charismatic player

Chapter 272 Brother Taunt sent out a mission!

Chapter 272 Brother Taunt sent out a mission!
Uehara Fumi analyzed all kinds of clues and immediately came to a bold inference.

She originally thought that this was the base camp of brother mocking in another world, a real fire-passing sacrificial site, but after going around for a while, she decisively changed her mind.

Because this fire transmission sacrificial place is too low!
This unreliable businessman, this unreliable blacksmith, no matter how you look at it, he looks like a temporary worker!

The only one who looks reliable is this blind lady, but it looks like a vase, so it can only be eye-catching, and has no practical use.

Therefore, it is definitely impossible for Brother Tiao to be his base camp in another world. This place is more like a branch of the Fire Passing Sacrificial Field that Brother Tiao came to this world to open.

Maybe it's because the business of Chuanhuo Sacrifice is booming, so open one in another world?
However, due to the harsh conditions in the other world, no reliable NPCs could be found, so I had to recruit these three people first to make do with it.

Although there is a blind young lady who can support the appearance, but the mocking brother also knows that this old woman businessman full of lies and the uneducated strong blacksmith are completely hopeless, so he is sitting on the steps and worrying?
That being the case, the most urgent thing to do now is to relieve brother mocking, maybe brother mocking will give us some special rewards?

Moreover, this matter cannot be made public.

Sarcasm and these businessmen should have a relationship similar to that of an employer and an employee. When reporting work to the boss, you have to secretly make a small report, but you can't spread it out to everyone.

Fumi Uehara almost wanted to give her wit a thumbs up.

She sneaked up to Brother Mocking, sat down on the steps, and whispered her thoughts to Brother Mocking, hoping to relieve him of his worries, and of course, hoping to get some rewards from him.

Qin Guan still sat on the steps calmly, but he was completely shocked in his heart. Isn't this girl's brain power a little too strong?
However, since Fumi Uehara has already said so, it’s time to get off the road!
Anyway, Uehara Fumi is the leader of this neon expedition team, and she has already fooled herself, so as long as she works a little harder, she will have no problem fooling the entire expedition team.

But before that, Qin Guan had to confirm one thing.

"How did you get here?"

In fact, Qin Guan is very clear about how they got here, but what he wants to know is what difficulties these players have encountered after arriving in this world, and how much of their original system functions are still available.

Judging from Uncle Ke's loss of contact, the players of the expedition team should not be able to cross the gap in reverse, nor can they use the social module to communicate with the players there.But this is just a guess, and it needs to be verified from these neon players.

Uehara Fumi was very excited when she found out that Brother Sarcasm had actually talked to her.

What does this mean?This shows that I guessed it right!
Having said so much before, Brother Sneer was completely indifferent, but now that the question is on point, Brother Sneer answered directly, which means that this mission is interesting!

Uehara Fumi immediately recounted everything she encountered when she came here, including the current situation.

Qin Guan listened silently.

According to Uehara Fumi, after the players come here, they can no longer enter the spirit world dungeon, cannot use the auction house and social modules, which means that all networking functions are blocked, and there is no way to pass through the crack. return.

This expedition team could only explore aimlessly. During the period, they encountered very powerful monsters and stumbled here.Moreover, there were casualties during the process, but the dead players revived themselves after a while, and it seemed that there was nothing serious about it.

So the expedition team is now in a stable mood. Since the dead will be resurrected here like the spirit world, it is not so scary.

Qin Guan was thinking while listening to Fumi Uehara's story about what happened after crossing the crack.

Qinguan needs more royal weapon energy to repair the four bridges around the altar hall. To put it bluntly, these royal weapon energy are spirits, and we still have to find a way from the players.

The spirit dungeon is indeed still producing spirits, but there are not many of them. It will take a long time to accumulate 80 king weapon energy.

Because the mode of the spirit world dungeon is almost like a lottery in the final analysis.The dungeon of the spirit world does not produce spirits, it is just a porter of the player's spirit.

For example, if 100 players enter the dungeon of the spirit world, 80 will lose and 20 will gain. Then the net losses of these players will become Qin Guan's income.However, these incomes have to meet the daily operations of Chuanhuo Sacrificial Field, and they have to be used to set up breeding farms. After all the consumption is deducted, it can be turned into king energy.

To put it bluntly, all the spirits in the spirit world dungeon are provided by the player in the final analysis. No matter how dead the player is, how much can the player provide?

But it's different in another world. Monsters are everywhere, which means spirits are everywhere too!
Let the players kill monsters and collect spirits, so Qin Guan does not need any investment at all, and it is a purely profitable business.

Qin Guan soon had an idea.

After hearing Uehara Fumi's words, Qin Guan sighed softly: "You guessed right, this is also my newly opened fire-spreading sacrificial place, but now I have encountered a small problem."

Uehara Fumi saw that the taunting brother was about to give a task, and quickly pricked up his ears to listen.

"These merchants are indeed not very good, but there is nothing to do in a hurry. There are good products and good props, but the premise is to liberate my original team."

Uehara Fumi blinked: "What do you mean liberated? Are they trapped?"

Qin Guan nodded: "That's right. They are trapped on an isolated island not far from here. If they want to get there, they must build a cable bridge connecting the two sides of the cliff."

Uehara Fumi asked again: "Then, how can we fix it? There are no engineers in our group..."

Qin Guan said: "It's easy, but it's also difficult. It requires a lot of spirits, many, many spirits."

Uehara Fumi was also a little worried: "A large number of spirits... It would be okay if all the players from the Takatahara Guild came here, but now only our expedition team is here, with a total of only a dozen people..."

Qin Guan: "It doesn't matter. As long as you work hard to collect them, you still have a chance. There are many wandering monsters outside. As long as you pick the monsters that you can win and brush repeatedly, you will be able to collect these spirits sooner or later. When all the spirits are collected, you can collect them." After the cable bridge is repaired, I can take you to that isolated island, Ouya, Qianyan, and Nuo Lunuosi can give you a [-]% discount on all products for a limited time for seven days, and there is a large supply!"

"Not only that, I will give you some special rewards every time you submit a certain number of spirits, and I won't let you work in vain."

Uehara Fumi was very pleasantly surprised: "Really? Then this sounds like a long-term task! But what special reward will it be?"

Qin Guan pondered for a moment: "This, you will know when the time comes."

Uehara Fumi nodded: "Okay, then let's go out and collect some spirits!"

A group of players from the Takatahara Guild left the fire-spreading sacrificial field under the leadership of Uehara Fumi.

The Fireproof Girl felt very depressed. The group of people didn't say a few words to her at all. They all surrounded Qin Guan and chatted endlessly. They couldn't get in the way at all...

And, why did you leave?
I haven't mobilized you to collect unowned spirits, why did you leave?
 Third more afternoon or evening

(End of this chapter)

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