charismatic player

Chapter 9 Really fragrant!

Chapter 9 Really fragrant!

Qin Guan clicked on one at random, and found a progress bar appeared under his field of vision, and the phantom of his character appeared on the platform.

Qing Guan tried to drag the progress bar, and the shadow began to run, jump, soar into the air...and then fell.

"Oh? Can you adjust the progress bar to watch?"

Qin Guan found that he could drag the progress bar at will. Dragging at a constant speed is to reproduce the previous jump, or dragging slowly or even backwards, or simply freeze the frame to view the action at a certain time node.

Moreover, each jump has a score, which is displayed on the history record.

"...3 points?! You're so afraid you're not kidding me."

After looking at the scores of other moves, Qin Guan reluctantly admitted that the scores are based on a [-]-point system.

There are 20 historical records on each page, and on the latest page, there are all red [failure] as far as the eye can see, and the scores also fluctuate between single digits and around 40 points, and the best one is only 46 points.

That is to say, the time Qin Guan thought he "almost passed" was actually far from the passing score of 60 points.

The sudden blow made Qin Guansheng irresistible.

He continued to turn forward and found that any successful jump to the next platform would result in at least a passing score of 60 points. On the previous platforms, Qin Guan could jump up to 76 points. However, this was a relatively simple platform, and even Qin Guan had a passing score of [-] points. Guan watched the replay himself and couldn't find anything wrong with his action.

"Hehe, Brother System, you are also very strict."

Qin Guan felt MMP in his heart. It stands to reason that this game is nothing more than jumping. As long as you jump, it should be counted as 100 points. How can it only be 60 points?

Is the essence of this game lies in fancy jumping?When jumping into the air, you have to perform a Thomas gyration and then rotate for three and a half weeks, and then you can count as 100 points without shaking your feet?
Damn, this is not a gymnastics game!
Qin Guan still wanted to complain, but suddenly found that he had already turned to the first page, and there was a button to continue to turn forward.

Qin Guan was full of curiosity and found that there was an extra page before the first page, and the number on the page showed "5"!
Not only that, the 20 records on the entire page are all 100 points!
Qin Guan's eyes straightened at that moment, what the hell is this?

He is very clear that since he entered the trial, he has only jumped 100 times. Whose records belong to the 5 records in the first five pages?
Qin Guan tried to click on the 100th record, and there was a progress bar, but there was no response after dragging, and nothing could be seen.

Qin Guan thought for a while, then slapped his forehead: "I know, because I haven't activated the platform behind."

In such a large trial space, there are still many empty places. Now Qin Guan has just jumped to the fifth platform. In his vision, the first five platforms have entities, and the sixth platform is a virtual frame. , the seventh platform is not visible at all.

In other words, the record he selected must belong to a later platform, so he couldn't see it at all.

Qin Guan turned forward to the first page and found the fifth record.

"If my math teacher is still alive, this should be the record for jumping from the fifth platform to the sixth platform?"

Qin Guan clicked on the record and was pleasantly surprised to find that there was a response this time.

A phantom appeared in the center of the platform, also in the attire of a useless male, with only a pair of tattered underpants all over his body, but his appearance was different from Qin Guan's.

"How can Ixiu, even a little bit more handsome than me, really unforgivable..."

Qin Guan looked at this man's face and was so jealous that he almost forgot the business.

"Hmph, I want to see if you can do the Thomas maneuver. I don't believe you can score 100 points."

Qin Guan dragged the progress bar slowly, and this phantom was like slow motion, slowly lifting his feet, taking off, and flying into the air... his left foot lightly stepped on the green area, and then took advantage of the momentum to step firmly on the platform.

Qin Guan felt that his three views had been shattered: "...What the hell, can a useless person jump so far? Are you fucking cheating?"

Qin Guan dragged the progress bar back and looked at it again, but was once again handsome.

Without the three-and-a-half weeks of Thomas's gyration and rotation as he imagined, it was a normal take-off. However, during this jump, the useless man's physical fitness was squeezed to the limit, and no extra energy was wasted. Whether it's the grasp of the landing point or the way of exerting force, they are all wonderful and accurate.

In other words, this jumping action is the best result that can be jumped out with the body of a useless person, no wonder the system directly gave 100 points.

"Excuse me, farewell."

Qin Guan didn't want to play at that time. Can this kind of operation be done by humans? ?

Don't talk about dancing by yourself, I don't even understand what it is...

Frustrated, so frustrated!
However, when Qin Guan was hit hard and was about to "number of players - 1", he discovered new content on the interface.

There is a line of inconspicuous small words on the upper right edge of the field of view: "Show detailed data", and there is a check box in front of it.

"detailed data?"

Qin Guan ticked it without even thinking about it, and a large piece of dense information instantly appeared on the phantom in his vision.

"I'll go, it's really detailed!"

Qin Guan took a closer look and found that these data had marked all the factors of this jump almost in detail.

Taking up the action of jumping, at the moment when Xuying's right foot stepped on the platform, an auxiliary line for force analysis appeared on his right foot, showing the angle of force exerted; there was also a progress bar, showing the degree of force specific value.

For example, at the moment of taking off, the force of the right foot on the ground is 100%, and the entire progress bar is full; but after taking off, the shadow still has some subtle movements in the air, which is adjusting its body shape, and these forces are very small. Small, basically no more than 10%.

In other words, after turning on "detailed data", every detail of Xuying's entire jumping action has been quantified and clearly understood.

Qin Guan went back to his own record.

After turning on the detailed data, every detail of Qin Guan's previous jumping movements has also been quantified, which is really horrible in comparison.

Strength, direction, body posture... There are problems with all kinds of elements, so it's no wonder the score is so low.

Seeing this, Qin Guan suddenly had a bold idea.

"Isn't this equivalent to the reference answer for summer vacation homework? Or it is directly the official optimal solution! As long as I strictly follow this, not to mention getting full marks, there is no problem in passing!"

Qin Guan thought about it for a second, then shook his head again: "Qin Guan, what's wrong with you? You've fallen! No matter what game you play before, you never read the guide. You have to experience the fun of the game yourself!"

"You are the one who writes the strategy, not the one who reads the strategy. You are a real hardcore player! The fruit of victory is the sweetest, isn't it?"

Qin Guan resolutely turned off the historical records, and once again challenged the platform ahead.


10 minute later.

Qin Guan silently opened the history record and opened the detailed data.

"Hey, it smells so good."

 Let's add a few more chapters at the beginning, otherwise we won't even be able to introduce the main character's cheat... Tomorrow will start the normal 2nd update, or every morning at 10 o'clock

(End of this chapter)

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