rise of empire total war

Chapter 298 Surrender

Chapter 298 Surrender
"Mother of the Great Seven Hundred Gods, if you don't want to see your pious believers slaughtered by evil heretics, please lower your divine power and repel the army of heretics..."

On the wall of the Palace of Poncio, one could see the army of pagans pouring in from the city gate (the fire at the city gate had been extinguished, and the battering ram that had been burned to only its frame had been removed, so it could pass unimpeded) ), Prince Roberto, who served as temporary regent, was half-kneeling, bowing his head and praying devoutly. However, his prayers had little effect, because gods would not interfere in mortal wars.

"His Royal Highness, the military chief has fled back with a few broken soldiers, and he is now below, wanting to meet His Majesty the King..."

At this moment, a voice sounded from behind. Prince Roberto stopped praying when he heard the words. Looking back, it turned out to be the Chief of Foreign Affairs Crowley. Looking back at himself, he continued: "Your Highness, there are still more than 500 guards in Ponceo's Palace. As long as you wish, they will stick to the palace wall."

"Stay safe? Is there any point?" Prince Roberto stood up slowly, brushed off the dust on his body, looked at the chaotic city, and said, "Bring Bernhard here, I hope he can bring me A little last hope."


Crowley was speechless. He nodded and turned to leave. After a few minutes, Bernhard, the military chief who was covered in blood and was in a mess, was brought to Roberto. As soon as he saw Roberto Trust, no matter why the prince was the regent, he knelt down and said bitterly: "Your Highness, we have lost, the Winsters' catapults are too powerful, and our soldiers were shaken by the blow. Engage with enemy soldiers, and soon break down."

"It's not your fault, Bernhard." Prince Roberto frowned slightly, obviously dissatisfied with Bernhard's bloody body, but he still took the other party's words and comforted him, and then, the prince Then he said: "Bernhard, you go and clean up, and come over to help defend later."

"Yes, Your Highness the Prince." Bernhard promised. He also knew that he was out of place walking in the splendid Ponzio Palace, so he simply agreed, and then went to clean up under the guidance of His Highness the Prince's attendants.

After Bernhard left, Prince Roberto turned his attention to the city outside the palace walls. Almost all the Wenster army poured into Dukang City. The houses on both sides were innocent (of course, those civilians would be attacked if they appeared on the street), they swept the entire street like a wave of red (the main color of the Danish army is wine red), leaving only The bloody corpses all over the ground rushed straight to the Ponzio Palace in the center of the city!
"Fend off the enemy! Fend off the enemy! Everyone, go up to the palace wall to defend against the enemy!"

The warning horn sounded crazily in the Ponzio Palace, and the five hundred imperial guards stationed in the palace were fully armed and entered the combat positions as quickly as possible. They stood on the tall palace wall, watching the approaching red wave, An emotion called fear can't help but rise in my heart.

Although they did not participate in the defense of the city wall, they could still see the catastrophe bombardment and the Wensters' crazy attack, not to mention that the number of enemies far exceeded their own!
Don't ask why the imperial guards didn't participate in the defense of the city wall. Even if they participated, the city wall would not be able to hold it, it was just a matter of time.

On the other side, Tooragris led the army into the city of Dukang. The streets were full of corpses, including defenders and ordinary civilians. The blood flowing from the corpses even stained the entire street red, and the blood flowed into the city. The ditch on both sides of the street became a small river of blood.

Tooragris just glanced at the corpses of civilians on the ground, then looked away, and turned to look at the magnificent palace in the center of the city. He asked Hercules beside him, "Should we attack directly?" How about trying to persuade him to surrender first?"

"Let's try to persuade you to surrender first." Hercule answered directly without thinking, and then explained: "Our catapults and siege equipment cannot be transported in outside the city, and it will take a lot of time to make new siege equipment." It will take a long time, so let’s try to persuade them to surrender first.”

"What's more, the opposite side is also a royal family, so we have to make some gestures."

"Well, it makes sense." Toolagris nodded in agreement, so he called a soldier and gave him the task of persuading him to surrender. To be honest, Toolagris didn't think that the persuasion would succeed, he only hoped an army in his own hands.

However, reality slapped him once again (why do you say again?), just as Toolagris was about to demolish some of the building materials of the residential buildings to make siege equipment, the gate of Poncio Palace slowly opened , the young Prince Roberto personally led the team and exposed himself to the attack range of the Winsters. Several attendants behind him hurriedly shouted: "We surrender, please let your commander come out, we are willing to surrender!"

Hearing this, Tooragris and Hercule were invited over. He looked at the surrendered nobles in disbelief, and before he could speak, Prince Roberto, who was walking in the front, said, "Winster Commander of the People, in the name of Roberto Delj, interim regent and first heir to the Kingdom of Delj, we surrender to you and your army."

"Temporary regent?" Toolagris was a little surprised, but he didn't ask directly, and then introduced himself: "I am Tooragris, the commander of the Second Legion of the Kingdom of Winster, and I accept your surrender, Del His Royal Highness the Prince."

"General Tooragris, excuse me, are you a nobleman?" Prince Roberto asked, he was a little surprised when he heard the other party claiming to have no surname, because nobles use surnames as status symbols, People without surnames are generally low-status untouchables or slaves. (Actually, I am also very surprised why the Danes in the game only have first names but no last names)

"Ah, this..." Toolagris was a little embarrassed. He scratched his head and said, "Yes, I am a knight."

"A knight." Roberto whispered, as if he was relieved, a knight is also a nobleman, and what he fears most is that the enemy's commander is not a nobleman, because according to the "Law of Nobles", nobles can only surrender to People who are also nobles can't surrender to those who don't have a title. This rule has also led to some weird things. For example, the winner kneels down to the loser and accepts the latter's canonization. After being canonized as a knight, Only the victor has the right to accept the surrender of the defeated.

So, after confirming that Toolagris was a nobleman, the surrender ceremony began.

(End of this chapter)

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