charismatic player

Chapter 273 Extra people in the Fire Passing Sacrifice (3 more)

Chapter 273 Extra People in the Fire Passing Sacrificial Field (Third Watch)
Fumi Uehara took the players of Gao Tianyuan away from the fire-spreading sacrificial field, and first explored in the direction that the mocking brother said. Sure enough, he saw a floating island with four broken cable bridges, and there was another one on the floating island that looked magnificent. A weather-beaten building.

Compared with the altar hall, the dilapidated tower of Chuanhuo Sacrificial Ground looks very shabby...

"Sure enough, this is the real novice village. The previous one was just a small stronghold. So, the long-term mission given by the mocking brother this time is to keep collecting spirits and unlock new map areas, right?"

Uehara Fumi was instantly convinced.

In fact, the players of this expedition team were still very excited when they first saw the Fire Passing Sacrifice Field, because they walked around aimlessly in other worlds, experienced many battles, and were a little physically and mentally exhausted. A decent building, and seeing acquaintances again, all have a kind of warmth of going home.

It can only be blamed that the appearance of the altar hall is much higher than that of Chuanhuo Sacrificial Field. Players naturally regard the altar hall as an upgraded building of Chuanhuo Sacrificial Field...

"Okay, then let's try to clean up some nearby monsters to collect spirits. Everyone remember how many spirits each monster drops, and we have to sum up the most efficient route to spawn spirits!"

Uehara Fumi was ambitious and immediately began to assign tasks.


On the other side, in the Chuan Huo sacrificial ground, the Fireproof Girl looked at Qin Guan who was sitting on the steps, and hesitated to speak.

She wondered, what's the situation, this fireless ashes?

Why did he sit in the fire-passing sacrificial field so naturally?

Is he not going to leave?

What is he thinking?

The point is, no one here knows you! !
The fire prevention girl was speechless, should Qin Guan be kicked out now?
It doesn't seem to make any sense. Isn't the Fire Passing Sacrificial Site just for the ashes who have no fire to rest?
However, there is no end to resting, you, are you planning to stay here for a long time?Shall I arrange another bed for you?
The fire prevention girl was speechless, but after thinking about it, she decided to forget it, and pretended that Qin Guan didn't exist anymore.

And Qin Guan is thinking about what rewards should be given to these players?

He has a lot of products on him, but there are not many that are particularly attractive, and it is definitely not enough to give each player a copy.

Qin Guan suddenly thought of an idea: "Why don't we open the box??"

Now Qin Guan can use the back door key to go back to the altar hall at any time, but the problem is that he can't get out after he goes back, and he has to spend another 20 King Artifact Energy to get out.

Therefore, the most urgent task is to quickly collect Ling to repair the bridge.

Qin Guan wanted to go out and collect spirits by himself, but he couldn't, he already had the burden of being an idol.Players now know that he is an NPC, but is it plausible that the NPC goes out to spawn monsters by itself...

I can only sort out the props on my body a little bit, and wait to see how many spirits these neon players can collect and come back.


A few hours later, Gao Tianyuan's players regrouped.

According to Uehara Fumi's arrangement, these people were divided into three groups to explore in different directions and collect spirits separately.

The map module can still be used, but it is not convenient for different players to share the field of view.

Uehara Fumi is counting the information he now knows based on the reports of the other two team leaders.

"After we crossed the gap, we came to a certain place in the southeast of the Fire Passing Sacrificial Site, and then walked to the Fire Passing Sacrificial Site by mistake."

"This expedition went in three directions: west, north, and east. The west expedition arrived at the rope bridge that the mocking brother said. The rope bridge was seriously damaged and there was no way to go there; the north expedition went all the way. I met a lot of sporadic mobs, unconscious wandering spirits, villagers and vicious dogs, but I didn’t see any iconic buildings after walking for a long distance.”

"The expedition team to the east gained a lot. They found a section of the weather-beaten city wall and could vaguely see a village... But the strength of the monsters increased significantly when they walked east, and it was too dangerous to continue going forward."

"There are more monsters here than in the dungeon of the spirit world, but they are also much stronger. An ordinary villager probably loses 10 points of spirit, but it is very dangerous..."

These Gaotianyuan players have already obtained some spirits, Uehara Fumi thought about it, and decided to go back to the mocking brother to submit a wave of spirits, put down the burden, and then go to open up wasteland.


Qin Guan and the fire prevention girl stared at each other, speechless.

Suddenly, footsteps came from outside again.

The fire prevention girl's eyes lit up, there are so many ashes without fire today?Is it Chinese New Year at Chuanhuo Sacrifice? This is it?
However, just as she was about to go up to meet them, she found out that the people from Gao Tianyuan had returned, Uehara Fumi was still in the lead, and went straight to Qinguan without even looking at the Fireproof Girl.

Fireproof girl: "..."

MMP!what's the situation!
This group of people is going back and forth, playing monkeys?
Qin Guan was also a little puzzled, what's going on, he came back so soon?
Uehara Fumi explained: "We first went to explore the road nearby, and then handed over the spirit on our body to you first, and then went to explore."

Qin Guan was almost moved to tears, what a considerate player!
Gao Tianyuan's players began to line up to hand over their spirits to Qin Guan, while Fumi Uehara was counting.Because of the help of artificial intelligence and trust in brother mocking, the number is relatively clear.

Each of these dozen or so players has about one or two hundred spirits on them, and the total number is more than 2000.

Remember the number of spirits first, Qin Guan will have to give rewards to the players of the Gaotianyuan guild later, and the signboard of the taunting brother conscientious businessman cannot be smashed.

The fire prevention girl watched from the side, dumbfounded.

what's the situation?
These fireless ashes actually lined up and gave all their spirits to another fireless ashes? ?
Shouldn't it be for me? !

The fireproof girl felt a little redundant and wanted to say something, but the other party obviously didn't want to play with her?
The atmosphere in Chuanhuo Sacrifice suddenly became a little weird, one side was summer and the other side was winter...

But just as the players of Gaotianyuan Guild were queuing up to pay their spirits, there was another burst of footsteps outside!

All the players in Gaotianyuan raised their vigilance and looked towards the entrance of Chuanhuo Sacrificial Field.

The fire prevention girl was also very pleasantly surprised, what's going on, the Chuanhuo Sacrificial Site is really celebrating Chinese New Year today!
Qin Guan looked up and found that he was an acquaintance again...

Those who came were players from the Brahma Guild, the leader Qin Guan also knew him, and the Gan Emperor Galava was also one of his main clients.

These Asan players looked much more embarrassed than Gao Tianyuan's players. They all looked a little tired, their armor was a little damaged, and their discipline seemed to be relatively loose. rush.

As a result, the group of Asan players were shocked when they saw that there were so many people in the Chuanhuo Sacrificial Ground. They stopped at the door, wondering whether they should go in or not?
The fire-proof girl was very happy, and the ashes of no fire came over again!
As a result, just as they were about to walk over, the eyes of the Brahma guild players had already locked on to Qin Guan surrounded by Gao Tianyuan players.

"Isn't this mocking brother?? Met an acquaintance!!"

 LPL is awesome!
(End of this chapter)

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