charismatic player

Chapter 8 History

Chapter 8 History
On the way home, Qin Guan used his broken mobile phone to scan some information on the Internet. Obviously, this sudden trial mode caused panic among many people again.

It’s really scary to think about it. Just close your eyes and your consciousness can be immersed in another world. Not only can you change your body in another world to take risks at will, but you can also switch back to the real world at any time, no matter which way you think about it. This is beyond the scope of science and common sense.

The fierce debate on the Internet has never stopped since the appearance of the portable smart system, and now the debate seems to be getting more intense.

"This is definitely a huge conspiracy! Including that portable intelligence that has been bewitching the public, we must resist this temptation!"

"There will be no pie in the sky. This is probably a brain-in-a-vat experiment. Don't let the black hands behind the scenes get what they want!"

Conspiracy theories have always had a market. In the past, there might have been a broad market for some non-existent rumors. What's more, now that bizarre events happen to everyone, it is impossible to keep most people absolutely rational.

Many people are clamoring to be vigilant against this portable intelligent system and the test that can immerse into the conscious world, not only many Internet celebrities and opinion leaders, but also many experts and scholars.

Obviously, this kind of problem that does not conform to any common sense and is completely unexplainable is already beyond the scope of experts.

Yet even with so many people speaking out, little is happening.

Because the voices of these people can affect tens of thousands or 10,000+ people at most, but the portable intelligent system exists in everyone's mind, and it is "brainwashing" everyone in different ways all the time.

When some people see these conspiracy theories on the Internet, his portable intelligent system will refute the ridiculousness of such conspiracy theories 360% with an absolutely objective and emotionless voice, with strict logic and clear thinking, which makes people feel Can't refute.

Of course, the portable intelligent system still cannot explain why it appeared, but it still has a lot to say if it just refute these conspiracy theories.

In this indecision, most people still tried this trial silently, and even simply regarded it as a brand new form of entertainment.

Waiting for the bus, waiting for the subway, flying, taking a break at noon...

As long as they have any free time, people can immerse their consciousness in the trial and jump back and forth from platform to platform.

Not to mention, it's quite fun, and it's especially time-killing.

There are even a group of people who have begun to share various experiences on the Internet, including the choice of opening, the skills of jumping between various platforms, the way of exerting strength, etc.

Clearly, some athletes, especially long jumpers, have a unique first-mover advantage in this area…

So far, no one has been able to clear any difficulty, including entry difficulty.

Because even if it is difficult to get started, the challenges in the later stages are also very complicated. According to what can be seen on the Internet, some people have jumped to more than No. 70 platforms at most, but it is obvious that there is still a long way to go before clearing the level.

However, considering that only more than an hour has passed since the start of the trial, the progress is already very fast.

Thinking about his current grades being the fourth platform, Qin Guan felt a burst of despair.

When I got home, I was still in the same state as when I left in the morning.Su Xiaoyu is going to practice in the afternoon, and it may be eight or nine o'clock in the evening when she returns, so Qin Guan can only handle dinner by himself.

After all, in the current company, the "sudden death gift package" of dinner + overtime + taxi reimbursement has become more and more popular. Qin Guan seriously doubts whether the so-called "nine to five" office workers still exist in the imperial capital. And a big city like Shanghai.

I finished washing the dishes I soaked in the morning, tidied up the house a little, stuffed the drink bottle I drank yesterday into a garbage bag and threw it away, and took a shower when I came back.

After everything was done, Qin Guan found a comfortable position and lay down on the sofa, ready to continue the trial.

This is a good habit that Qin Guan has developed in his gaming career. Before playing games, he must clean up the surrounding environment, wash his hands and face in advance, and even take a bath and change clothes to ensure that his body and spirit are in the best condition .

Of course, another very important reason is that I hope that my hands can be washed a little bit whiter, and I can pretend to be a European.

Although the environment in the dormitory was not too noisy, several roommates had to discuss the progress with each other every ten minutes, which was indeed very influential. Now that no one disturbs Qin Guan, he can finally show his true self. strength.

"So what if the difficulty is high, I just want to prove that some people are number one in everything!"

In the trial scene, Qin Guan once again became a useless person wearing only a pair of torn underpants.

The difficulty of the next platform dropped slightly, and Qin Guan jumped over it after two tries.

However, the difficulty of the sixth platform increased abruptly. This time, it is a trapezoidal platform from the side. There is a slope on the side facing Qinguan, which is as smooth as a mirror. There is a green horizontal bar on the slope. The texture of the tread.

"Hiss... In other words, I have to jump far enough, and I have to step on the green horizontal bar with the correct angle and force, and then jump onto the platform?"

Qin Guan gasped, this challenge is getting more and more abnormal!
It is impossible to jump directly to the top of the next platform, because the jumping power of the useless person is not enough; it is possible to jump to the slope, but if you step on the mirror, you will definitely slide down; At that moment, if you use your strength to kick again, it will still slide down.

"The conditions are harsh enough."

Qin Guan didn't think for too long. After understanding the principle, he took a short run-up and jumped!
Take a leap!

After falling more than 20 times, Qin Guan sat down on the fifth platform and began to doubt his life.

Although the next few jumps have made obvious progress, at most they just stepped on the green horizontal bar. The friction in this place is much smaller than Qin Guan imagined.

The moment you step on it, use your strength to jump over?
Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

After careful calculation, he has fallen at least a hundred times since he first entered the trial. It can be said that he is either falling or on the way to fall...

Qin Guan didn't know what was going on with the others, but he certainly wasn't as miserable as himself...

Just when Qin Guan was about to fall into despair, he suddenly found a line of small characters in the lower right of his field of vision.

【history record】.

Qin Guan thought for a while: "I have died too many times, so I recorded every scene of my death so that I can reflect on myself, it is really a caring system..."

Qin Guan opened [History Records], and a small page appeared on the right edge of his field of vision, and there were exactly 100 historical records on it, corresponding to every jump of Qin Guan.

(End of this chapter)

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