rise of empire total war

Chapter 296 Catapult Bombardment

Chapter 296 Catapult Bombardment

"The city of Dukang fell almost within a day. Even if it was not bombarded by artillery, the power of the catapult could still collapse the Derri people who had never experienced it. After several rounds of bombardment, the soldiers launched an attack. The city will soon be taken.—"The Chronicles of House Dukorn"



A shrill roar resounded over the Second Legion's position, and immediately after, 28 boulders soared into the air, crossed the air with a sharp whistling sound, flew at high speed, and soon hit the city wall of Dukang.

Even after debugging, the boulders thrown by the catapult still couldn't hit the target very accurately. Some boulders flew over the city wall and fell into the urban area, smashing the buildings in the urban area to pieces.A giant boulder roared into the city and pierced a towering tower. The tower immediately shattered into several pieces and fell to the street, burying a group of cavalry who just passed by. The boulder continued unabated and hit a two-story building The building penetrated the load-bearing wall, and the residents hiding inside were also crushed to death. The building collapsed, raising dust all over the sky.

"Keep shooting! Don't hesitate!"


Another round of boulders soared into the sky. Hearing the sound of cracking and roaring like a witch screaming, the residents and soldiers in the city trembled. Always soldiers, the high gods will not intervene in blood.

A boulder tumbled down from the sky, just hitting the crowded part of the city wall. The soldiers who were hit didn't even have time to scream, and there was no sound. A few seconds later, under the horrified eyes of the surrounding people, a large amount of blood Blood slowly oozed from the bottom of the boulder, and the strong smell of blood wafted across the entire city wall.

"In the name of King Mariano, all residents of the city should bravely take up arms and step up to the city wall to fight against the evil Winster invaders!"

On a street in the urban area, a group of soldiers was protecting the officer and promoting the surrounding houses. After listening to his words, some people gradually opened the closed doors. They took the weapons and shields left by their ancestors and were about to fight Officer sign up.However, at this moment, a boulder fell from the sky, and I felt a black shadow flying over my head. Before I could react, the boulder hit the officer and the team of soldiers in the middle of the street. Those residents who originally wanted to sign up were scared His liver and gallbladder were torn apart, he quickly turned around and hid in the house, and closed the door with a bang, as if nothing had happened.

Many huge boulders flew into the urban area, causing huge chaos. Those residents who hid at home were afraid that they would be hit by being hit when they hid in their homes. The soldiers collided together, and the scene was even more chaotic.At this moment, a new round of projections began, and a boulder roared and hit the blacksmith's shop in the city, knocking over the burning furnace, and the fire spread immediately, quickly igniting the surrounding buildings.

All of a sudden, black smoke rose into the sky, screams were everywhere, and the sudden fire caused the surrounding residents to rush out of the houses one after another. They tried to put out the fire with buckets or other containers, but the boulders that fell from time to time seriously threatened their safety and triggered even bigger fires. mess.

On the palace wall of the Poncio Palace in the center of Dukang City, watching the continuous fire in the city and listening to the screams and cries of the civilians, King Mariana's heart seemed to have fallen into a deep valley and was icy cold.He looked over the city wall and looked into the air, but he saw a scene like the end of the world. Above the city wall, dozens of orange fireballs whizzed past with black tail flames. Against the backdrop of these fireballs, the entire sky was almost eclipsed!

"This, this..." King Mariano's face was pale and bloodless. He stumbled back several times, and the guards behind him hurriedly helped him to prevent him from falling. However, the next moment, the guards King Mariano, who was trembling in his arms, suddenly blushed, then spat out a mouthful of blood, and passed out. When the people around him saw them screaming in horror, a group of people surrounded him and were about to lift him up. into the palace.

The heir of the kingdom came soon after hearing the news. The young prince looked at his father lying in a coma on the bed, his face was full of anxiety, but the education he received on weekdays allowed him to stabilize his mind quickly. He paused, He ordered to the people around him: "Now I will serve as the regent of the kingdom temporarily, don't panic, everything is under my command."

After the words fell, before the people around him agreed, he ordered again: "Block the news of the king's coma, and don't spread it. If the news spreads out of the Poncio Palace and reaches the ears of the frontline soldiers, I will kill all of you." Catch them all and throw them into the dungeon to feed the mice!"

"Yes, yes, Your Royal Highness." Everyone responded obsequiously.

At the same time, the projections continued, and the fireball catapults were used to shoot again and again. Soon, many places in the city burned, and a large amount of black smoke rose into the sky. One after another, screams, cries, and curses resounded throughout the city. The sky above the capital of a country made people feel a bit of pain in their hearts - it seemed that they couldn't bear to watch the tragic situation in the city, and the sky soon became dark clouds, covering the sun.

Finally, after not knowing the first round of shooting, Tooragris ordered to stop shooting. He slowly pulled out his sword, pointed at the city wall, and said in a loud voice to the soldiers waiting behind him: "Brothers, the front is Dukang City, the capital of Delj, which has been besieged by us for nearly half a month, as long as we capture this city, this war will basically come to an end.

Come and see the residents living in this city!They are all pagans who believe in false gods, and the whole city is filled with a disgusting evil atmosphere.Look, the purification of the fire has already begun, and the black smoke in the sky is the best proof!Now, attack!For Jesus Christ, for our great Majesty Caesar, fight with blood! "

"Ow! Ow! Ow!"

bang bang bang-

As soon as Tooragris finished speaking, the legion behind him shouted loudly. With the sound of weapons hitting the shield, he raised his left hand high, signaling the soldiers to be quiet. When the scene was quiet again, only the flag fluttering could be heard. When hunting, he said again: "After the battle, I will invite the person who performed the best in the battle to have a meal with me. As a reward for the warrior, I will also write a letter to His Majesty Caesar. Warriors give the richest rewards.

So, bravely kill the enemy!I hope to dine at the court of the splendid Palazzo Poncio before sunset! "

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

"Now, attack!"


The order to attack sounded continuously in the army, and all the officers raised their voices to issue orders to their subordinates. Immediately afterwards, the huge army marched forward slowly, and more than ten siege towers and more than 20 ladders were pushed forward, filling the sky. The murderous aura rushed towards the defenders on the city wall!

(End of this chapter)

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