Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 71 Surprise or scare

Chapter 71 Surprise or scare
Chapter 70 Surprise or Fright

Daisy is scared away by Mark's words and stays away from Thor.

"Hahaha! It's just that this one is no longer the god of thunder. Now he is just a relatively strong mortal. The title of god of thunder has bid farewell to him! Do you still remember the lightning bolt before? That is the God of God Wang Odin's lightning! The reason is my middle finger. That old guy seems to have a little understanding of the culture of the earth!" What Mark said at this time, in the ears of Jane and the others, was like repeatedly crossing the gates of heaven and hell. Jump.

"Why should I make us believe what you said! Just because of those runes and lightning?" Jane still didn't want to believe what Mark said.

But in fact, they have already begun to believe in their hearts, at least when this question was asked, their minds had already been shocked.

"No reason. In fact, time will tell everything, but Thor's hammer Mjolnir will appear in New Mexico soon, and you will know if what I said is true." Mark drank the last bit of coffee finished talking.

"Then why did you do this? Did you know Thor and approach him on purpose? And why did you treat the God King..." Eric didn't finish his sentence but his question was already clear.

Mark walked to Thor's side, looked at the unconscious Thor and said, "This is beyond what you can know! I advise you to stay away from this guy. If you, as mortals, have anything to do with this guy , may be in trouble that you cannot bear."

Maybe Mark's doing so will change Thor's trajectory, and even fail to complete Thor's trial, but what effect does this have on Mark.

Mark just wants to regain his own power.Even that power is unstable and extremely destructive.

"Are you kidding? This is an opportunity that mortals may not be able to get in their lifetime."

Mark originally thought that Jane, a beautiful woman with a strong personality, would speak out, but he didn't expect it to be Eric.

"In that case, let's play a game! I'll pretend I don't know this Thor, and just see how this innocent prince treats us mortals?" Mark said.


There is an extra rumor in a small town in New Mexico, a hammer that cannot be moved.Even if it is towed by a car, it has no effect.Still standing there motionless.

The news was soon known to Jane and the others.

"Look! What did I say, we can still take a look now, let's go! Of course, we still need to leave someone to take care of our prince." Mark pointed to Thor who was still unconscious on the side.

Daisy took the initiative and said, "I'll stay!"

Jane looked at Daisy thoughtfully and said, "You don't mean to..."

"Okay! Okay, let's go! Just leave it to me." Daisy pushed Jane and Eric away without waiting for Jane to finish speaking.

Mark just chuckled and then left together.

The three of them took a car together and came to the big pit. The place was already full of onlookers, and some even set up barbecue grills here.

Sure enough, it's very Mexican.

Mark stood on the edge of the big pit and looked at the men in the pit who were trying to pick up the hammer, and all of them gave up after exhausting all their strength.

Mark walked towards the hammer slowly, and a white-haired old man said to Mark: "Young man, do you want to try it too?"

Looking at this familiar old man, Mark smiled and said, "Yes! If you don't give it a try, you really won't be reconciled! Maybe I'm the one chosen by this hammer."

The old man didn't say anything, but smiled and watched Mark walk towards the hammer.

Mark stretched out his hand to hold the handle of the hammer, and when he was about to use force, he found a voice appearing in his mind.

"Put it down! Mortals, this is not something you can touch." Odin's thick voice appeared.

Mark didn't care, and silently tried hard to pick up the hammer, but it was just in vain.

When Mark was about to return, he couldn't find the old man he had talked to, but Mark knew that he was always there.

Jane looked at Thor's Hammer from beginning to end. She felt that the hammer had an inexplicable attraction to herself, but another voice in her heart told herself not to go there.

If Jane walked over at this time, maybe it would be another story.

Mark looked at Jane who was in a daze and said, "What's the matter? Are you dumbfounded? Do you believe what I said now? It doesn't matter if you don't believe it. Anyway, people from Asgard will come soon."

Mark is like a prophet, talking about the plots that sound like fairy tales.

But Thor's Hammer has already appeared, will the people of Asgard be far behind?

On the streets of a small town in New Mexico, Mark just walked out of a convenience store, looking at the people at the end of the road, all the plastic bags in his hand fell to the ground.

"Are you surprised?" Sock rushed up and asked with a big hug.

Mark wasn't that reserved, hugging Sock was like turning around in a circle.

"I didn't expect you to find it here! It seems that I have to re-estimate for you." Mark said.

"Sorry, I really had to take a step ahead because of something urgent." Sock was still a little concerned about his hasty farewell.

"It's okay, I'll take you to see a god who landed in the mortal world! This one is amazing. He's the son of God King Odin!" Mark said, and was about to drag Sock to see Thor.

Sock's face changed slightly when he heard it, and he was too calm.

Mark led Sock towards Eric's laboratory.While walking, he said, "Actually, you are from Asgard!"

Sock's face changed slightly, and he looked at Mark in surprise.

Mark didn't look back and said, "Actually, I already knew."

"When did you know."

"When we met for the first time, actually! Isn't life like this? Everyone lives with a mask, talking to people and talking to the devil, just like me. There are too many masks and I don't know which one is I’m gone. Even if I take off the mask and take off the disguise, I don’t know if it’s me.” Mark turned around as he spoke, tears streaming down his face at some point: “You Say I'm wearing a mask now?"

"You still have it."

Mark wiped away his tears and said: "Maybe! I'm still wearing a mask. Let's go! Soon we will be able to meet that downcast prince. But I don't know if I will meet that horned helmet Where is the evil prince!"

"Who knows! That's your favorite god, isn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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