rise of empire total war

Chapter 110 Entering Abadran

Chapter 110 Entering Abadran
Perhaps those Nordic warriors from the cold Scandinavia would have a mysterious buff when fighting in winter. When Richard led his army to the target town, there were already Stuart flying above the low city wall. The oriole banner of House Arter.

And at the city gate, the corpses of defenders lying in the snow can be seen everywhere—they are all wearing only the simplest equipment, and it is easy to tell which side they belong to at a glance.

The scarlet blood stained the snow on the ground, and from time to time you could see a broken limb of a person exposed in the snow, which shows how tragic the battle was at that time, oh no, it can be seen that these Nordic people How brutal.

"My king!" Before Richard entered the city gate, Tooragris, whose armor was stained with blood, came out with a few soldiers. Each of them was more or less blood-stained, but No one was hurt.

"Tooragris, well done." Richard softly praised, for such an outstanding subordinate, he has never been stingy with praise and rewards.

Hearing Richard's praise, Tooragris scratched his messy golden curly hair, and said: Your Majesty, the enemy is vulnerable. We broke through the city wall with ease and killed all those who dared to resist.However, I found that there are not many residents in the city, and most of the houses are empty. "

"Empty?" Richard frowned slightly and asked, "Did you go in and check?"

"I sent someone to smash the door and broke in. It was indeed empty and the decorations were messy. The owner should have left in a hurry."

"Did you check it carefully?" Richard asked again, but then felt wrong, and added: "Did you find any strange things, such as tunnels or flammable objects?"

"Nothing was found." Toolagris shook his head and said: "Looking at the traces, he should have left very early, because there was a layer of dust accumulated on those items."

"That's good." Richard heaved a sigh of relief, but secretly laughed at his own suspicion in his heart. Medieval gringos went straight to war one by one, and they didn't use any tricks at all, like hiding in a tunnel and waiting to come out at night. It is basically impossible to stab the enemy, let alone burn the city.

"What's wrong? Your Majesty." Tooragris asked suspiciously.

"It's okay." Richard shook his head, and then ordered: "Let the soldiers settle in the vacant room without the owner, and spend the night here tonight."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Toolagris promised, and was about to take the order to leave, but suddenly remembered something, turned around, and asked, "Your Majesty, what should the residents in the city do?"

"Don't worry about them for the time being." Richard waved his hand, "But let the soldiers pay more attention, don't be fooled by hostile civilians."

"Understood." The interim Danish commander obviously didn't get the answer he wanted, and left in frustration. Seeing his appearance, Richard couldn't help rubbing his temples with a wry smile. After breaking away from the barbaric Danish Kingdom, they treated the defeated with wanton plunder and prostitutes, but now they have no way to follow Richard like before, and can only hold back by themselves.

After talking with Tooragris, Richard led the army into this town. The town is not large in size and does not look very rich. The houses are all low wooden houses, which can only be seen occasionally. A house made of stone.The average buildings in this town are so low that Richard, who was walking on the street, had to carefully lower his head, otherwise he would hit the eaves directly.

After entering the town, the soldiers hid in the assigned houses and burned wood for heating. They were not used to fighting in winter. The unbearable cold was one thing. No one would choose to go to war in winter.

Some of the soldiers might complain that Richard led them to attack the Ramirez people in winter, but after all, they only dared to complain in private. The successive victories made the young earl's prestige increasing day by day, and no one in the army dared to object His words, even the military commander of Mabuku, Kofi Boer, would not dare.


The next day, when the residents of this unknown town tremblingly opened the door and looked out, the Ravana Kingdom Army who captured the town had already left here, leaving them a town with no garrison and no government, and only took away the warehouse supplies and food to keep warm.

Richard's next stop is Abadran, which is the only way to Yaquique, the capital of Ramirez, and also the gateway to the king's capital. As long as Abadran is captured, Rava The Na people will be able to enter the hilly area where Yajik is located, but it is still unknown whether they can conquer the city.

The top priority is to take down Abadran first. Although Richard can also choose to go around directly, after going around, the defenders of Abadran can easily cut off their retreat, and then cooperate with the army of the royal capital In a decisive battle that will determine the fate of the country, Richard can only play GG and lose this war-the Ramirez people are good at mountain warfare, and fighting in hilly areas is their home field. The cavalry relied on could not exert normal combat effectiveness at all.

Three days later, Richard led his army to arrive outside the city of Abadran. On the way, the lord of Abadran sent troops to try to stop the Ravana, but they were almost defeated under the strong charge of the Danes. Facts have proved that In this icy world, the Danes really have a mysterious buff bonus. When the enemy is still shivering from the cold, they have already shouted slogans and strode towards the enemy.

The tall stature of the Danes combined with the frightening aura caused the morale of the enemy troops to plummet before they even came into contact with the enemy. When the two sides fought, the big Danes brandished their rough weapons and set off a rain of blood among the crowd, making people It was almost impossible to tell whether it was blood or snow that fell from the sky.After a few breaths, the Abadran soldiers who came to stop them scattered and fled in all directions, but they couldn't even run as fast as the Danes in the snow, and they were all killed in the end.

Richard couldn't help but be thankful that he had the foresight to call the Danish reinforcements to help in the battle. If he relied on his soldiers who were shivering from the cold, he should obediently wait for the temperature to rise next spring before fighting.

In view of the heroic performance of the Danish soldiers, Richard decided to let them assume the main offensive position in the attack on Abadran. I believe that the Danish army led by Tooragris will be able to win easily, at least it will not take as long as the siege of Sorenburg, right?

(End of this chapter)

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