearts that there were not many defenders in Dukang City. Without such a big obstacle, the enemy can drive straight in.

Even the soldiers at the bottom knew this reality, and the nobles in Ponzio's Palace naturally knew it too. It's just that they didn't want to hand over their inheritance to others, so they chose to persist in resistance.

(End of this chapter)

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