rise of empire total war

Chapter 109 Entering Ramirez

Chapter 109 Entering Ramirez
"Sorenburg has finally fallen, and there is nothing in our east that can stop the Ravana from attacking."

"My lord, the top priority now should be to negotiate peace with the Ravana people, and concentrate on dealing with the counterattack of Gaia and his lackeys."

"How to negotiate? I'm afraid the Ravana people will not accept our peace talks." Croft, who was sitting on the main seat holding the battle report, had a gloomy face.

Although he took advantage of the death of King Oweko to gather his defeated troops and fled back to the country, and won the throne with the support of the nobles of the capital, but his throne was not stable. His brother and legitimate heir Prince Gaia escaped from the capital and won With the support of those field counts, they quickly gathered a large army to take back the kingdom that should belong to them.

It has to be said that it was all because of the rebellion that he lost the kingdom that he should have inherited, but Gaia has the support of the domestic nobles, but Richard does not, so he can only go into exile to seek help from other countries.

This may be the arrangement of fate.

Cough, far away.

"Now ceding Sorenburgh and Mumbai City to the Ravana people may no longer satisfy their appetite..." The military chief appointed by Croft didn't continue, but Croft already understood him. the meaning of.

"Hehe..." He sneered secretly in his heart, but then he suddenly remembered the previous agreement with Bandak, and said to the military leader in front of him: "Clayton, I think we still have a friend who can stop the Ravana people from going east." step in."


"Bandak, Earl of Cork, Prince of Ravana."

"You mean, the military chief Bundak who led the heavy cavalry to tear apart our infantry line four years ago in the Xinlan plain?" Military chief Clayton was obviously taken aback, "Although he is no longer Ravana The military chief of the kingdom became a field earl, but how could he help us intercept our king's army?"

"He always dreams of sitting on the position of King Ravana." Croft said with a sneer, "We can make good use of him and let him take advantage of the Ravana's army to go out and rebel against the back. The Ravana army who got the news will definitely go back to suppress the rebellion, and we can just take advantage of this time to concentrate on dealing with Gaia's attack."

"Good strategy." Clayton nodded, and then asked: "I am willing to send an envoy to Fort Cochrane to persuade Bundak to raise troops."

"You don't need to go in person." Croft slowly got up from the main seat, and said, "You just need to concentrate on organizing the army for me. I have my own way to persuade Bundak."

"Understood, Your Majesty."


On the other side, Richard's army, who had been recuperating for a few days, didn't waste any more time, and drove directly to the border of the Kingdom of Ramirez. Before leaving, he left a team of spear militiamen to defend the castle—such a strong castle , More than 100 soldiers can be competent for guarding tasks.

As for the captured Earl Khid, Richard asked Baron Gill to take his soldiers to the city of Ravana to report to King Lawrence. Anyway, the rebel officer Duke was unwilling to continue fighting, so Richard gave He gave him some money and asked him to go to Ravana City with Baron Gill.As for Olier, he took his subordinates to serve Richard and followed Richard to conquer the Kingdom of Ramirez.

Although Richard was not very optimistic about such a person who had a history of rebellion, but in order to start a good start, he still readily accepted the other party's oath of allegiance. Not only that, in order to reward him for his achievements in capturing Earl Khid, he was awarded the The identity of the Knight of Lear.

Of course, this knight has no fiefdom, and is almost just an honorary title, but it still made Olier show a grateful look.

On December 1109, 12 in the continental calendar, facing the feather-like snowflakes falling from the sky, the army of the Kingdom of Ravana entered the border of the Kingdom of Ramirez.

The news of the fall of Sorenburgh has spread throughout the Kingdom of Ramirez. Therefore, regardless of the cold weather, the residents on the border fled back with their families and families. They did not hide in nearby towns or cities. , castles, because they know that even Sorenborg has been conquered, and those cities with weak defenses cannot stop the enemy's iron hooves at all.

And it is.

Looking at the soldiers behind him who had put on winter clothes, Richard gently exhaled a layer of light white mist. The white mist floated in the air for a while and then disappeared.

"How long do we need to march?" Richard asked the adjutant Condra behind him.

"Judging from the map, it's still half a day's journey to the next Ramirez town." Condra answered while sweeping away the snow that fell on the map. This map was provided by Oriel. Yes, Richard used it after repeatedly confirming that there was no problem.

"Let the soldiers speed up, the weather is getting colder and colder, we must quickly find a place to stay warm."

"Understood, Your Majesty Caesar." Condela took the order and promised, and then called the orderly to relay Richard's order to him. After the orderly left, Condela suggested: "Your Majesty, those from Scandinavia Via's Nordics don't seem to be afraid of the cold, you can make them move first"

Indeed, those Nordic people from the freezing Scandinavian Peninsula are not afraid of this degree of cold at all, and some of them can even play shirtless with the people around them happily in the ice and snow. wrestle.However, other soldiers in the army wanted to huddle together to keep warm when they walked, and there were five cases of soldiers fainting because of the cold that Richard saw alone.

From this point of view, the big Danish men are just suitable for fighting in this cold season, so Richard agreed to Condela's proposal, saying: "You go and call Toolagris here."

Soon, Toolagris was called by Kondra, and stood respectfully in front of Richard, waiting for his order.Now at the age of 35, Toolagris is in his prime, the commander of the Nordic Tomahawk cavalry, and also the temporary commander of the Danish army (that is, the single-selected troops in the game do not assign generals, and the automatically generated squad leader ), after reuniting with Richard, although he is no longer the temporary commander of the Danes, Richard will still let him command the comrades he brought during the battle.

"Toolagris, I want you to lead the Danish army to attack the Ramirez town half a day away. Can you do it?"

The cold weather made Richard reluctant to talk more, so he told the other party his goal straight to the point.

Tooragris was taken aback for a moment, and after understanding what Richard meant, he said firmly, "Your Majesty, the Danes can complete the task you assigned."

"Let's say it's a small town, even if it's a strong castle, the Danes will attack one after another!"

(End of this chapter)

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