rise of empire total war

Chapter 111 The Surrendered Lord

Chapter 111 The Surrendered Lord

"We were deceived. Croft has no way to make the Ravana outside the city retreat!"

In Abadran City Lord's Mansion, the city lord Pabala's angry shout penetrated the wall, causing the servants passing by in the corridor to subconsciously slow down, for fear that making noise would make the lord transfer his anger to himself.

"Didn't he swear that the Ravana people could stop at the border? Now the Ravana people not only didn't stop at the border, but surrounded us in the wind and snow! This is a shameful deception!" Pabala's roar is still in the air Continuing, the sound of crackling and throwing things soon sounded in the house, and it could be seen that the lord was in a rage.

"My lord, Croft shamefully deceived us. Why should we lose our lives for nothing for him? Why don't we just open the city and surrender. I believe the Ravana people will be happy to accept our surrender."

"Surrender? It's a good idea." Listening to what his subordinates said, Pabala nodded thoughtfully. He didn't reject surrendering to foreigners. The only thing he worried about was the attitude of the Ravana people after surrendering.

However, he quickly remembered one thing, and cold sweat broke out from behind his back, saying: "Before this, we had a war with the Ravana people, won't they hold grudges for it?"

"You can put all the blame on Croft. Anyway, the Lavana people can't ask him face to face." The subordinate's humble voice sounded again. Listening to his words, Pabala felt relieved a little, and then seemed to He made up his mind and said: "Ted, gather all the soldiers, we will open the city and surrender."

As soon as he finished speaking, before the official named Ted could speak, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and a boy's voice sounded from outside: "Father, we cannot surrender!"

Pabala looked for the sound, and it turned out to be his 17-year-old eldest son Alec.

"Alik, tell me the reason why I can't surrender." He asked with displeasure in his tone.

"The Ravana people are foreigners, how can we rule from the outsiders?" Alec ignored the displeasure in his father's tone, and said with a straight neck, "His Majesty Croft is my senior at the Royal Academy in Aquique , I have dealt with him, he will definitely not let us who are loyal to the royal family be wiped out by the Ravana."


Pabala shook his head in disappointment. After giving his eldest son an evaluation, he ignored him, and instead said to Military Chief Ted: "Ted, get ready, we surrender."

"Yes." Ted nodded, and was about to leave the room, but Alec didn't let him go, directly blocked his way, opened his arms, and said, "You can't go, we can't surrender!"

"Nonsense!" When Pabala saw this, the anger that had subsided in his heart rekindled. He pointed at his eldest son and roared out the door: "Someone, take him away from me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, two guards strode into the room. They looked at Alek who was pointed at by the lord, peeking at each other, and finally stepped forward and stood behind Alek, saying: "Please follow me Let's go, don't embarrass our subordinates."

Alec just looked at them coldly, keeping the two guards from moving. He looked at his father again and said, "Father, I advise you for the last time, don't surrender, or you will regret it."

"If I don't surrender, I will regret it in hell." Pabala said with a sneer, and then he yelled at the two guards: "You still won't take him away? Do you want to wait for me to do it myself?"

"I'm offended. Please come with us." Seeing this situation, the two guards didn't dare to hesitate any longer. While talking, one of them grabbed Alik's side wall and forcibly pulled it out. Walk.Alec, who was pulled away, didn't struggle, but stared at his father coldly, which made Pabala feel a little terrified.

"Damn it, I shouldn't have sent him to some royal academy in Aquique. He didn't learn the shit, but became Croft's man." Item fragments, go outside.

When he reached the city gate, one of the guards who had taken Alik ran over panting, half-knelt down in front of him, and reported: "Lord, Alik, Master Alik has escaped!"

"Escaped?" Pabala was startled, and hurriedly asked, "How did you escape?"

"After we brought him back to the room, Master Alec said he needed to go to the toilet, but on the way we were taking him to the toilet, he suddenly jumped up, snatched Meg's saber and stabbed him again, then turned around and jumped out. Outside the window, grabbed a horse led by a servant and ran directly towards the north city gate."

"Two wastes." Pabala said angrily. He wanted to kick the guard over, but after thinking about it, he still didn't kick over. He just took a deep breath and let it out slowly, saying, "Let's go back to the team, next time." Remember to take extra precautions when encountering similar situations.”

"As ordered..."

After sending the guards back to the team, Pabala walked up the city wall, looked at the Ravana barracks outside the city in the snow, sighed, and told Ted, the military chief beside him, "Open the city gate and send a message to Ravana. The Na people sent envoys."

"Yes." Ted nodded in agreement, and then ordered someone to open the city gate, and he himself rode on his horse and walked to Ravana's barracks.

Looking at Ted's back, Pabala heaved a sigh of relief, but at the same time he felt empty, as if he had lost something.


The news of Abadran's surrender quickly spread to the city of Aquique. The news of the fall of the royal capital shocked the residents of the entire city. Worried about the future of gram.

After Abadran surrendered, the Ravana people could enter the hilly area where Yajik was located without any scruples, and even a few days away they could approach the city. Forever engraved in everyone's heart.

Croft was also worried about this. The person he sent out to contact Bundak hadn't returned yet. I don't know if there was an accident on the road or something.At the same time, the remnant army he brought back from the Luwen River plain, plus the original garrison of the royal capital, were only close to 1 people at best. Although they suppressed the Ravana army in numbers, they had been defeated by fewer people before. The reinforcements made him and most of the soldiers lose confidence.

The great reputation and prudence of the Ravana cavalry are imprinted in the hearts of every Ramirez soldier. Even on their own home ground, they will still feel fear. Even the noble king will die under the iron hoof of the enemy. How could ordinary soldiers of low status survive?
"Mobilize the army! Let's defend the city, so that the Ravana cavalry will have no chance to display their combat effectiveness!" Croft ordered the nobles and officials who were loyal to him.

(End of this chapter)

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