charismatic player

Chapter 344 Fell in the Dragon's Nest!

Chapter 344 Fell in the Dragon's Nest!

This time the giant dragon really felt that something was wrong, and it didn't care to spit fire at the people below, so it flapped its wings and flew away!

Qin Guan originally held the giant dragon's foot with his left hand, and poked it with the great sword of calamity with his right hand. As a result, the dragon's body was shaking violently when it flew up, and Qin Guan quickly put away the great sword of calamity. He held on to the dragon's body tightly, for fear that he would fall.

Although Qin Guan has a strong climbing skill, it will consume energy and cannot be used all the time, so Qin Guan can't care about poking the dragon's foot with the calamity sword, so he can only hold on to the scales on the dragon's body .

Su Xiaoyu shouted anxiously from below: "Qin Guan!"

Xiao Qiang also panicked, it seemed that Qin Guan would not be able to get down, but where is this dragon going?
The main reason is that Qin Guan can't jump down anymore. The dragon can fly very high with just a little flap of its wings. If he jumps down now, he will really fall to his death.

Although he can be resurrected in the spirit world after death, Qin Guan doesn't want to sacrifice his first time without dignity, he has to struggle and resist no matter what!

But Qin Guan had no choice but to resign himself to hanging on the dragon.

The dragon flew sullenly for a while, probably feeling that he had thrown Qin Guan away, slowed down a little, and flapped its wings in the air.

Of course Qin Guan would not let this opportunity go, he took out his calamity sword and poked it again!
The dragon is really angry this time, it can feel that its life has lost a little more!
It's like an ant crawling on a person's foot, but the key point is that the ant is poisonous, and I can't get rid of it in a hurry, but it's hard to find it!

The dragon's body is covered with hard scales, so it doesn't feel that sensitive. It can only roughly feel that there is someone hanging on its feet, but it can't figure out exactly where.

But the giant dragon definitely didn't intend to let it go, and started flapping its wings and bumping into the mountain beside it!
Qin Guan held the calamity sword in one hand and wanted to continue poking it, but the dragon suddenly started flying again, so he had to retract the calamity sword again and hold on tightly.


It was still a dark night all around, the giant dragon slammed into the cliff, and its two hind paws grabbed a big rock, trying to crush Qin Guan to death or shake him off!
There are many players on the surrounding beacon towers, all killing monsters while watching the movement of the giant dragon, for fear that it will run over and breathe fire, only to find out after looking at it, why is this dragon crashing into the mountain? ?

"What's wrong with it, is it suffering from mad dragon disease?"

"Is there something on the mountain that makes it angry?"

"Or is it itchy?"

These players are all puzzled, how did this dragon suddenly start crashing into the mountain? ?
And every time it hits, you can feel the ground shaking, the city wall and the mountain are connected together, and several big rocks rolled down from the mountain, almost hitting the player.

This group of people can't do anything about this dragon, they can only watch from a distance, trembling.

Qin Guan was able to catch the first bump, but he was also shaken a bit, and the second hit was enough.

The strength of this dragon is really too strong. After all, Qin Guan had a lot of effort to catch its hind paws without falling off, but the dragon slammed into the rock, and this powerful impact force was still inevitable. The ground was transmitted to Qin Guan's body, which shocked him enough.

Every time he hits, Qin Guan has to spend energy to use the strong climbing skill, but once the energy is used up, it will be very dangerous.

"It seems that the IQ of this dragon is still too underestimated, no, I have to slip."

Qin Guan originally thought that he could take down this dragon with the Great Sword of Calamity, but now it seems that this is not the case at all, this dragon is not stupid, there are many ways for such a big man to deal with this little guy like Qin Guan .

After all, the difference in strength between the two sides is too great, but after all, this means that Qin Guan can cut off 15% of the dragon's blood volume, and other people probably can't even let the dragon's skin be broken...

Qin Guan saw the timing, and after the dragon hit the mountain again, he shot a hook and hooked a nearby tree!

He had also turned off the light emitted by the sunworm headdress in advance, fearing that he would be spotted by the dragon if he stood out like a light bulb in the dark.


The dragon slammed into the mountain again, Qin Guan shot out the hook and moved quickly, rising and falling on the cliff, escaping from the attack range of the dragon.

After bumping into the mountain for a while, the dragon felt that the little guy stuck to his foot should be dead, so he flapped his wings contentedly and flew away.

Qin Guan sat down on a big rock on the cliff and took a short rest.

He had consumed a lot of energy before. Although he had the seal of an explorer, it was still a bit dangerous to continue climbing the mountain, so he needed to wait a little longer.

"...How far I have flown, Nima."

When Qin Guan looked into the distance, the beacon tower where the domestic players were located had long since disappeared, and it was impossible to see in the pitch-black environment.Only the outline of the city wall in the distance can be vaguely seen, as well as monsters swarming in the dark night.

"So where am I?"

Qin Guan took a look, he was no longer near the city wall, but halfway up the mountain, the surroundings were pitch black, but he didn't need to guess, there must be a lot of monsters nearby.

This kind of darkness also has a certain restrictive effect on the monster's spiritual vision. After Qin Guan entered the stealth state, there was no problem for the time being.

"Try to find the way back... Eh? Damn, why is it daylight again!"

Just as Qin Guan was about to go down, a ray of dawn suddenly appeared in the sky, and then the brightness began to increase rapidly!
I still remember that it was the same when the sky was getting dark before. The light and dark changes very quickly, and there was no intermediate transition at all.

But after thinking about it, this is also reasonable, because there are too many monsters at night, and the dragon will breathe fire periodically, which is a hard+ mode for players. If the night lasts too long, the players probably It's going to be wiped out several times...

Dawn appeared quickly, and the time state of the entire spiritual world returned to daytime.

Qin Guan breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that he would be safer during the day, at least he wouldn't have to worry about being caught in a pile of monsters.

As a result, he had just taken two steps when he felt something was wrong.

What is this inexplicable sense of crisis? ?
Spirit Vision swept over, as if this place was very dangerous!
Qin Guan took a closer look and was instantly startled.

Ahead there is one, no, several, no, a group of dragons are sleeping...

Qin Guan looked at the left, the right, and the back. Wherever he could see, whether it was in the crevices of the cliffs or on the hillside, there were dragons everywhere...

The size of these dragons is not too big, not as big as that giant dragon, but the smallest one has to be seven or eight meters long, and the larger ones are more than ten meters long!

The dragons appeared to be sleeping, but several appeared to be awake and about to stand up.

"Damn, I accidentally fell into the dragon's nest..."

 I have something to go out tomorrow, please take a leave
(End of this chapter)

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