charismatic player

Chapter 346 The Plan of the Soul Reapers

Chapter 346 The Plan of the Soul Reapers

The giant dragon licked for a long time, probably because today's share was exhausted, and instead of licking new little dragons, it flapped its wings and flew away.

Qin Guan still felt a little lost.

Hey, the cash cow is flying!
The other little dragons around were all dumbstruck, especially the few dragons with injuries on their bodies who were puzzled. What's going on? Why didn't it be my turn today, so it's over?

Looking at Qin Guan's back, the dragon's saliva was flowing down the dragon's skin on his back.

Moreover, these dragon saliva dripping on the ground also have a certain chance to become props, Qin Guan randomly picked them up, and picked up another five or six.

Qin Guan counted his gains in the conscious world, and unexpectedly got more than 100 drops of dragon saliva, which is simply a book of satisfaction.

Every drop of these dragon saliva has a strong effect. After eating it, all injuries can be healed immediately. The only restriction is that you can only eat one piece per hour, which is simply a life-saving weapon.

The only thing that made Qin Guan a little uncomfortable was that the little dragons around looked at him with a little hostility.

In fact, these little dragons were very friendly to him at first, but now it's different. He is equivalent to robbing other people of their good things. Can these dragons be happy?
The point is that none of the dragons that were really injured got any dragon saliva, and Qin Guan's back was dripping...

"What are you looking at? Aren't you all real dragons? If you want dragon saliva, can you work hard on your own? Wouldn't it be over if you lick yourself?"

Qin Guan complained silently.

Of course, Qinguan only complained in his heart. These dragons could not hear it, and they did not attack Qinguan directly. They still remained friendly and restrained towards their own kind.

Qin Guan silently spread his four legs and slipped away.

I got all the dragon saliva, and the dragon flew away, so what are you doing here?Hurry back and meet Xiao Qiang and Su Xiaoyu!

But Qin Guan didn't dare to cancel his current state, because there were dragons everywhere, and he might be besieged when he changed back to human form.

On the way back, Qin Guan found that his current location was close to the top of the mountain. The beacon tower at the end of the city wall was bigger than all the previous beacon towers. It could even be called a fortress, and he didn't know what was on it.

At this time, the last beacon tower was crowded with people, there were probably more than 100 people.


Moore stood on the beacon tower, looking at the group of spirit snatchers under him.

The road was indeed difficult, but fortunately, the giant dragon did not know what to do, and did not fly over to breathe fire, so the progress of these people was relatively smooth, and they came to the beacon tower at the highest point.

Of course, arriving here is not the end, these beacon towers will be continuously attacked by monsters, and the monsters are stronger as they go up, so now this group of people can barely guard the last beacon tower, even Something is dangerous.

Moore said to the spirit snatchers under him: "Okay, our ambush circle is here! There are a lot of dragon monsters ahead. We have already found out that these dragon monsters will sleep in the dark. As long as they don't actively attack them, they won't wake up. But at night, monsters will appear from unknown places under the city wall, and attack the city wall even more rampantly."

"That is to say, the Dragon's Nest is the most dangerous place during the day, and at night, it is the safest place, because these monsters attacking the city wall will never enter the range of the Dragon's Nest! We also want to take advantage of this, Lurking at the entrance of the dragon's lair. Other players will definitely come to this beacon tower and covet this box."

There is a huge treasure chest on the beacon tower where Moore stands, with complicated patterns engraved on it, and a few bright diamonds dotted on it, which looks very awesome at first glance.It's just that only one or two inscriptions around the box are lit up, and it's still too early to open it.

Moore continued: "This box should be the best reward in the spirit world, we must get it! But we don't need to stay here all the time, everyone is lurking around in a stealth state, and we will escape into the dragon in the dark night mode." Nest, wait for those members of the Great Guild to kill monsters and plot against each other here, there will definitely be rivers of blood, and the box can be opened. When the box is about to open, we will suddenly come out and kill all the players. , By the way, put the box in your pocket!"

"This is our battle plan, is everything clear?" Moore looked around the crowd.

"It's clear!" The spirit snatchers said in unison.

"Hurry up and prepare, and find hiding places nearby during the day and night." Moore began to direct the group of people to work around the beacon tower. Some were responsible for cleaning up nearby monsters, and some pretended to be ghosts nearby. Some kind of trap or something.

Qin Guan was on the edge of the dragon's nest, watching the group of people busy.

Dragon's Nest does not have a very definite boundary, but the boundary can still be seen vaguely.The entire dragon's nest is like a huge pit on a huge mountain. There are many dragons gathered in it, and it becomes rarer as it goes to the edge.Of course, there are also some dragons who will take the initiative to run out of the dragon nest, or wander to other places in the spirit world.

Now the plan of this group of soul snatchers is to lie in ambush nearby. After the night falls again, they will hide in the dragon's nest and wait for an opportunity to make other players fight for the treasure chest. When the treasure chest is about to open, this group of The soul snatchers can swarm up and kill and snatch souls to get rewards.

"These soul snatchers are quite chicken thieves."

Qin Guan didn't expect this group of people to know so much. It seems that the spirit snatchers have been investigating this spirit world for a long time, and it is precisely because they know the situation of the Dragon Nest that they formulate such a battle plan.

If other players don't know anything about it, it's really possible to be fooled.

Two players were busy under the Beacon Tower. They were using a special method to write their spirits around the Beacon Tower, probably some kind of special method, similar to Huajianji's formation.

There are players from various countries in this group of soul snatchers, and there may be a few of them who have the same "traditional craftsmanship" as Huajianji.

The two players were busy while looking in the direction of the dragon's nest.

"It's strange, do you feel that the dragon has been looking this way?"

"Which one?"

"It's the one on the edge of the dragon's nest, it's almost coming out!"

"Maybe it's because I haven't seen so many players, so I'm curious."

"Curiosity? But I feel a little uncomfortable being stared at, as if it can understand what we are talking about and what we are doing..."

"Hahaha are you kidding me?"

These players have also seen Qin Guan, but they didn't think much about it. This is an ordinary dragon in the dragon's nest, no different from other dragons!

Qin Guan didn't want to be too obvious, so he walked to the side, pretending to be walking.

(End of this chapter)

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