rise of empire total war

Chapter 112 Blizzard

Chapter 112 Blizzard
"Damn the weather, did God want to save Ramirez so it snowed so much?"

On the wall of Abadran City, Richard, who was wearing a robe made of thick animal skins, looked at the white world outside, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Two days after Richard accepted Lord Pabala's surrender, the heaviest snowfall came, and the goose-feather snow fell, covering everything on the ground with a thick white coat.

Even in the city of Abadran, the deepest snow has reached the knees of adults, making it almost impossible to move an inch.

Such severe heavy snow also caused some buildings in the city to collapse because they could not bear the weight of the snow.On his way to the city wall, Richard saw with his own eyes a low thatched hut crushed by the snow, and the people inside were buried by the thick snow without even a chance to escape.

Those who hide in the house will encounter bad luck, not to mention the soldiers who ventured to patrol the city wall. These dedicated soldiers left the warm room, only wearing a cold robe with ordinary warmth, and faced the bitter cold wind. outdoors to start patrol missions.In just a few days, Richard received several reports of soldiers being frozen to death. In addition to those who were frozen to death, the number of soldiers suffering from frostbite or disease also generally increased.

Richard was a little desperate. He had never seen such a bad weather since he came to this world. The first time he encountered it was on the way to conquer the enemy country, so full of malice.

"Your Majesty Caesar, it seems that we have no way to continue until the heavy snow stops." Kondra beside him said softly, and the white mist he exhaled when he spoke was quickly blown away by the cold wind.

"To be precise, even if the heavy snow stops, we will have to wait a long time before leaving the city." Richard said, turning around and pointing to the soldiers walking hard on the city streets, "The heavy snow has already We're at the height of the soldiers' knees, and I'm afraid we won't even be able to get out of the city gate."

As he said that, Richard couldn't help but think of Emperor Napoleon and Hitler, who swept across the European continent. They made Europe tremble, but they returned home in front of the vast land of Russia and the cold General Winter. After the defeat of Russia, the mighty France Both the Reich and the German Third Reich collapsed within a few short years.

"Your Majesty, I have an idea that I have always wanted to bring up." Condela said, obviously with hesitation, and finally he chose to say it: "In fact, the war has progressed to this point, we can already consider asking Lamy The Rethians have offered peace."

"Peace talks?" Richard shook his head subconsciously, "Peace talks are impossible, and peace talks are impossible in this lifetime. The capital of the Ramirez people is so close to us, and it only takes a few days to reach them. The main force of the army was also defeated by me outside the city of Luwen. Even if they regrouped, the fear of our army in their hearts would prevent them from displaying their due combat effectiveness in the war. It seems that the city of Aquique is almost at your fingertips. Why do we have peace talks? ?”

"What's more, the new King Croft is at war with his elder brother. The entire kingdom is in civil war. This is the best chance for us. We don't know when we will retreat this time and fight back next time."

"However, Your Majesty, our soldiers are not good at attacking cities. They can easily defeat the enemy in field battles. However, we need to pay a very high price to win a city that is at the level of the capital of a kingdom. Is it really worth it?"

"There's nothing worth it, my dear Condela, that's what war is all about, and you can only get rich rewards if you dare to pay." Richard said, but he was thinking about the system's reward mechanism in his heart. According to his understanding of the system, As long as you can occupy a large city at the capital level of the kingdom like Yajik, there will be particularly generous rewards.

What this reward will be, Richard doesn't know, but it will definitely make up for the troops Richard lost in capturing Yaquik, at least it won't be rubbish cannon fodder like Uncle Farmer.

"If you insist on attacking Yaquik, I will be your sharpest sword." Seeing that Richard insisted on continuing the war, Condela couldn't continue persuading him.

Richard knew that the former knight commander and current adjutant was thinking about himself, he patted the other side's shoulder with a smile, and swept the snow off his shoulders for him, saying: "Kondra, you have to be honest with God. The people of my country have a little confidence that in this world, we are invincible, not to mention a weak Ramirez Kingdom, even the entire Valdasia Peninsula will become our territory in the future!"


Despite Richard's bold words, the heavy snow still trapped him in Abadran, unable to move.

The Kingdom of Ravana, far to the west, also endured the ravages of blizzard. From Luwen City in the east to Mabuku in the west, everything turned into a white world.Richard's hometown Cuban Island also did not escape the disaster. The colder weather than in previous years caused thick ice to form on the strait leading from Bell Harbor to Cuban Island. These ice floes will move by themselves with the waves. Once it collides with a sailing ship, the only thing waiting for the crew is the end of the ship being destroyed.

This blizzard, which was cursed by countless people, not only caused a large number of population and economic losses in the Kingdom of Ravana and even the countries on the entire Vardasia Peninsula, but also interrupted the ongoing war or the upcoming war.

Not only was Richard, who was in the Kingdom of Ramirez, unable to continue his attack, but the army led by Prince Gaia, the country's orthodox heir, was also forced to hide in the fief and wait for the blizzard to stop.

As for Croft, who was at war with both sides at the same time, he had no way to continue mobilizing the conscripts in his territory. In such cold weather, it was difficult for the conscripts he sent to even walk out of the city gate. In villages, whether the villagers are willing to respond is still a question.

In the Kingdom of Ravana, Bundak and his allies, who made Richard fearful, were also forced to suspend their plan to start a war. Many houses were buried by snow, and many civilians were displaced and frozen to death in the snow.

If Richard knew the news, he would definitely clap his hands and applaud. As long as Bundak doesn't hold him back and gives Richard enough time, the only thing waiting for the Ramirez people is the ending of the country's destruction.

However, the King Zun faction on Richard’s side (let’s call it the King King faction) is also unattractive in the face of natural disasters. Even Cuban Island cannot be avoided. Fortunately, the four-year operation has greatly enhanced Nuremberg’s disaster resistance properties, and basically did not appear. It's something like a house being crushed, but it's different in several towns scattered on the island, and there are several reports of casualties every day.

(End of this chapter)

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