charismatic player

What happens if you clear Chapter 10?

What happens if you clear Chapter 10?
After jumping a full eight times according to the "standard answer", Qin Guan finally jumped to the sixth platform.

It has to be said that this efficiency has increased exponentially...

Because the physical fitness of useless people is the same, the only difference lies in the skill of exerting force.

Qin Guan didn't know anything about these skills before, and he was slowly figuring them out on his own, and the slow progress can be imagined.

But after having the "standard answer", Qin Guan just needs to follow this to jump honestly, including the movement, the way of exerting force and the specific force are all clearly marked. With Qin Guan's top game IQ, no The reason cannot be learned.

Moreover, the "standard answer" is to jump 100 points, and Qin Guan only needs to jump 60 points.

Standing on the sixth platform, Qin Guan secretly sighed: "If I try to figure it out by myself, I don't know how many times I will fail..."

Now I don't want to think about scoring points, let's move on.

Obviously, the difficulty of the subsequent jumps is getting higher and higher, and there will definitely be more difficult challenges. After clearing the more difficult challenges and then returning to continue to score points, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort and save time.

Continue to attack the seventh platform.

At the beginning, Qin Guan was still a good young man with ideals and aspirations. He resisted not to look at the historical records, and wanted to test the depth of the water with his own efforts.

But this situation didn't last long, and Qin Guan quickly gave in. When he got to the 13th platform, he didn't try it himself at all, and directly opened the history to see the standard answer.

"I'm not cowardly, I'm saving time..."

Qin Guan comforted himself in this way.

In fact, what he thinks is quite reasonable. If he continues to explore on his own, it looks very backbone on the surface, but isn't it a waste of his time...

Besides, this matter is not the same as copying homework. If I copy homework, I don't use my brain at all, but in this trial, even if I jump according to the standard answer, I may not be able to skip it...

To be more precise, what Qin Guan is doing now should be more like practicing boxing.

Some people don't have a master to teach, so they can only practice blindly by looking at a boxing manual, or maybe there is no boxing manual, and they all rely on their own randomness.

As for Qin Guan, there are not only boxing records, but also very detailed ones, and you can even carefully compare them to correct small mistakes in your movements. This efficiency is completely different.

Qin Guan was very involved in practicing, and the environment at home was also very quiet. Before he knew it, several hours passed.

Suddenly, he seemed to hear the sound of someone opening the door with a key.

Qin Guan's consciousness instantly returned to the real world, and when he turned his head, he saw Su Xiaoyu push the door into the living room.

"Qin Guan, what are you doing? You don't turn on the lights..."

Su Xiaoyu turned on the light in the living room while changing her slippers.

Qin Guan was startled, he looked outside, it was indeed dark, and he looked at his watch, it was already past nine o'clock.

"You've come back from working overtime? Have you had dinner? Are you hungry?" Qin Guan asked.

Su Xiaoyu stretched her waist: "Of course I ate it, what time is it?"

Qin Guan had no choice but to silently take out his phone and order food by himself.

Amelia Su glanced at him and knew what he was doing: "You haven't eaten yet? I seriously doubt that you will starve yourself to death one day..."

Qin Guan rolled his eyes: "I'm obviously trying to exercise, okay? By the way, you should also know about trials, right?"

Su Xiaoyu sat down on the sofa next to her: "Of course, I have jumped to more than 80 on medium difficulty, it's amazing."

Qin Guan was shocked at the time: "More than 80?! Don't you frankly work overtime? You have the nerve to complain to me that you are busy with work?!"

"Why are you still working overtime? Everyone is fishing like crazy." Su Xiaoyu was in high spirits, completely unable to see the fatigue of overtime work. at work."

Qin Guan: "Is this even okay??"

Too disappointed!

Qin Guan is so disappointed!

Originally, he thought that Su Xiaoyu just went to work, and he would push the test record forward a bit, and he could show off to Su Xiaoyu when he came back, but he never expected that this guy would desert when he was going to work!
It's really a downturn in the world, and people's hearts are not old...

However, as the two of them chatted, Qin Guan felt that this matter was simply too normal, and this portable smart system was simply a magical tool for fishing at work...

In the past, many people wanted to secretly play web games or mobile games when they went to work, and they had to be careful at all times when the boss or leader passed by, and they had to practice the unnatural hand speed to instantly jump to the work document, and they were arrested if they were a little slower. When it arrives, the consequences will be very serious.

There are also many people's office computers with small memory and slow response, which has caused many tragedies...

But now, you can immerse yourself in the world of trials by sitting on a chair with your consciousness, cover your hair a little, who knows whether your eyes are open or closed, and if someone walks this way, you can find out that the consciousness directly Going back to the real world with a few clicks of the mouse and a few keystrokes can perfectly muddle through.

With such a good thing, who still works hard...

Even a conscientious and good employee like Su Xiaoyu blatantly fishes, this is really... well done!

But Qin Guan still couldn't figure it out.

"In other words, I can understand that you go to work to catch fish, because you also play games, but for those who don't play games, this activity of jumping around on the platform is not attractive to them at all. ?”

Su Xiaoyu looked at Qin Guan: "Did you not go online all night?"

"Oh..." Qin Guan pondered for a moment, "Yes, I'm too involved..."

Su Xiaoyu gave him a look of contempt, and explained: "Tonight, a group of people have already completed the intermediate difficulty clearance first, that is, they jumped to the 100th platform. Guess what happened to them?"

Qin Guan looked shocked: "Could it be...that the gene has mutated??"

Su Xiaoyu rolled her eyes: "That's not true, but it's about the same. These people found that their real bodies have been fully enhanced. Not only that, they can also switch their bodies in the game at will."

Qin Guan was stunned, and there is such an operation? ?
Su Xiaoyu looked at him calmly: "Well, my colleagues also had the same expression as you when they first heard the news. Anyway, no one believed it."

The corner of Qin Guan's mouth twitched slightly: "The main reason is that this matter has completely subverted the scientific principles and logic, okay... If the two bodies are switched at will and such a fantasy operation has come out, will doctors be unemployed in the future??"

Su Xiaoyu nodded: "Almost. But this ratio is very low. Those who have cleared the level are not ordinary people. Some are talented professional players, some are extremely talented athletes, and some are simply Martial arts masters, fighters, etc..."

"Also, because there are so few people like this at the moment, this news is also half-truth, but the point is, if you ask your own smart phone, it will tell you it's true, as long as you complete the medium-difficulty test If you practice, you can get these rewards."

(End of this chapter)

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