charismatic player

Chapter 271 What's bothering Brother Sarcasm?

Chapter 271 What's bothering Brother Sarcasm?

The fire-proof girl was a little confused. She didn't expect that after waiting for such a long time without the ashes of the fire, a group of people came and ignored her at all?

I think you fireless ashes should have your legs broken and thrown on the throne!

It was only at this time that Uehara Fumi discovered that on the map module, this place was also called "Sacrifice of Fire Transmission", which was very surprising.

"Brother mocking, why are you here! Could it be that this is your base camp in another world? Where's the blacksmith? Where's the dog? Where's the old man who picks his feet?"

Fumi Uehara asked a lot of questions in a series.

Qin Guan was still sitting on the steps in a contemplative state, not because he was pretending to be deep, but because he really didn't know how to answer...

In fact, I have just arrived, and I know exactly what the situation is... Even if I am a talented fool, you still have to give me some time to prepare, right...

Fireproof girl couldn't bear it anymore, I'm the protagonist here, you guys just look at me!

She came in front of Fumi Uehara: "Fireless ashes, you finally feel the call to come to the Fire Passing Sacrificial Field, go kill more monsters and collect spirits, I will transform the ownerless spirits into yours strength."

Fumi Uehara looked the fireproof girl up and down, and said to Qin Guan: "Hey, I haven't seen this npc before, is it your new recruit?"

Qin Guan remained silent, but fortunately, with his cloak and scarf covering his face, he wouldn't show any confused expression.

The fire prevention girl was rather puzzled, obviously I am the owner of Chuanhuo Sacrifice, why this group of people don't ask me any questions, just keep asking this foreign...

Uehara Fumi looked around, and waved to his subordinates: "Go, go and see if there are any props for sale, and replenish them."

A group of people scattered around the Chuanhuo Sacrificial Site. Uehara Fumi saw that the taunting brother was in a bad mood and kept silent for a while, so she didn't dare to ask any more questions. First, she came to the old lady who sold props.

"Are you the merchant here? Come and show me the props you sell." Uehara Fumi said.

The old lady squeezed out a smile that she thought was kind but actually very scary: "I'm sorry, my props have just been sold out."

Uehara Fumi frowned, is it sold out?

Seeing Uehara Fumi's expression of disbelief, the old lady had no choice but to show her the product list, which was indeed empty and contained nothing.

Uehara Fumi was completely speechless: "Such a trash businessman? Doesn't sell anything??"

These neon players also struggled to find the Fire Passing Sacrifice Field. They encountered many monsters on the way, and many people were injured. All kinds of consumables brought from the crack were used up. , Continue to supply.

Uehara Fumi originally thought that even if he couldn't buy such good things as special magic talismans, it would be good to add some poisonous throwing knives, poison bottles, etc., but it turned out that they didn't sell anything here? ?
The old lady was very aggrieved: "You are late, I have a lot of goods, poison flying knife, poison bottle, green grass, moss ball...all of them are 99, and there are 999 arrows, but those are packed Bought it."

Uehara Fumi frowned: "Who bought it?"

She suddenly became vigilant. Could it be that other players have arrived here first?

If it is a player from another guild, it is really hard to say whether it is an enemy or a friend, so you must be vigilant.

The old lady pointed to Qin Guan who was sitting on the steps not far away: "It's him, he bought them all in a package!"

Uehara Fumi looked at the mocking brother, then at the eccentric old lady sitting in the wheelchair.

"Are you kidding me?"

Uehara Fumi was very speechless, she felt that this old lady was eccentric, and her mouth was full of trains, without a word of truth at all!

What do you mean, is it plausible that all your products were bought by another NPC?

Why does the mocking brother want you to have so much rubbish?

Are you trying to trick me into arguing with brother mocking, and then get beaten up by brother mocking?
God, this old lady is so insidious!I have no grievances with you!

As expected, merchants from other worlds are liars, money eyes are already too much, this old lady is even more than money eyes!
But Uehara Fumi thought again, after all, it is in the territory of NPC, it is not good to tear face to face with this dead profiteer, if offended brother mocking, it would be a bit of a loss.

She didn't bother to pay any more attention to this old lady who seemed to be a profiteer, and wandered to the blacksmith's place again.

"Do you have any weapons for sale here? Do you have the Stone Ghost Tail Axe? Where is the Frost Battle Axe?"

Blacksmith Andre looked at her: "The weapons are all on the weapon rack, you can see for yourself."

Fumi Uehara glanced casually, frowning.

What are these things!
Ordinary daggers, ordinary swords, ordinary spears...

Moreover, these weapons are so ordinary that they cannot be more ordinary. The attribute correction is only power E, which is completely rubbish.

The default weapon brought by the players, the fruit knife, is the full attribute correction E!
Andre explained: "There are no good materials, so you can only build these equipment, if you can find better materials..."

Uehara Fumi waved her hand: "Okay, I understand, you hold back."

She thought to herself, this is your reason, no better material?

If you're the first blacksmith I've ever seen, that's fine. The problem is that the Fire Passing Sacrificial Site in the Spirit World Dungeon sells everything!

Do you have the supreme black knife?
Do you have a black steel sword?
Do you have the dragon slayer's gun shield set?
You don't even have a black knight sword, how dare you call yourself a blacksmith?
And it turned out to be a muscular man with a beard. Compared with Miss Ouya over there, your image is directly deducted as a negative point, you know?

Disappointed, so disappointed!
Fumi Uehara walked around the Fire Transferring Sacrifice and found that there were only four NPCs in total!

Except for the mocking brother, the other NPCs look too unreliable!
A merchant who doesn't sell any goods, but insists that his goods are bought by another NPC;
A blacksmith who only sells the dirtiest weapons;
There was also a blind lady who was talking nonsense about "the ashes of no fire".

What are these!

Uehara Fumi suddenly missed the days of being in another fire-passing sacrificial place, and suddenly felt that the NPCs there were so kind.There are blacksmiths who sell all kinds of good equipment, merchants with a complete range of products although they are expensive, and old men who sell all kinds of spiritual arts...

As for this Fire Passing Sacrificial Site, there are evil gates everywhere.

Uehara Fumi wondered, why is the mocking brother so silent today, feeling worried?
Is there something bothering you?
"Well, I see! This may be a hidden mission of Brother Sneer. You must accurately guess what Brother Sneer is thinking, and then talk to him to trigger this mission."

Uehara Fumi felt that the famous detective's BGM was reverberating in her brain, and began to analyze it based on the existing clues.

After eliminating all possibilities, the last remaining possibility, no matter how absurd, can only be the truth!
"Could it be that... this is actually not the headquarters of the Fire Passing Sacrifice in another world, but a branch? It has just been established here, so there is not enough manpower. Is the mocking brother worried about this matter?"

When Fumi Uehara thought about it this way, many things could suddenly be connected together, and the explanation made sense!

(End of this chapter)

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