charismatic player

Chapter 345 Transformed!

Chapter 345 Transformed!
Qin Guan was a little panicked, there are too many monsters, right?
Scanning through the information panel casually, I found that the attributes of these monsters are still very strong. Qin Guan does not have the courage to "make an enemy of the world" now. It would be foolish and too dangerous to really fight with so many monsters.

Moreover, Qin Guan is not sure where the nearby resurrection point is, and whether the resurrection point will be dangerous. Once he dies, it is very dangerous.

"what to do……"

Seeing these dragon monsters waking up one by one, Qin Guan felt that he had to think of a solution quickly, otherwise he wouldn't be able to fight even if he didn't want to.

"Wait, did I get an item before?"

Qin Guan quickly searched in the conscious world and found it.

【Dragon Scale Orb】

[After use, make your appearance into a dragon, and maintain a friendly state with all dragon monsters.The state is canceled when attacked or actively attacked.Use intervals of 30 minutes. 】

This is a special item that Qin Guan got from the box before, but it has never been used, and it seems to be ready to use now!

Qinguan didn't want to fight so many dragons now, mainly because it was meaningless, because at most he would get some materials, but he would risk being killed, which was not worth the loss.

"Try it!"

Qin Guan used the dragon scale orb and felt his body expand rapidly. Of course, he didn't really become a dragon, but it wasn't just a phantom either.If it is a phantom, there is a big gap between the body of a dragon and that of a human, and it is still easy to reveal the truth, but now that Qin Guan's body has swelled, he really has a body of a dragon, but it is like a swollen body. Balloons may break out of this state at any time.

If you are attacked or take the initiative to attack others, you will instantly change back to human form, and the props will also enter the use interval.

The use interval of this prop does not start timing after use, but starts timing after this failure, which means that it is impossible to use it twice seamlessly.

Qin Guan was a little flustered, wondering if this prop would be useful.

He tried to take two steps forward.

Now he is a dragon, and his steps, movements, etc. are exactly the same as ordinary dragons, and he does have a body.

The surrounding dragons have just woken up now. Several dragons looked over to where Qinguan was, but they only glanced briefly and had no reaction, just like seeing other members of their own kind.

Qin Guan tried to walk past a dragon again, but the dragon still didn't respond, it just bared its teeth at him, signaling him not to invade his territory.

"Yes, they really treat me as the same kind!"

Qin Guan feels that this thing is really useful, just like the sunworm headgear. Although it looks a bit silly on the surface, it can really come in handy at critical moments.

Qin Guan began to stroll around the dragon pile, and then observed the surrounding situation.

He was originally on the city wall before, but was carried away by the giant dragon for a long distance, and now he is almost at the top of the mountain.All around are a group of dragons far beyond the strength of ordinary players, and there are no other monsters.

This place is a veritable dragon's nest.

Qin Guan walked around the area and suddenly found a cave nearby!
"Hmm... Could this place be the core of the spirit world?"

Qin Guan took steps to dig in. The cave was quite big, but the entrance was hidden in a mountain of rocks, so it was not very obvious. It would be difficult to find it if it were not relatively close.


At this time, on the city wall.

Xiao Qiang held the big stone slab left by Qinguan and walked up with the domestic players.

"Strange, why do you feel like you haven't met many players along the way?"

Xiao Qiang was a little puzzled, because they all knew that other players had come in the spirit world, and they were even ambushed when they first entered the spirit world. Logically, these soul snatchers should be guarding the beacon tower. These boxes, but now they seem to have been removed and are missing.

Su Xiaoyu is also very vigilant: "Don't take it lightly, just keep going."


At the beacon tower on the mountain, a large number of Soul Reavers had gathered next to Moore, more than a hundred of them.

These people were originally scattered on many beacon towers, but the assassin players sent by Moore after the night were all summoned back. Many people even opened the treasure chest with only one or two inscriptions left, so they had to give up.

Therefore, many soul snatchers still have some complaints about Moore. After all, no one will be happy when they are forced to give up the reward they got.

Moore stood on the beacon tower, looking at the spirit snatchers in front of him: "There is no time, we must hurry to the top of the mountain and find the most precious thing in this spirit world. The night is likely to fall again, and every time it will be accompanied by It's a huge risk. And... the Chinese player who was wanted by the guild seems to be in this spirit world, and players from other big guilds have already reached the city wall, and it is too dangerous for us to disperse our forces now."

"Moore, why don't we ambush those Grand Guild players? If we kill them, there will be a lot of spirits!" Someone in the crowd asked.

Moore said with a cold face: "Calm down! We can't just attack rashly. We tricked these people from the Grand Council to kill people, but the premise must be in a situation that is very beneficial to us! Now we must create Only a perfect trap can catch this group of people, otherwise it will be troublesome if they are completely alert or even united."

"Okay, now let's head to the top of the mountain to snatch the most precious thing in this spiritual world!"

This group of spirit snatchers were the first to enter the spirit world. They entered for the purpose of killing and seizing spirits when all the big guilds had no interest in this spirit world, so they always took the initiative.

Of course, the appearance of an alien like Qin Guan is completely uncontrollable...


Qin Guan came out of the cave, very speechless.

"What a scam! Apart from stronger dragons, there are no treasures at all! There are no royal weapons or anything like that... I can feel the malice of this cave..."

Qin Guan went in and turned around, and found that the cave was very large and winding, and there were many monsters, but the only problem was that there was no reward...

I feel like this cave is just here to trick you. If there are no rewards, you might as well open a box on the city wall!
Qin Guan also went around a few times on purpose, and finally confirmed that there are no rewards. Of course, these dragons will definitely drop rewards after they die, but it is hard to say whether it is worthwhile or not.

Qin Guan strolled out, and the dragons in the cave regarded him as the same kind, so no dragon paid attention to him, let alone obstructed him.

As a result, just as Qin Guan walked to the entrance of the cave, he was suddenly shrouded in a shadow!
Qin Guan was startled, looked up, and found that the giant dragon had come over at some point, and was waiting at the entrance of the cave!

(End of this chapter)

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